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GE 5 (Purposive Communication)



 The research proposal (from the first page of the Introduction to the last page of
the Methodology) must be 7-10 pages long (however, you may go beyond 10
pages). Note: The number of pages requirement excludes cover page, reference
page and appendices

 Use font size 12 Book Antiqua and observe double-spacing for the Introduction
and Methodology. Apply 1-inch margin on all sides and place page number on
upper right-hand corner of the page.

 For the cover page, the following will be observed:

Title must be all in
uppercase letters and
TOPIC OF THE RESEARCH PROPOSAL boldfaced. Use font size
14. For the other parts on
the cover page, use font
A Research Proposal size 12
Presented to the Faculty of the
College of Arts and Sciences
Silliman University
Dumaguete City Observe single-spacing
between lines

In Partial Fulfillment of
the Requirements for Purposive
Spacing between parts on
the cover page is flexible.
Make sure that the different
parts are presented on one

Name of the group members

must be all in uppercase
letters and boldfaced. Use
font size. Spacing between
names should be single
 For the Reference page, place it right after the last page of the Methods section.
Use APA documentation style and rules in formatting your sources. Provide the
heading REFERENCES (do not use Bibliography). Arrange the sources in
alphabetical order.

 For the Appendix page, append if you have some documents to append such as
the transmittal letter(s) for target interviewees of your study and the survey
questionnaire/interview guide questions (you may replicate an instrument from
a study related to the research proposal). However, the appendix page is
optional. Observe the following heading for several appended documents:
Transmittal Letter

Survey Questionnaire


 The research proposal should have two parts only: Introduction and Methods.

 For the Introduction, follow the organization discussed in class [Context or

Background of the Study, Literature Review, Research Gap, and
Aims/Objectives of the Study (with research questions).

 For the Literature Review, present 3-5 related concepts and/or theories. Discuss
these concepts and theories by providing clear explanations why these concepts
and theories are related to the study. Paraphrase and/or summarize information
obtained from secondary sources and acknowledge by using parenthetical or in-
text citation. Use direct quotation sparingly. In addition to the concepts and
theories, present 3-5 related studies/previous studies. Provide a summary first
of what the study is about and discuss how the study supports or relates to your
proposed study. Then do not forget to cite the source using parenthetical citation.
Remember to paraphrase the information as well.

 Sample in-text citation in APA documentation style:

Freud (2009) contented that………. (p. 21)

It was found out in the study that majority of the respondents….. (Freud, 2009).

 For the Methods, describe how the study will be conducted. Provide
subheadings for the different parts: Research Design, Participants (describing
the characteristics of the target participants and the sampling procedure),
Research Instrument (describing the instrument and the process of gathering the
data), and Data-Gathering and Analysis Procedure (describing how the data
will be gathered and analyzed).

 Required Parts of the Research Proposal:

Cover Page
Body of the Research Proposal (Introduction and Methods)
Reference Page

 VERY IMPORTANT REMINDER: Plagiarism will not be tolerated. No points

will be given to plagiarized work. Observe academic integrity by using your own
words in expressing borrowed information and properly acknowledging the

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