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To: Marina

Port of Manila

Notice Of Marine Protest

I, Capt. Mario A. Cueva, Master of M/V Everwin7, a Filipino citizen with legal age. Depost
and say that on the 28th day of October 2022, my Vessel M/V Everwin7 is dock at Manila North
Harbour Pier 12 berth 3 and received instruction from North Port to shift to anchorage area due
to incoming typhoon “Paeng”.

We arrived at the anchorage are with the position of lat 14°37.97’N long 120°52.08’E, which is
given by VTMS Manila and drop our starboard anchor with the length of five shackles on the
water while our port anchor is drop with the length of three shackles. We do this as additional
precautionary measures for the incoming typhoon “Paeng”. As weather forecast by PAG-ASA
that it will hit Manila at about 2000H of October 29, 2022. Due to this, we are on constant look
out for any sign of dragging. At around 1750H of October 29, 2022, we encountered very strong
winds and heavy seas due to typhoon which is forecasted by PAG-ASA that would hit Manila
with the intensity of a signal no.3 typhoon. At around 1840H, our starboard chain got entangled
with the chain anchor and of M/V MC Hunter.

We did all the things we can do to prevent this accident caused by force majeure.

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