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Appendix 1 : How to give a good presentation

A checklist
A 100d presentation
• is well-planned, with a clear. l<>g1Cal suucture
• has clec1randexphc1thnksbetwttntheparts
• h,n1nformat1ontha1,srelevanttotheaud,ence
• has a memorable 1ntroduel!on and l\n,sh

In preparation the speaker.

• plans the presentation thoroughly What ,s the purpose o f the presenta!IOl'l - ID ,nform, to
persuade, to rev,ewJ What mformat,on needs to be commurnca te<P How will rhrs mlormc1uon be
structured ?
• thinks about the audience Who are they· colleagues, busmess partnef!i, customers? How formal
or ,nformal does the p res entation have to be) How much does the audience know about the
subject?llowlongwilltheybeabletocOl'ICentrate? 1S the1rl'lrs11ariguage?
• th1nk5 aOOut how visua l aids can help the audience undel!itand what iS bemg !ii!•d

Ourln1 the presentation the speaker:

•speaks loudly enoogh to be heard by everybody
• doesn't speak too fast or too slowly
• does not read a prep<!red text, but Improv1ses from notes or visual aids
• pauses foremphas1swhennec:essary
• looks relaxed, posI1Ive and confident
• seemscompetc nt,orgarnzedandenthus1ast 1c
• makeseyecon1actw1ththeaud1ence
• uses appropriate body language and gestures to convey meaning.

The Introduction to a presentation should contain-

• a welcome to the audience Good morn,nglaftemoon. l.Jciies ¥Id gentlf-me-n
• (perhaps)athanlc youtothcaud1ence Th;,nkyou~lo,corrnng tOd.Jy
• yournameand pos1t10n!,i necessary) My..aners Mldl'mtne
• thesub1ectorntleofyou rpresen1ation
rne~1 ofmyta11< is
Tl\lsmom,og I·,.,P'l! to ta .• aoou:
lhethemeof ...... 1)1'-taf;OnlOO,JV,S
• a statement of the purpose of your presentation
becauselMIS ~ - -all haVO:' to lhri.Jboot.,the1utu,e
becauseyc,u WII Der ~ lorcariy,ngovt theseoewproc:eoure-1
• {perhaps) a statement ol ength of !Jme you will take
l'm go,ogtotalklor.tlo.11 \ S~~ute-1
My p,=:a:,on ... tau mou: 20 ......,tes
• anoutlmeofthestructureofyourpresenta11onlalis1olthemampo1mstobecoveredl
Mypresentatloowill be inlour parts
l'ved,v,dedmyta lk,ntothreepa,h
Forst Secood ... Thord
In the ~rst pan
Then .. . Alterihat Next
• Iperhaps)astatementofwhentheaud1encemayaskquestions
11the<e's anyth"'g you dorn ,mdersw,d. please dorn hesitate to Interrupt

l"dapprec,ate,t,f you wouldsMeanvqoe-;toonsuntoltheend

! he main part of a presen!ation Is the most dil6cult Beginnings and ends o! tal~s otten contain
similar phrases. but m the main part you give your audience the 1nformat,on they have come to hear
Ifyou havesaid1nyourint1oductionthatyouaregorngtod1videyourpresentat1onmtoseveral
parts, youshou~clea rly signalthebegmrnngandeodofeachofthesepartsastheyoccur
ThM co~letes the first p.,n. so now we come to
SO.Lo~on tothe'.>e'Coodp., rtolmyt.tlk
Th;1tcoocludes1he'.>e'Cond part , solef~mo,,,eonto
lhat"Sa lll wantlos.y•boot sounles~youhaveanyq~t,or,slel'Sturn to

The endln1 should:

• include a clear sign~I that you have ~n ished or are about to finish the last point
Th.ttendsthe1h ir
lharsall rmsomg tosayabout
, boefiy summarize the main information•
So. to sum up
l"ll endbyemph..w,n11Ihemain pomts
SO now I'll fllSI sum=nre my three m•m pomts again
• perhaps draw some logical conclusions from what · fn~ meansthatSPtakersott en
m-,te trie,rmos1,mpa,tantp0,nti,
has been sa id
Sowhatweneedt odonow ,s thre-e tomes inthem1roc1uc11on.1r,py
tell the..,,doence " ·n.t tr,pyarego,ng
Thissllowsl hat wehaveto
SO. to conclude. I have two recommendations to tell them, ,ntht=•npanofthe
t•ll< , theys.iyit, andinthesumma1y
• perhaps1ncludeathanksforlistening
ano conclus>0n. theytellthtaud,ence
"'l.!t!neyhave1ust! oldthernfh1s
snoulo =~ecertamt ha1 everyone
includea n lnvitationtoaskquestions he¥stht'~eyp0mtsatlentoo ce•
and Mw l"d 1,~e to ln.,,,te yaur comments l hevwo,n nece-ss."tyallhea, them
NOW I'd be intere-;ted 10 hear ycuf commenh
1irtt tomes.becausethevwon'tall
Right. does ¥1yone have any qo~,ons or comments' beconcenttalln8allthet,me
Nowwe hi!ve 20 mtnutes tor discussion
Answerin1 questlons canbedilhcultbecauseyoucan·tpreparetor ,1 (Youm,ght eventh,nk·'t
exp la,nedevery1h1ngperfectty,so ....tiyaretheyaskil'lg questJOOSnButyoushould
• welcomequestionsandllstencarefully(andlookatthequestiol'ler)
• notinterrupt thespeakei-
• cl arilytheexactmeanmgolthequest10r11fyouarenotsure
SO,ry,ldodn'tc•tch lhll
s.o,,y, I'm not wreil l'velll'l<lerst()(l(l eXKIJ\I
If l' ,e lll'l<lerstood 'f'O'-ICO,=tly, you want tol<now•,wtrl'
lS thlt
• ta ket,me tothl nk - briefly - beloreyouanswer,ilnecessary
• beasbriefandd,rectaspossible
• bepohte
• checkthatyourquestioner is satis!iedwithyooranswer

Sometimes, 11 iS ,mposs,ble to answer a questlOfl, because

itlsnotrelevantt oyour present atiOo
I'm • tr•id th.ii doestn re.lly rN\e tomyt~ Pemaps rou could d&U'SS lNt with -
· for some reason yOtJ don't want to give this informat,on
I'm a1,aid rm not"' a poMJOn tocOffWl'lO!ffl ontlla!
l'm notrNlythe r,ghtpersonto'"51caboo!11\,t Perhap\ -couldhelp'
you simply don't know the answe1
t'mafraid1 don·1ti.i.e1hltonlorm.011onWllhme,bu11wi1try.ridindouc.naetl:l«ktol'QU
Thll 'sa difficultquestion10.....swe, in afewwoo:ts COuldwelall:abooAlhltlate-1

• Attheend, thankyouraudience (againl

Listening, seeing and doing

In a presentation, it's important to think about yoor audience and how they are going to understand
your mes-.age. Different people have different learning styles, whieh affect how they take in
SOme people learn by hsterwng, and remember things they have heard. These people are clearly
atanadvantageatpresentatlon s
some people learn by domg, remember thlnjS they have oone. and don"! hl:e slttmg still for a long
1,me Such people are obviously at a disadvantage when they h.Jve to sit st1Nduring a presentation.
some peop le learn by watching, remember things they have seen. find xraphs, charts and
diagrams very useful, and need to write lhin11s down to remember them.
Speakers can help people who learn best by watching- and probably eve<yone else too -by
using vlsn l 1ids as well as talking, that the audience are usifli at least two seoses

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