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To perform the aforesaid big picture (unit learning outcomes) for the first three (3) weeks of the

you need to fully understand the following essential knowledge that will be laid down in the succeeding
pages. Please note that you are not limited to exclusively refer to these resources. Thus, you are
expected to utilize other books, research articles and other resources that are available in the
university's library e.g. ebrary, etc.

1. Organization is a structured social system consisting of groups and individuals

working together to meet some agreed upon objectives

2. Organizational Behaviour is the study and application of knowledge and theories about how people
as individuals and as groups act within an organization.

3. The vastness of organizational behaviour as a discipline stems from the major contributions of various
field (Robbins, 2009)

a. Psychology b. Sociology

c. Social psychology d. Anthropology

e. Political science

f. Engineering

g. Management

h. Medicine

4. Four organizational processes for achieving organizational performance:

a. Leadership consists of behaviours and traits of individuals who can manage the organization

b. Communication links the organization to its employees and top the environment

where it operates.

c. Decision making provides techniques on how to arrive at good decisions

d. Organizational Change implements the concepts of change, how it is handled and how it improves
organizational performance

5. Effectiveness is the accomplishment of the intended result of purpose.

6. Efficiency is the result of outputs to inputs.

7. Important criteria for organizational success are:

a. Quality involves meeting customer needs and expectations

b. Productivity reflects the relationship between inputs and outputs'

c. Satisfaction is the extent to which the organization can meet the needs of its employees

d. Development is the ability to increase organizational capacity by dealing effectively with

environmental demands
e. Adaptiveness is the ability of the organization to respond to internal and external


8. Approaches to measure effectiveness:

a. Goal Approach assumes the organizations exist for a purpose

b. System's Theory Approach emphasizes that managers must deal with the internal and external
aspects of the organization

9. History of Organizational Behaviour:

a. Early days: scientific management and Hawthorne Studies

Frederick Winston Taylor- the Father of Scientific Management

Elton Mayo-founded the human relations theory

b. Classical Organizational Theory

Henri Fayol- 14 Principles of management Max Weber- French Industrialist who proposed the

structure, bureaucracy

c. Late 20th century: OB as social science d. OB today: The information and Technology

10. Mission statement identifies the reasons for the company's existence

11. Organizational environment continuum explains the structure of the organization how it interacts
with the dynamic forces in the environment.

12. Vision states what the company wants to become and sets the direction where the company is

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