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Present – Lots of people die daily because of Covid-19. We are all encouraged to stay at home, wear face
mask and face shield (optional) when going out, use hand sanitizers and maintain social distancing.

Tobacco and alcohol abuse

Present – Tobacco and alcohol may lead to diseases that will ruin one’s overall health and even worse,
death. Diseases such as cancer, heart and lung diseases can be the effect of the abuse of tobacco and
alcohol. At present, millions of people die from the abuse and harmful use of tobacco and alcohol.

Future- Less sales of tobacco and alcohol means less abuse. If tobacco and alcohol still continues their
sales, then the ingredients used must be less strong compared to the ones used. This is to make sure
that the manufacturers do not lose their way of making money.

Mental health

Present – Millions of people suffer from depression and other mental illnesses. The main causes of these
are personal issues, family conflict, substance abuse, physical health problems, bullying, and many more.

Future – Less cases of depression and mental illnesses. People are happier, showing their bright smiles
unto us. Fear, anxiety, uncertainty and depression are less evident to people all around us. Unity starts
rising, trust and faith gets restored for a better community and a brighter tomorrow.

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