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Geospatial and AHP Approach Rainwater Harvesting Site Identification in

Drought-Prone Areas, South Gonder Zone, Northwest Ethiopia

Article  in  Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing · March 2022

DOI: 10.1007/s12524-022-01528-5(


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5 authors, including:

Endalkachew Sisay Mulualem Asfaw

Debre Tabor University Debre Tabor University


Asirat Teshome Afera Halefom

Debre Tabor University Debre Tabor University


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Geospatial and AHP Approach Rainwater Harvesting Site Identification

in Drought-Prone Areas, South Gonder Zone, Northwest Ethiopia
Endalkachew Sisay Yegizaw1 • Mulualem Asfaw Ejegu1 • Asirat Teshome Tolossa2 • Afera Halefom Teka2 •

Tesfa Gebrie Andualem2 • Melak Abebe Tegegne1 • Workie Mesfin Walle1 • Solomon Enyew Shibeshie1 •
Tiku Melak Dirar3

Received: 20 November 2020 / Accepted: 19 February 2022

Ó Indian Society of Remote Sensing 2022

Drought is one of the most pervasive natural disasters because it depletes natural resource, environment disaster and an
ecosystem devastation that support all forms of life. Remote sensing and geospatial modeling can be used in investigation
of water harvesting through a scientific approach, hence making decision easier and precise. So, this research uses remotely
sensed data and geospatial modeling with analytical hierarchical process (AHP) to identify locations for rainwater har-
vesting structure in the drought-prone area of south Gondar zone. Different thematic layers have been incorporated into the
analysis including soil texture, soil depth, slope, rainfall, land use, distance from road and settlement, and lineament
density. The aforementioned thematic layers were assigned respective weights of their importance by AHP and combined
in a GIS environment to identify the potential site. This study is important to improve agriculture productivity, animal
husbandry, water management and sustainable environment. The results of this study are to prepare map of potential
rainwater harvesting sites. This will allow to build dams to store water, which will be especially beneficial in drought-prone
areas. The suitability map is classified into four potential classes, from highly suitable to not suitable. The results of the
suitability analysis show that 20.25% of the study area is highly suitable, 66.66% is moderately suitable, 4.70% is
marginally suitable, and 8.39% is not suitable. The result of a suitable map is very convenient for decision-makers and
planners to quickly select the sites for rainwater harvesting structure.

Keywords Drought-prone area  Rain water harvesting  Site suitability

Background Isioye, 2012; Maina & Raude, 2016). The global require-
ment for water is intensifying over time due to the rapid
Water is one of the valuable resources required for life, increase in population, with an increase in agricultural and
economic and social development (Bakir & Xingnan, 2008; domestic demands (Buraihi & Sharif, 2015; Saha et al.,
Haile & Suryabhagavan, 2019; Mahmood et al., 2020; 2018; Wu et al., 2018). As a result, it is critical to properly
Singh et al., 2009). Adequate water supply is essential for manage freshwater resources (Mahmood et al., 2020;
the development of all activities such as for drinking water Maina & Raude, 2016). One of these management solu-
supply, agricultural and industrial activities (Ali, 2018; tions is the collection of rainwater (Shashikumar et al,
2018). Rainwater harvesting (RWH) is a method of col-
lecting, storing and conserving rainwater to increase the
& Endalkachew Sisay Yegizaw availability of water for direct use or to replenish ground-
water resources (Adham et al., 2018; Boers & Ben-Asher,
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Debre 1982; Tiwari et al., 2018). For almost 4000 years (Feyen &
Tabor University, Debre Tabor, Ethiopia Shannon, 2009), it has been done in some way or another.
Department of Hydraulics and Water Resource Engineering, Rainwater harvesting systems are advantageous as they
Debre Tabor University, Debre Tabor, Ethiopia provide water at or near points in an area where water is
Urban Land Administration Department, Kotebe
Metropolitan University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing

needed to overcome water scarcity (Mugo & Odera, 2019; majority of the factors have been considered while deter-
Yosef & Asmamaw, 2015). mining suitable site for rain water harvesting structure.
Ethiopia has suffered from great climatic variability Rainwater harvesting is crucial to improve and sustain the
spatially and temporally (Regassa et al., 2010), in turn, agricultural productivity especially in the area that have
causing rain failures that contribute to crop failure, hunger erratic and uneven distribution of rainfall (Rashash & El-
and even famine. Even relatively small rainfall variability Nahry, 2015) therefore, the objective of this study was to
events during the growing season can cause jeopardizing identify criteria that influences the selection of RWH sites
the success of rainfed agriculture (Rockstrom, 2000). In and modeling rainwater harvesting suitable sites for sus-
most of Ethiopia, the cultivated land is rainfed, making tainable agriculture in drought-prone areas of the south
agricultural production insufficient to survive the life of the Gonder zone using GIS and multi-criteria decision analysis
household (Tukura & Feyissa, 2020). According to Tilahun (MCDA).
et al., 2011), about 55% of rural households in Ethiopia
reported that their annual crop production would only last
up to 6 months. If climate variability has occurred, food The Study Area
shortages will be severe (Regassa et al., 2010). When direct
rainfall is insufficient for crop growth, increasing accessi- This study is conducted in Lay Gayint, Tach Gayint,
ble water through water collecting techniques is the most Simada and Ebinat districts, which are drought-prone areas
effective way to ensure long-term production and mitigate in south Gondar zone, Northwest Ethiopia. The total geo-
drought effects (Abdi, 1986; Gupta, 2011; Javaid et al., graphic coverage of the study area is approximately
2016; Khudhair et al., 2020). 7073.79 km2. Geographically, the study area (Fig. 1) is
The identification of acceptable rainwater harvesting situated between 11° 020 and 12° 550 N latitude and 37° 940
sites is a difficult task (Adham et al., 2018; Sayl et al., and 38° 460 E longitude. The elevation of the area varies
2020; Singh et al., 2009). As a result, a variety of from 1190 to 4113 m above sea level. The research area’s
approaches have been utilized to choose suitable sites. The average annual precipitation and temperature are 620 mm
most popular way for locating possible RWH locations is and 27 °C, respectively.
AHP (Krois & Schulte, 2014; Shashikumar et al., 2018;
Wu et al., 2018). In AHP technique, the complex decisions
are organized and analyzed in a structured way based on Materials and Methods
expert’s knowledge.
Remote sensing and GIS modeling for rainwater har- Datasets and Site Selection Criteria Modeling
vesting suitability land analysis and management is a cru-
cial step toward maximizing water availability and land Site selection for the RWH structure requires considering
productivity (Mugo & Odera, 2019). Several researchers different factor and balancing several objectives to deter-
(Gavade et al., 2011; Khudhair et al., 2020; Rashash & El- mine suitable site (Adham et al., 2018). The selection of
Nahry, 2015) use Landsat Satellite image to identify suit- RWH-suitable locations integrates social, economic and
able site for rainwater harvesting structure while Ejegu and physical criteria (Ammar et al., 2016) (Fig. 2). Based on
Yegizaw (2020); Yegizaw and Ejegu (2021) use Sentinel- the literature, the following parameters (Table 1) were
2A satellite images since sentinel image have a better considered (Adham, et al., 2016; Ibrahim et al., 2019;
spatial resolution; therefore, this study used Sentinel 2A Mugo & Odera, 2019; Yemenu et al., 2014): slope, land
satellite image. The choice of suitable sites is critical to the use–land cover, lineament, soil depth, soil texture and
effectiveness of rainwater harvesting systems (Adham rainfall. Aside from the factors, distance from settlement
et al., 2018). Selecting suitable sites for rainwater har- and road were considered as a constraint. The basic dataset
vesting is challenging and required a large amount of used for this study was Sentinel-2A satellite image to
spatial data from different sources (Ali, 2018; Al-shabeeb, prepare the LULC of the study area. During the prepro-
2016; Gavit et al., 2018; Javaid et al., 2016; Khudhair et al., cessing of the satellite image the red, green, blue and NIR
2020; Mbilinyi, 2007; Maina & Raude, 2016; Mugo & bands of the Sentinel images were stacked and subset by
Odera, 2019; Saha et al., 2018; Tiwari et al., 2018; Wu the study area. The supervised classification of the maxi-
et al., 2018). In Ethiopia, investigations on rainwater har- mum likelihood algorithm was used to obtain the land-use–
vesting have been done. Among these, Haile and Suryab- land-cover map.
hagavan (2019), Demeke et al. (2021), Girma et al. (2017) ASTER DEM was used for slope analysis. The soil data
and Dile et al. (2016) all take different methodologies and were used to derive the soil texture and the soil depth map.
use distinct spatiotemporal settings and none of them take Precipitation data for the last 30 years (1990–2019) were
into account all of the well-known factor. In this study, the obtained and interpolated from four meteorological stations

Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing

Fig. 1 Location map of the

study area

(Lay Gayint, Tach Gayint, Simada and Ebinat). Lineament generated slope map was, then, reclassified into four clas-
density of the study area was extracted from the Sentinel- ses from highly suitable to not suitable (Table 2 (a)).
2A 2020 image using Geomatica software. The Ministry of According to Fig. 3a, the slope suitability class accounts
Agriculture provided the research area’s soil map, which 54.12% of the area coverage, and the remaining 45.88% of
was used as input for the analysis of the soil maps. Finally, the area coverage was found in the range between mod-
each factor was classified into highly suitable, moderately erately suitable to not suitable for rainwater harvesting.
suitable, marginally suitable and not suitable for the RWH
structure. Land Use–Land Cover

Runoff, infiltration and evapotranspiration are all influ-

Result enced by land use–land cover (LULC) (Gavit et al., 2018;
Jasrotia et al., 2009; Kadam et al., 2012). Seven LULC
Slope classes were identified (agricultural land, built-up, shrub-
land, grassland, water, forest and barren land). The LULC
The amount of sedimentation and the speed of water flow map was then divided into four classes from highly suit-
are both influenced by slope of the area (Adham et al., able to not suitable (Fig. 3b. Table 2 (b) shows that 0.03%
2018; Shashikumar et al., 2012). Moreover, it is one of the of the study area was highly suitable for rain water har-
most critical criteria in determining acceptable locations vesting, 63.05% was moderately suitable, 26.56% was
for water harvesting structures (Mugo & Odera, 2019). A marginally suitable, and 10.36% was not suitable.
slope map was created using an ASTER DEM. The

Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing

Fig. 2 Diagrammatic
representation of the

Table 1 Criteria for site selection

Criteria Highly suitable Moderately Marginally Not suitable Source
suitable suitable

Slope 0–2% 2–8% 8–30% [ 30% Maina and Raude (2016)

LULC Bare Land Agriculture Shrub and Built-up and Water Bodies Gavit et al. (2018)
Grass land Forest land
Lineament 0.25 0.25–0.6 0.6–1.25 [ 1.25 Mugo and Odera (2019)
Soil texture Sand, loamy sand and Loam, Silt and Sandy clay Clay loam, silty clay loam, sandy Prasad et al. (2014), Maina
sandy loam Silt loam loam clay, silty clay and clay and Raude (2016)
Soil depth [ 100 50–100 25–50 \ 25 Fitsum (2017)
Rainfall [ 1070 1070–1022 1022–960 \ 960 Mugo and Odera (2019)

Lineaments storage (Prasad et al., 2014). Low lineament density is

good for storage due to the rock strata structure formation
Lineament density gives more information on the potential which are free of cracks, allowing for longer water storage
sites of the rainwater harvesting structures (Prasad et al., period (Mugo & Odera, 2019). Therefore, areas with low
2014). Lineament affects surface storage, ground water lineament density were classified as highly suitable, while
recharge and base flow (Maina & Raude, 2016). The high areas with high lineament density were classified as
density of lineaments in the area reflects the fact that the unsuitable. The lineament proximity layer was reclassified
area contains many faults that are not suitable for water into four categories according to the density of lineaments

Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing

Table 2 Suitability classes and area coverage of (a) slope, (b) land use–land cover
Level of suitability Suitability rank (a) (b)
Slope class (%) Area (km ) Area % LULC type Area (km2) Area %

Highly suitable 4 \2 3828.44 54.12 Bare Land 1.89 0.03

Moderately suitable 3 2–8 2697.14 38.13 Agriculture Grass land 4460.17 63.05
Marginally suitable 2 8–30 486.2 6.87 Shrub and Forest land 1878.75 26.56
Not suitable 1 [ 30 62.01 0.88 Built-up and Water Bodies 732.98 10.36
Total 7073.8 100 7073.8 100

Fig. 3 Suitability analysis result

of a Slope, b LULC and
c Lineament

presented in a given area (Fig. 3c. Based on lineament harvesting. The central part of the study area contains
density (Table 3 (a) and Fig. 3c, 9.49% of the study area many faults, so this part was not suitable for water storage,
was highly suitable, 46.25% moderately suitable, 43.97% is while the border, north and south of the study area have a
marginally suitable and 0.29% is not suitable for rainwater low density of lineaments conducive to water storage.

Table 3 Suitability classes and area coverage of (a), lineament and (b) Soil Texture
Level of suitability Suitability (a) (b)
Lineament Area Area % Soil texture class Area Area %
density (km2) (km2)

Highly suitable 4 \ 0.25 670.98 9.49 Water body and rock 12.98 0.18
Moderately 3 0.25–0.60 3272.32 46.25 Silt and Silt Loam 988.83 13.98
Marginally suitable 2 0.6–1.25 3110.24 43.97 Clay loam 256.06 3.62
Not suitable 1 [ 1.25 20.25 0.29 Clay to clay loam, Silt clay and Clay 5815.92 82.22
Total 7073.79 100 7073.79 100

Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing

Soil Texture Wu et al., 2018). Critchley et al. (1992) suggest that deeper
soil is suitable for collecting rainwater. Soil depth in the
Water infiltration, surface runoff and the soil’s water- study area varies from 10 to 120 cm. Based on soil depth
holding capacity are all determined by soil texture (Glen- suitability, 60.08% were highly suitable, 21.94% moder-
denning et al., 2012) (Table 4). The percentages of sand, ately suitability, 14.38% marginally suitability and 3.6%
silt and clay determine the soil texture class (Adham et al., were classified as not suitable for rainwater harvesting
2018). Soils with high infiltration rates are not favorable for (Fig. 4b and Table 5 (a).
rainwater harvesting structures (Fitsum, 2017). Fine and
medium grained soils, on the other hand, are better for Rainfall
rainwater collection structures since they can hold more
water (Ball, 2001). The study area has different types of Rainfall is the highest weighted factor for selection of a
soil texture such as silt, silt loam, clay loam, clay, clay suitable site for rainwater harvesting (Mugo & Odera,
loam to clay and rock outcrops (Fig. 4a). According to Soil 2019). The precipitation data were analyzed over 30 years
Conservation Services (SCS), all soils were divided into (1990–2019) from four metrological stations. Inverse dis-
four groups of hydrologic soil groups based on their per- tance weight spatial interpolation technique was used to
meability, infiltration and soil composition (Table 3 (b). estimate the precipitation for areas that do not have pre-
The soil texture in the study area was classified as highly cipitation measurements, and the interpolated result
suitable, moderately suitable, marginally suitable and not showed that the study area receives precipitation from 892
suitable. Accordingly, 82.22% of the study area was highly to 1171.78 mm (Fig. 4c. For rainwater harvesting, the
suitable, and 3.62% was moderately suitable for construc- distribution of precipitation in the study area was divided
tion of rainwater harvesting structure (Table 3 (b) and into four classes. As shown in (Table 5 (b), 36.62% of the
Fig. 4a). area was highly suitable, 26.42% of the area was classified
as moderately suitable, and the remaining 23.39% and
Soil Depth 13.57% of the area were marginally suitable and moder-
ately suitable, respectively.
Soil depth ensures proper root development and storage of
harvested water (Nketiaa et al., 2013; Shadeed et al., 2020;

Fig. 4 Suitability analysis result of a Soil Texture, b Soil depth, c Rainfall and d Overall constraints

Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing

Table 4 Hydrologic soil group Source (Maina & Raude, 2016; Prasad, et al., 2014)
Soil group Runoff description Soil texture

A Low runoff potential, high infiltration rates Sand, loamy sand and sandy loam
B Moderately infiltration rates leading to moderately runoff potential Loam, Silt and Silt loam
C High/moderate runoff potential because of slow infiltration rates Sandy clay loam
D High runoff potential, very low infiltration rates Clay loam, silty clay loam, sandy clay, silty clay and clay

Table 5 Suitability classes and area coverage of (a) soil depth and (b) rainfall
Level of suitability Suitability rank (a) (b)
Soil depth (cm) Area (km ) Area % Rainfall (mm) Area (km2) Area %

Highly suitable 4 [ 100 4250.36 60.08 [ 1070 2590.42 36.62

Moderately suitable 3 50–100 1552.01 21.94 1070–1022 1868.9 26.42
Marginally suitable 2 25–50 1017.33 14.38 1022–960 1654.56 23.39
Not suitable 1 \ 25 254.09 3.6 \ 960 959.91 13.57
Total 7073.79 100 7073.79 100

Distance from Settlement and Road Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis

Rainwater harvesting sites should be far enough away and The MCDA involves choosing of criteria and decision
located from roads and settlements (Al-shabeeb, 2016; options (Ayalew & Yamagishi, 2005; Wu et al., 2018). Not
Weerasinghe et al., 2011). When the RWH structure is all factors are equally important in determining potential
constructed near to road and settlement, in some cases the areas for rainwater harvesting (Mugo & Odera, 2019).
rainwater harvesting reservoirs may generate flood to Therefore, different factors were assigned different
nearby areas as well as the farmer may prone to waterborne weights. Pairwise comparison, also known as the analytical
disease (Gavit et al., 2018). Therefore, rainwater harvesting hierarchy process (AHP), can be used to accomplish this.
structures should be constructed away from the road and The pairwise comparison method involves comparing each
settlement. For this study, a buffer of 250 m was used for factor with other factor. The weights for each criterion are
roads and settlements. determined using the AHP method of pairwise comparison
As shown in (Fig. 4d, areas having a distance less than matrix.
250 m from roads and settlement were considered as
unsuitable and areas greater than 250 m were considered as
suitable for rainwater harvesting development. Based on Identifying Suitable Site
(Table 6), from the total area 594.55 km2 (8.4%) area was
unsuitable to construct rainwater harvesting reservoirs In this study, AHP approaches were used to build a GIS-
while 6479.24 km2 (91.6%) is suitable. based multi-criteria decision-making procedure, which
allowed for the calculation of weights for each factor and
the identification of appropriate rainwater collecting
structure placements. Adham, Maina & Raude, Mugo &
Odera, and Ejegu & Yegizaw also used GIS-based multi-
Table 6 Settlement and road class value for rainwater harvesting criteria decision-making approach to identify suitable site.
The appropriate site for rainwater harvesting was selected
Class Value Assigned value Area (km2) Area %
considering six criteria and two restrictions based on the
Settlement and road literature (Ibrahim et al., 2019; Mugo & Odera, 2019;
Suitable [ 205 1 6479.24 91.60 Sharma & Kujur, 2012; Yemenu et al., 2014): Rainfall,
Not suitable \ 250 0 594.55 8.40 land use, land cover, slope, soil texture, soil depth and
Total 7073.79 100 lineament were considered as criteria, while distance from
road and settlement was considered as a constraint. ArcGIS

Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing

Table 7 Suitability classes and

Suitability level Rainwater harvesting site Area (km2) Area %
area coverage for RWH
Highly suitable 4 1432.40 20.25
Moderately suitable 3 4715.27 66.66
Less suitable 2 332.44 4.70
Not suitable 1 593.68 8.39
Total 7073.79 100

Fig. 5 Suitability site of

rainwater harvesting

was used to create each criterion map. The weighting cri- Nahry (2015), Maina and Raude (2016), Ejegu and Yegi-
terion was derived by AHP and the weight of rainfall, land zaw (2020).
use–land cover, slope, soil texture, soil depth and lineament The rainwater harvesting suitability class has been
were applied in the weighted overlap are 32%, 26%, 17%, classified into four categories: highly suitable, moderately
14%, 6% and 5%, respectively. Rainfall and land use–land suitable, marginally suitable and not suitable. Highly suit-
cover were the main criteria for identifying areas for RWH able areas cover a total of 1,432.40 km2. These areas were
structure. These results agree with those of Rashash & El- found in the western part of Ebinat, east of Lay Gayint and
southeast of Tach Gayint district. Most of the districts of

Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing

Ebinat and Simada had moderately suitable for the rain- the selected suitable site during construction if these sites
water harvesting structure, which covers an area of are not occupied by other land uses that have high
4715.27 km2. On the other hand, approximately 332.44 and socioeconomic values. The study can further be improved
593.68 km2 of the study area were located in the margin- by incorporating ground water table data that can be used
ally suitable and not suitable classes for the rainwater to identify the most suitable site and validate the result.
harvesting structure (Table 7). The rainwater collection site
selection map showed that Lay Gayint and Tach Gayint Acknowledgements The researchers are thankful to Debre Tabor
University for providing an opportunity to do this research.
district had the highest potential for RWH (Fig. 5). This
study is consistent with those of (Ali, 2018; Gavit et al., Author Contributions All authors contributed to the study design,
2018; Mbilinyi, 2007; Prasad et al., 2014) which indicated acquisition of geospatial data, entry, manipulation and statistical
that areas soils with high water retention capacity and area analysis, data interpretation, manuscript preparation, literature search
having gentle to moderate slopes were suitable for the conception and design. Material preparation, data collection and
analysis were performed by ESY, MAE, ATT, AHT, TGA, BZB,
construction of rainwater harvesting. These results are also MAT, WMW, SES and TMD. The first draft of the manuscript was
agreed with those of Mbilinyi (2007), Ejegu and yegizaw written by ESY and MAE, and all authors commented on previous
(2020), who indicated that areas having gentle to moderate versions of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final
slopes which have a high water-holding capacity were manuscript.
suitable for constructing RWH structures.
Funding The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support
they received from Debre Tabor University.

Conclusion Data Availability The datasets used and/or analyzed during the cur-
rent study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable
Water is the most remarkable natural resource, essential to
maintain an environment and an ecosystem conducive to
all forms of life. Global water shortages are becoming Declarations
more severe, forcing the exploration of the best sites for
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
rainwater harvesting using sound methodology to alleviate interest.
drought. This research attempted to identify locations for
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