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CONDUCTION: -Touching a stove and being burned -Ice cooling down your hand -Boiling water by thrusting a red-hot

piece of iron into it CONVECTION: -Hot air rising, cooling, and falling (convection currents) -An old-fashioned radiator (creates a convection cell in a room by emitting warm air at the top and drawing in cool air at the bottom). RADIATION: -Heat from the sun warming your face -Heat from a lightbulb -Heat from a fire -Heat from anything else which is warmer than its surroundings.

Joy And Sorrow Of Life

Joy and Sorrow Of Life is misleading since it should have been Joy and Sorrow is life. Reason being that these two words are what constitute life. These two are like day and night; when one is gone the other arrives. Joy brings us happiness and news of sorrow forces us to frown.

Joy and Sorrow can be compared to the game of see-saw when joy forces us up in the air and make us feel above everyone else and we start feeling proud, egoistic and start thinking high of ourselves. Then, the next moment sorrow pushes us down drowning us into the pits of despair, low confidence and we end up pitying ourselves. And daily life of a human being keeps oscillating between these two states of mind. If we look at Indian scriptures, it is stated at more than one place that the one who is serene and calm in Joy as well as in Sorrow is said to have lived the life of a real human being (according to our religious scriptures). The above mentioned realization requires changing the mindset or attitude. We must not be depressed in times of sorrow because sorrow arrives only to make us stronger and to face the future hard ships with more strength and conviction. So next time let not our sorrows win over us but we must learn from them and prepare for the future. Chanakya, the most respected guru in Indian mythology once said Sorrows bring with them the opportunity to learn and stand up again with much more enriched experience of life. Failures and sorrow keep us grounded. Similarly, when it comes to joy, since we know that it would also be short-lived just like sorrow, we need to make sure we donot imburse ourselves so much into it that we forget to understand and live life the real way. So we must accept Joy and Sorrow as they come in our life not being affected by them too much, we must always remember the life goes on, whatever conditions arrive passes with time. It is said: Come what come may, time and hour runs through the roughest day If we look at one aspect of life, we get to learn and appreciate about the other. When we are in sorrow we always seek joy, and when we are in joy we are able to understand the learning from the painful times we have spent. Sorrows make the joyous moments more pleasant and cherishable. And we look at both the aspects in one go; we get the actual essence of life.

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