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Aim: To observe the three samples of leaves

principle : Biodiversity is the collection of the different forms of life on earth. Various levels of
Biodiversity have been studied vigorously by researchers. We can study it at the level of a
small farm, the level of an ecosystem, or even the level of the entire biosphere. The depth of
knowledge we have about it is a small fraction compared to what is truly out there. The objective
of studying biodiversity is similar to most other disciplines that we derive knowledge from that is
to catalogue whatever we know into simple yet relevant forms. According to, “Species
diversity is only one part of biodiversity. To properly catalogue all the life on Earth, we
also have to recognize the genetic diversity that exists within species, as well as the
diversity of entire habitats and ecosystems.”

Materials required: Collected leaf samples.

Procedure: leaves were collected from the campus and were observed.


samples 1 2 3
1. Size large small small

2. Shape oval Circular oval

3. Colour Green and pale Green and pale Green and pale

4. Venation Parallel reticulate reticulate

5. Fragrance Distinct from other Distinct from other Distinct from other
2 samples 2 samples 2 samples

6. Presence present absent absent

or absence
of stock

7. Texture smooth rough rough

8. Presence absent absent absent

or absence
of hair

9. Margin entire dentate dentate

10. Monocot or monocot dicot dicot

11. Special Dark green Light green Dark green



It is apparent through the observations that were made that diversity even among the
same classification of organisms exist, Thus biodiversity exists.

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