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QUIZ (October 4, 2021): In your own words explain how do you understand the word "Talking

with God" at least 150 words.

Praying is the best way to talk to God, it’s my way of comforting myself when I’m sad, stressed,
depressed or in other words when I’m in my most down moments and I also pray when I’m in my
happiest moment of my life to thank him. So, you see talking to God for me is like talking to a friend you
can confide with, this way I increased my strength physically, mentally, and spiritually. Whenever I feel
drained, I just talk to him and claiming all his promises that he has a greater plan for me and that he will
never do anything that can harm me, I just love it when I feel his presence every time I talk to him, it’s a
joy I cannot explain. If you have a problem that you can’t your family and friends, always remember that
God is just waiting for us to confide in him to confess everything we’re going through. I will always
believe that talking or praying to God is the greatest comfort you can have.

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