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Lomba Peneliti Belia Nasional 2022

Tonggotua Sormin; Restu G Simangunsong
Rikardo Saragih, S.pd.

Introduction Research methodology

The flood disaster in Lintongnihuta District is now The method we use in this research are:
a disaster that often worries the people in this area. This
condition is getting worse due to land subsidence in the
a. The research method used in the preparation of this paper
Dolok (peak) Margu area due to sand mining activities. is qualitative which provides an explanation regarding land
This research is focused on predicting the area of land subsidence by collecting data through library activities and
subsidence in Lintongnihuta District. This study also field surveys as well as collecting the data obtained and
describes an analysis of data related to the topographical then reviewing the data so that it is truly accurate.
characteristics of the land in th e Lintongnihuta District so
that land subsidence occurs .
b. There are two variables in this study, land subsidence as
This research also examines how sand mining
the dependent variable and mining activity as the
activities trigger land subsidence and also how land
independent variable.
subsidence causes flooding in the Dolok Margu area. The
topography of the area is gently sloping and even steep
when it rains, the potential for flooding in the area c. In analyzing the experimental results (data) and
Lintongnihuta is very high , especially if there is no comparing this study with other studies, the authors used a
vegetation as a flow barrier or water runoff . descriptive analysis method, namely observing land
subsidence areas and then telling and giving related
Land subsidence is related to natural phenomena
descriptions land subsidence so readers can understand it
and the environment that built by humans like floods.
Therefore it is necessary to conduct research to find out
whether this land subsidence is one of the elements causing
flooding in North Sumatra. The data needed in this study
includes spatial data, namely the Map of North Sumatra.
And after successfully analyzing how drop soil this can
cause flooding, will be explained regarding alternative
solutions and prevention.
Results and Analysis 2. How Does Mining Activity Cause land
1. Definition of Land subsidence

Figure 2. Land subsidence process

Mining activities are activities of managing natural
resources in the soil in the form of sand, petroleum, coal,
gold, silver and so on. This activity is an activity that is very
influential for human life.

Figure 4. Soil conditions in Dolok Margu

Source :

Land Subsidence is the process of subsidence of

the soil surface from its original state due to various
activities man.

Land subsidence occurs due to scientific factors as

As happened in Dolok In Margu Village,
well as human activity factors, such as due to mining
Lintongnihuta District, activities Sand mining has brought
activities which erode the soil surface and result in the
enorm ous progress to the area around mining, especially in
widening of soil pores so that they shrink.
the economic field.

This sand mine adds to PAD (Regional Original

Figure 3. Land subsidence in Dolok Margu
Income) in Dolok, Margu Village, and even in the
Lintongnihuta District. However, this economic progress
must still pay attention to the preservation of natural
resources. Exploitative mining activities will disrupt natural
ecosystems, including land subsidence events this.

Land subsidence due to mining activities can occur

due to changes in the geological structure of the soil
Author documentation
resulting in land subsidence or land subsidence because the
constituent elements of the soil are decreasing.
This land subsidence can cause serious things
including natural disasters such as floods and even impacts
the most terrible is the sinking of an area. If land
subsidence continues to occur it will result in a higher sea
level position than the ground level, this is currently being
investigated and resolved.
Table of composition of sand mining materials After further investigation, it turned out that in
Dolok, the Margu area, Lintongnihuta District, is a land that
NO Name Composition in sand quarry
has a much higher land elevation compared to other areas,
so it is not surprising that there is land subsidence in this
Mountain area.
1 60 %
Based on the information that has been explained
that it is very possible and will be the worst possibility if it
2 Clay 15 % is not addressed immediately, flood disasters in the next few
years will be prone to occur in this area.
3 Mixture 25 %

Figure 6. Floods in Lintongnihuta District

In Dolok Margu Village, the impact of mining
activities is already being felt, just imagine that every day
more than 300 tons of soil composition in this mining area
decreases, or in a year the composition of the soil in this
area decreases by around 109500 tons which causes the
topography of the land surface to shrink by around 1.47
meters . This decline is still one year, meaning that in the
next few years this land will be much lower than other areas
and will trigger uncontrolled run off so that flooding can no Source:
longer be avoided.
oloksanggul_lintong_nihuta_gunung_arus_lalu Lintas_macet .
Land subsidence occurs continuously, causing this
area to be prone to flooding, especially considering that the
topography is classified as a plateau, causing the area The existing settlement of Lintongnihuta is famous
around Dolok Margu to feel the effects of this land for its hilly morphology and has a very high humidity level
subsidence. so it has a high level of rainfall, this is also inseparable from
the influence of Lake Toba which has a very high dew level.
The rainfall rate in almost the entire area of North Sumatra

3. How land subsidence triggers flooding is 800-4000 mm per year resulting in an increase in the body
water level, so that the water level in Dolok Margu Village
Figure 5. Condition of Dolok Margu Land Area is higher than the ground level.

What's more, because the position of settlements

and rice fields tends to be in the lowland topography, many
settlements are often flooded. In fact, there are around 134
fields which are often damaged by floods due to land
subsidence as a result of this mining activity.

Author Document
fast, and if the supporting plants are not present then the

This will obviously get worse if mining activities water will rush straight to the settlements and agricultural

continue. It will even have an impact on reducing the supply areas.

of agricultural commodities in the Dolok Margu area and its Figure 7. Sand mining activities in Dolok Margu in the

surroundings. In fact, if we review one of the objects of sale first month

of mining commodities in the form of sand mixed with clay,

are farmers. Because this clay can be used as organic
fertilizer and processing media for plant seeds. However, it
would be a shame if the plants that thrived due to the help
of this clay were damaged by flooding as a result of this
mining activity.

Land subsidence can be caused by several factors,

namely natural factors, groundwater extraction factors,
and building factors and mining activities. The natural
Author Documentation
factors of land subsidence can be divided into 2 types,
If too much exploitation of natural resources is
namely geological cycles and sedimentation in the basin
carried out, the reaction of rock weathering and soil erosion
will get worse and end with land subsidence.
However, if you take a closer look Geologically,
North Sumatra Province has complex structures and rocks Figure 8. Land Condition after two months of research
and has experienced several collisions from
tectonic processes due to its position at the confluence of the
Eurasian plate to the east and the Australian plate to the
west. Maybe this is what supports land subsidence in Dolok,
Margu Village Area.

Mining activity is one of the community activities

that can change the geological structure of the earth, maybe
this has been felt by the people in Dolok. Margu village
area. Author Documentation
Land subsidence due to mining activities occurs Here it can be concluded that the influence of
due to changes in the structure of the earth's composition, mining activities is very large on the dangers of land
rocks and sand which act as a support for the soil surface subsidence especially in densely populated urban areas and
play a major role in inhibiting the process of soil erosion the coastal areas of Jakarta. Problems caused by
and weathering of rocks and other earth constituents. subsidence will affect the stability of the soil which may not

If the composition or structure of the rocks and be controlled in the future.

sand in the lithosphere layer in the area around this mine The area in Dolok Margu Village, Lintongnihuta

will change and have an impact on the ease of landslides in District is a highland area. District Humbang incitement

this area because the pore conditions of the soil have located at an altitude of 330-2075 m above sea level.

become increasingly stretched so the cohesive capacity is The Humbang Hasundutan Regency, which is
decreasing. located at an altitude below 500 m above sea level, covers
Plus on subtraction the vegetation around the sand part of the big Pakkat and Tarastar sub-districts, 500-
mining area makes no more adhesive roots sustain land, 1000 m above sea level covering the sub-districts of
more circumstances the crooked slopes make the water run Tarastar, Baktiraja, parts of Pakkat and Parlilitan sub-
districts, altitudes between 1000-1500 m above sea level mm/year and 43% sunshine. Maybe because of this
covering the Districts of Doloksanggul, Pollung, topography, some areas in North Sumatra can be prone to
Lintongnihuta, Paranginan, Onan Ganjang, Sijamapolang, flooding which is characterized by hilly areas and also
parts of Pakkat and Parlilitan sub-districts, altitude above surrounded by the sea so that the humidity in this area is
1500 m above sea level covers Dolok area Pinapan. very high plus high rainfall which further supports the

If seen from the slope of the land which is adverse effects o f this Land subsidence .

relatively flat, only 11%, sloping 20%, and sloping 69%.

This Dolok Diolok Margu Village is an area that has a slope
4. How to Overcome the Effect of Land
of 69%, so the speed of water runoff is very high and has a
very large potential for flooding . Subsidence As One of the Causes of
Figure 8. Land slope at Dolok Margu
1. Reduce mining activity
The area of Dolok Margu Village, Lintongnihuta
District, is one of the areas in North Sumatra which
plays an active role in mining activities in North Sumatra.

Figure 9. Dolok Margu Mining Activities

Author Documentation

Based on its topography , North Sumatra is

divided into 3 (three) parts, namely: east relatively flat, the
middle part is undulating to hilly and the western part is
undulating plain, probably peak .
Author Documentation
The Margu area is a hilly area in central Indonesia.
However, it turns out that this is one of the reasons
This area is a fertile area, high humidity with relatively high
why the decline ground level react quickly in this area.
rainfall as well.
Though results Mining in this area plays a major role in
This area has high economic potential, so it tends
development in the Dolok Margu area and its surroundings,
to be a lot occur misuse of natural resources. Floods also
but still has to pay attention to environmental sustainability
frequently hit the area due to reduced forest conservation,
analysis so that it can still be enjoyed by the next
erosion and silting of rivers. In the dry season there is also a
generation and prevent an increase in flood intensity in the
shortage of water supply due to the critical condition of the
area in the Lintong Nihuta area.

The highland area of Dolok Margu is large and

mountainous, has variations in soil fertility, climate,
2. Do Stockpiling of Soil in Shrinking Areas
topography and contours as well as areas with unstable soil
structures.. Fixing a bad thing is the wisest course of action.

The climate in North Sumatra includes a tropical The same goes for mining activities this, Mining sand

climate which is influenced by trade winds and monsoons. conducted with terracing techniques or using terraces that

78%-91% average humidity, precipitation (800-4000) have sequential heights or often called stairs. So when the
bottom area has been scraped off, it will move to the next maximum losses as well. Indonesia's nature has been
terrace area. So the ground level is different. Now, the area damaged by the times and no longer needs to be
that has shrink age is what we need to stockpile so that supplemented by economic activities that damage
when it rains it speeds up run-off will be reduced. environmental sustainability. Nature is not an industry, but
nature is our home, shouldn't we take care of our home? As
3. Reforestation of Plants Around the Mine
wise and prudent individuals, we should be able to
preserve our environment so that it can be maintained for
Plant is one of the indispensable components in the next generation.
the regulation of human life. The fewer plants in an
ecosystem, the more there is a high probability of a natural
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