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Reading:What is management?

Readthe text summarizingthe differentfunctionsof management.

Whichof the qualitiesmentionedin the Listeningexercisedo you
think are particularlynecessaryfor the five tasksdescribedby


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Write a brief summary of each of the five tasks listed by Drucker.


1 Match up the following words and definitions'
1 corisultant A a planfor achieving success
2 crisis B a newideaor method
3 innovation C a personwitha lessimportant positionin an organization
4 (noun)
objective D a personwho provides expertadviceto a company
5 oromotion E a situationof danger diffculty
6 publicsector F something youplanto do or achieve
7 strategy G the sectionof the economyundergovernment control
g subordinate H whensomeone is raisedto a higheror moreimportant position

2 Thetext containsa number of common verb-noun combinations.Usethe word

combinationsin the box to completethe sentencesbelow

allocate resources deal with crises

measureperformance setobjectives

1 Afteran organization , it hasto make
surethatit achieves
2 Managers haveto findthe bestwayto - allthe human,
andcapital to them.

3 Somepeople betteron theirownwhile

othersworkbetterin teams.
4 Managers theworkof their- andtry to
5 Managers the- of theirstaffto seewhether
6 Topmanagers haveto be prepared
to -
if theyoccurandthenhaveto quick- .

Casestudy: Selectinga ChiefOperatingOfficer

Threecompaniesare looking for a senior manager- a ChiefOperatingOfficerwho
will be responsiblefor managingthe company'sday-to-dayoperations,and making sure
that all operationsare efficientand effective.

ComPanYAis acigarette CompanyB is a

C ompanY C i saP ni vate
manufacturer that has to televisionchannel
softwaredeveloper whose obiectiveis to
modernize its Production thatemploysa Iot bnoadcastProgrammes
systemsin order to of young,creative, that get as big an
become Profitable, in talentedand rather audienceas Possible,
an industry that has undisciplined in ondento maximize
an increasinglYbad advertisingnevenue.

l"{anagementUnit I 13
Which of the following candidatesmight be the most suitablefor the positions
on page 13?Here are some extractsfrom their letters.

CandidateI MJ skills involve helping businesses achieve their objectives.

Throughout my career I have ensured that my suboJdinates
successfully executed the strategies developed by senior
management, delivered results and maximized revenue.


I see my main skills as being abie to communicate with and

motrvate people, to help them develop and accomplish their
objectives, while also working effectively in teams.

At this stagein my career,I see myserfin a challenging
new position
that involvessettingobjectivesand decidinghow the organizationcan
achievethem. I would then concentrateon measuringthe per-formance
of the staff.

Candidate4 M y career demonstrates a n a b ilit y t o a n a ly s e

problems, find solution s a n d imp le me n t t h e m.
f also have strong co mmu n ic a t io n s k i1 1 s a n d
e xperience in explainin g d if f ic u lt d e c is io n s
to employees, investors , jo u rn a lis t s , and so on.

lmagineyou work for a recruitmentagencyor a headhuntingfirm. write an
email of 50-100 words to your boss recommendingyour choice of candidates
for the positionsabove and outlining the reasons.

14 Unit I Management

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