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Dela Cruz, Mary Grace C.

GEE 001B - Gender and Society

1. How do culture and rationality shape people's perceptions of reality?

A nation, people, or other social group's culture is defined by its
customs, arts, social structures, and achievements. People in these
cultures are believed to have difficulty comprehending another person's
point of view since their culture promotes individualism. via language,
conviction, tradition, etc. It has a variety of impacts on it, but early social
interactions have the biggest impact often with our family. Transmission
can occur through verbal or nonverbal cues. For instance, children are able
to read their parents' disgust or distaste when they encounter a specific
type of person, regardless of whether the parent verbally expresses their
prejudice. When individuals are dissuaded from exercising their own
judgment, their only option is to revert to these early consequences of
indoctrination and accept them as fact. The same conditioning process
always defeats attempts to enlarge perspective, such as those made
through religious teachings. It's because everyone of us has a reality that is
merely a matter of perspective. Being a bigot is defined as treating
someone as less than because they don't share our worldview. Instead of
trying to persuade people of our truth, or punishing and attacking them, we
should learn to use it for the good of others, to coexist, and to be able to
understand that our truth is not the only truth, and that's okay.

2. What are the effects of culture on a person's perception of gender and

The attitudes about what is suitable behavior for men and women, as
well as between men and women, are influenced by culture. Gender and
sexuality are closely related because they have an impact on people's daily
lives in a variety of settings, such as the home, family, job, and community.
While some civilizations continue to impose restrictions on people's
freedom of expression, others are beginning to accept and embrace those
who don't fit the mold. As a result of shifting social and economic
pressures, globalization, new technology, armed conflict, and changes in
the law, cultural changes take place gradually but progressively. One day,
these modifications might help people accept one another for who they are,
regardless of their sexuality, gender , or how they identify with either sex or

3. Does rationalities shape sexism and discrimination? If Yes, how, and if

No, why not.
My answer is yes, because women and girls are subjected to sexism,
prejudice, or discrimination based on their gender. One definition of sexism
is the idea that one sex is better or more valuable than the other. It places
restrictions on what women and girls can and should do, as well as what
men and boys are allowed to and ought to do. Violence against women is
said to be exacerbated by sexism. An estimated one in three women
encounter some form of physical or sexual violence at some point in their
lifetime, which is why it is widely recognized as a global problem. It is
generally the outcome of social norms based on sexist beliefs, such as the
idea that males have the authority to punish women and that women
regularly initiate violence, which is sometimes linked to the way they dress
in seemingly provocative ways.

4. How important are the women's ways of knowing?

It is important for every women to know the ways of knowing for them to
considered themselves true knowers or even just to gain acceptance of the
views in a public setting, it is important for every woman to be aware of the
many methods of knowing. A woman will gain more self-assurance in her
ability to express her thoughts and feelings, yet in specific situations, she
might take a step back, consider her options, and then go ahead once
more, much like a flower beginning to bud. She won't retreat indefinitely,
but she will use her capacity for deliberation and empathy for others to
choose the most efficient path to the desired outcome. A woman can
persevere through many circumstances to become a pressed flower, firm in
her beliefs and expectations. Women are not always as delicate as flowers,
but they can be.

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