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1. Netizens should be held accountable for anything they post in social media.

All netizens must observe

proper netiquette.

2. One of the problems of youth these days is their lack of discipline. Parents should set an example and
do necessary actions to discipline their child(ren). Set rules and support them in their decision-making.

3. Bullying has always been a major problem. Students should take time to look and read the anti-
bullying advocacies as they are not placed for design purposes. Bullying only results to negative
outcomes, both for the bully and the bullied. Bullying must be stopped.

4. Each and on the upcoming days, traffic is getting worse. People should start using public utility
vehicles over private vehicles. Fewer cars on the roads means less traffic. Drivers’ behavior also plays an
important role in traffic congestion.

5. Both parties should settle their issues through diplomatic negotiations and not by force. Disputes
must be solved by peaceful means, violence must always be avoided.

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