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(15344) Important Themes in Doctor Faustus - YouTube

Free will and fate

Literary scholar

Fate and freewill have often been discussed and perceived as a life imposed upon
mean by nature, an outer force and agent to subline. Doctor Faustus, the protagonist
is of the opinion “che sera, Sera”. He has a affirm belief in predestination and a fate
which is final and inevitable. It is interesting to notice that throughout the play,
Faustus is never forced for anything neither by the devils nor by the agencies of
good; he always has a choice but, unfortunately, he opts for the worst. Here the
important question remains: is Faustus helplessly driven by destiny or aloomed by his
own poorly are rained free wile.

Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus show the reader that everything in the mortal
world is a double – edged sword. In his never-ending quest for knowledge and
greatness, Faustus exemplifies how even scholarly life can have evil undertones when
ambition is used for unholy purposes.

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