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“Intercambios, opiniones y debates”

Camilo Adrián Castrillón Ocampo

Gabriel Alberto Quintero Ibarra


Ficha 2374463
Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA Centro de Servicios y Gestión Empresarial
Análisis y Desarrollo de Sistemas de Información
22 de Noviembre del 2022

Gabriel: Hi Camilo how are you.

Camilo: Well, thank God and your Gabriel

Gabriel: Very Good

Gabriel: go figure that I am working on a new project and I decided to work with Python, it seems
to me that it is better than java, what do you oppose about that?

Camilo: I believe that java is better since you can create software for mobile devices.

Gabriel: In my opinion, Python has a simple and easy to understand syntax.

Camilo: Java is a general-purpose programming language therefore it becomes the most

competitive in the market.

Gabriel: yes, but python due to, mis a versatile language that can have multiple applications.

Camilo: Java is a very broad language, as a result it allows you to create different software.

Gabriel: People have been working with Python for a long time, which means that it is a language
that has more experience in the market, because of this it can be said that it is better.

Camilo: From my point of view, it seems to me that you are giving a lot of relevance to the
program with which you work, in the end all programming languages are good

Gabriel: Yes, you're right Camilo, everyone has something good to contribute and as for the
program language, well, you could work with another one as well.

Camilo: Well Gabriel, I'm leaving because I have to work, we're talking.

Gabriel: Bye Camilo, have a great time

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