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europe called lies in greece

zeus (bull) father of the gods fell in love with europa, daughter of the
phoenician(lebanon) king sidon. bull swam with europa to crete. bull took human
form.and asked to be his queen.
crete exported olives to egypt.
Minoans - first civilization in europe\read and write[ adopted writing system from
the phoenicians} their alphabet is mother of all european writing system.

greeks follow minoan writing system. europian and cyrillic alphabet have origins in

athens first democracy rule by the free people (women and slaves did not)
demo- 3 institutuins 1 basic law, constitution 2 parliament ecclesia 3 independant

destroyed by the rising of the Macedonian kingdom (military dictatorship)

churchil about democracy- worst form of government

influence by money - plutocracy

powe of the public word - Demogogues (leader of the people) name given by greeks to
their gifted orators.good in the beginning. personnal interest entered and
marathon named after a city in greece- democratic game- thin fat old anyone could
first runner ran alone 40 kms to announce the victory of the greeks over persian
army (superpower) - Philippedes. marathon to the marketplace of athens.Fell dead on
the ground informing that the remaining persian army is appraoching.
victory at marathon against persians. 490 bc. allies - corinth athens and sparta
called their homeland europe.

alexander the great captures all greek city states except Sparta.\wants to spread
greek culture. dominates asia.\
greek explorer Pytheas sets sail to Marseille\ finds in northern euope a people
called Celts ( the brave ones) 150 cities build north of alps.
celts - no kingdom- tribal groups - shared customs- when threatened they close
ranks- expanded their culture till brittania in 1 century bc. buys wine from the
greeks, also good metalworkers.

pantheon in rome is of greek architecture.

ceaser julius have to plunder. only place is of the celts or as romans call them
the Gauls.300 years before celts had plundered rome.
comentarii de bello gallico ( cesasers acccount) vercingeterix surrenders after 6
years of fighting- battle of alesia.he is a french hero.only celts of the british
island remain.
ceaser- semi god- meglomania. victory parade. he dresses as jupiter.presents his
important trophy. vecingeterix.
senate choose ceaser dictator for life.
roman republic turns to empire
imperium romanum.
others in europe invoke the title ceaser.
kaiser, czar, napolean....
augustus ceasor heir to throne united the whole empire. first time an image of a
emperor on a coin.
connected europe by roads and laws.

everyone equal before law. pax romana- lead to loose morals.

germananics and scots offer stubborn resistance to be assimilated to rome.
rather than subduing, they seal themselves off with Hadrainas wall between england
and scotland. named after emperor hadrian who commisioned its construction.
\also defense system against germanic tribes called LIMES 550km cultural border
that cuts throughout europe along the rhine and danube rivers.
roman side civilized a million during augustus
other side germania thinly populated a gigantic natural reserve.
historian tacitus retells the marital fidelity of germanic and slavic tribes. beer
they drink to excess.
occasionally the NUMERII a roman rapid response force charged to take hold of a
bandit.raids against wealthy romans by them.

when huns came, these barriers did not work.slowly different tribs enter roman
empire as refugees and conquerers slowly.
ad 395 empire divided w and east.
franconia of germans arise in europe.
476 end of roman empire by odoacer dethrones the child emperor of title
rex italiae.

roman emperors loves obelisks- antenna to the gods.egyptian.

istanbul asian europe.

st. paul came to tarsus in todays turkey.
hagia sophia 1453 ottoman conquer constantinople.
york, england where constantine the great named roman emperor in 306.(quarter
emperor) one of four.
312 truimphal procession victory at milvian bridge. like ceaser he goes to the
jupiters temple. but midway tuns around. Constantinian shift.
new capital, bosporos or byzantium. constantinople,

ireland - emerald isle never conquered by romans.

6th century irish missionaries to europe.
4th century patrick explains h trinity with cloverleaf. national symbol.
monks act of penance- peregrenatio per christo.
6th century monks columbanus and gallus with 10 others. as 12 apostles went to
brings christaianity to gallia (switzerland), italy, gallicia and even to iceland.
columbanus responsible for 300 monasteries in the frankish empire alone. they
brought the church bells to europe. columbanus and gallus. destroyed pagan temples.
gallus remain in switzerland. saint gallen is named after him.a monastery
constructed above his grave unesco heritage now.

reims (pronounced rais) clovis after defeating the alemanni baptised
day ad 500.
3000 warriors also baptised.
Aachen (AAhen) rome of the north of charlemagne.

711 muslims of n africa arrive in spain 7 years to conquer.beaten in tours by

charles martel. islamic emire of al andalus in the iberian peninsula. capital
cordoba.meghacity with half a million residents.

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