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Assessment 1

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Table of Contents


Beverage Preparation Process..............................................................................................3

Process Flow Chart..............................................................................................................3

Process Metrics....................................................................................................................3

Importance of Outlining Process.........................................................................................4

Process Metrics Analysis.....................................................................................................4

Sigma Limits........................................................................................................................5

Statistical Control................................................................................................................6

Figure 1: Statistical Control Chart.......................................................................................7

Analysis of Cause and Effect Process Variances................................................................7

Figure 2: Cause and Effect of Process Variances................................................................8



Assessment 1


Wild Dog Coffee is a firm established in Detroit that provides a variety of goods using

espresso. The firm is making preparations for possible growth in the form of the establishment of

a new site. The management of the firm desires that the method used to make espressos at the

new site will be analogous to the one used at the original location. Therefore, to make the

process of dealing with internal customers as effectively as possible, a plan for improving the

process has to be devised. According to Periera et al. (2019), the mechanism involved in

studying an approach to enhance its efficiency and value is part of a process improvement plan,

which comprises the overall strategy to improve the process. Because of this, the many facets of

WDC's method for manufacturing espresso will be assessed as part of this plan for process

improvement. These aspects will include metrics, steps, efficacy, and potential areas for

improvement. To facilitate the evaluation, a process flow chart will be designed to depict the

many steps involved in espresso production graphically. The metrics for the process will also be

considered to determine the possible areas for enhancement.

Beverage Preparation Process

Preparing an espresso beverage begins when the customer places their order. The barista

starts by rinsing and warming the cup to maintain the beverage's temperature and prevent it from

cooling. Next, the barista checks the portafilter handle and basket for cleanliness, removing any

old coffee residue that may affect the taste of the espresso. The barista then grinds the espresso

beans and carefully doses the ground coffee into the portafilter. The ground coffee is then evenly

distributed through gentle tapping to remove air pockets and avoid watering water on the surface.

Tamping is done to ensure that there are no remaining air pockets in the ground coffee, and it

also helps to level and compress the coffee to prevent channeling when the water is poured. The

coffee surface is polished using the tamper to make it smooth and flat. The excess dry coffee is

removed from the portafilter, and the group head is rinsed to clean off old coffee grounds that

may affect the taste of the final beverage. The espresso is then pulled from the machine and

served to the customer to complete the order.

Process Flow Chart

Process Metrics

Two different parameters from the preparation phase are considered to refine the

espresso-making procedure. First is the delivery time for client orders, which is the time that

elapses between the point at which the consumer places their purchase and the point at which

they are presented with the beverage. Two, the efficacy of the process refers to the degree to

which the procedure for preparing drinks is carried out successfully. These metrics are essential

parts of the process that must be enhanced to raise the standard of the beverage and the whole

process. In addition, they play a significant role in ensuring that the clients of Wild Dog Coffee

are pleased with the services they receive. According to Votto et al. (2020), it is essential to

measure these components since they contribute to the formation of decisions and the

enhancement of performance.

Importance of Outlining Process

The stages involved in preparing espressos must be defined to facilitate the enhancement

of the process. This is because it gives all of the workers in the firm a standard to follow while

they are making the beverage consumed by customers. In addition, it guarantees that the method

utilized at the first site of Wild Dog Coffee will also be used in the new location, ensuring

continuity. As a result, it fulfills the function of a policy that the leadership of the firm may

implement to ensure uniformity in quality and efficacy in providing service to clients. Because of

this, the firm is now a process-centered organization built on the preparation technique for

espresso. As a result, given that the firm requires a well-defined and reliable method for

producing espresso, it is abundantly clear that Wild Dog Coffee is an organization preoccupied

with its processes. The firm can ensure that it will continue to be competitive in the market by

providing a unique and high-quality product thanks to process centering (Votto et al., 2020). In

addition, ensuring that the process is documented helps ensure that the company's people

understand the process and see it as a definition of the products and services that Wild Dog

Coffee provides.

Process Metrics Analysis

In the previous discussion on the method of producing espressos at Wild Dog Coffee, the

importance of order delivery time as a crucial process statistic was highlighted. Process metrics

will be analyzed to improve the firm's processes using the timings supplied in the corporate

database to prepare beverages. Because of this, fifty different drinks were produced and offered

to customers at the firm's first location utilizing the specified method. A time stamp is placed on

each order when the consumer puts in the order and again when the beverage is provided to the

person. The senior barista claims that the beverages' delivery timings should be two to three

minutes. However, the known process standard deviation is computed continuously to be fifty-

nine point three minutes. These statistics are essential for analyzing the procedure to identify

possible areas for enhancement. As a result, part of the study will determine whether the process

can achieve three sigmas. Argoti & Carrión-García's (2019) definition of 3-sigma refers to a

statistical computation in which the data is referred to within three standard deviations from the

mean. As a result, in the context of Wild Dog Coffee Company, the term "three sigmas" refers to

the process of preparing espresso in a manner that is both effective and provides the most

outstanding possible quality to the company's clients. The lower and upper control limits are

often specified in statistical control charts using 3-sigma limits.

Sigma Limits

All 50 different beverages were selected randomly from the business database and

prepared and served in the same manner outlined in table 1 in the first company location. As a

result, the first stage of the analysis consists of computing the average value of the presented


(22.02+27.32+26.68+24.77+22.61)/ 50 =2.468 minutes

Using the same method, the amount of time it takes to deliver an espresso order to a

customer at Wild Dog Coffee is an average of 2.468 minutes. In the second step of the process,

the variance of the supplied data is computed. According to Argoti & Carrión-García (2019), the

variance is dispersed across the data sets. It is tabulated as the total of the squares of the

difference between each point and the average divided by the total number of observational data.

In other words, the variance is proportional to the square root of the difference between each data

point and the mean. The variations for each of the fifty drinks that were provided are detailed in

table 2 below.

(3.96+3.41+3.48+2.82+3.4) / 50 =0.3414

Therefore, the variance of the fifty beverages provided is 0.3414. The third step is to

calculate the standard deviation of the data. The data that was supplied allowed for the

calculation of the continuous standard deviation, which resulted in a value of 0.5903. Calculating

the 3-sigma, also known as the three standard deviations above the mean, is the very final stage

in the process.

(3∗0.5903) +2.468=4.239

According to the supplied information, the beverage service times are at most 3.43.

Because this result is less than the 3-sigma that was determined before, it suggests that the

mechanism is incapable of functioning at 3-sigma.

Statistical Control

According to the information supplied by the senior barista, the time it takes to deliver a

beverage should fall somewhere in the region of two to three minutes. The number of minutes

required to serve each of the 50 different beverages was, on average, 2.468, with a standard

deviation of 0.5903. A total of 3.05 minutes arrived after considering the mean's standard

deviation. Using these numbers as the limits, it is abundantly evident that the process is not under

statistical control, as the statistical chart below demonstrates for 1, 2, and 3-sigma limits.

Figure 1: Statistical Control Chart

Analysis of Cause and Effect Process Variances

The issues that have arisen while producing espresso for Wild Dog Coffee Company are

outlined in the fishbone diagram that can be seen below (Figure 2). Method, materials,

management, and machine are the four different sub-fields that fall under this umbrella of

difficulties. In terms of the process utilized in the preparation of espressos, an absence of

consistency results in a decrease in quality and delays in supplying the clients. Ineffective

supervision and education of staff members on the significance of utilizing a consistent process

in the preparation of beverages are examples of management issues. Regular alterations to

policies contribute to confusion and diminish the process's overall effectiveness.


Figure 2: Cause and Effect of Process Variances

The inefficient management of the inventory may result in either a shortage or an excess

of the item, which may result in delays and a reduction in the quality of the beverage. The

problems with the machines include frequent breakdowns and a substantial amount of time spent

cleaning by personnel; all of these factors lead to an increase in the amount of time it takes to

deliver orders.


There are a few suggestions for management to consider as they move forward with the

opening of the new shop, and those suggestions are based on the results stated in this paper.

There would appear to be a disparity in the statistical data, which might be the result of variation

in the process being watched. It will be necessary for the marketing team and the operations team

to collaborate closely to reduce the impact of these outliers. Because neither department can

genuinely function alone, they must cooperate in order to develop answers to the problems they


The second recommendation would be to develop a marketing tool that assists consumers

in picking beverages that can be prepared in a shorter amount of time by baristas. This would be

the second tip. For example, a poster board that lists a few suggestions for customers who are

undecided about what to eat, with the possibility of adding an additional incentive in the form of

increased rewards points for selecting certain menu items from the suggested list. Both the

names and the pictures must be interesting enough to capture the attention of people waiting in

line. This will not only speed up the process of actually placing an order for the customer, but it

will also simplify the process of entering an order by creating a single push button that cashiers

can select rather than having to look through multiple menus to find the desired option. This will

speed up the process of actually placing an order for the customer. The simplicity will continue

all the way down to the order fulfillment line, where baristas will build a routine for the selected

recipes so that they are not need to constantly switch between entirely distinct orders.

The last recommendation is to cultivate an atmosphere in which clients do not mind

waiting. Although the objective should always be to improve upon the metrics that have already

been set, one measure that can be put in place to promote customer happiness is to provide a

location that has the atmosphere of a retreat. Customers who are waiting eagerly for their orders

and counting down the seconds until they may leave the establishment might have their mood

altered by the atmosphere, which can be achieved by selecting the suitable color scheme,

furniture, music, and other elements. The objective is to make the experience of shopping feel

like a reward or even a much-needed respite for the client, either before or after they have to

return to their hectic schedule.



The essential metrics will offer the means to reliably assess performance and quantify

customer satisfaction. The new improvement approach, combined with the suggestions, are

meant to provide a strong platform for success. Obtaining data is vital because without it,

improvement would not only be impossible but also impossible to measure and impossible to

manage. It is crucial, given the dynamic nature of business, that these metrics and standards not

be preserved in their current form but rather be subjected to constant reevaluation in order to

facilitate the Wild Dog Coffee Company's pursuit of sustained expansion.



Argoti, M. A., & Carrión-García, A. (2019). A quasi ARL-unbiased u control

chart. International Journal for Quality Research, 13(2), 451.



Pereira, A. M., Silva, M. R., Domingues, M. A., & Sá, J. C. (2019). Lean six sigma approach to

improve the production process in the mould industry: A case study. Quality Innovation

Prosperity, 23(3), 103-121.

Votto, R., Lee Ho, L., & Berssaneti, F. (2020). Applying and assessing performance of earned

duration management control charts for EPC project duration monitoring. Journal of

Construction Engineering and Management, 146(3), 04020001.

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