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Once upon a time, there was a big tree in the forest that was said to be haunted

by a white lady. The legend went that the white lady was once a beautiful woman who
had been wronged and had died of a broken heart. Her spirit was said to still linger in
the tree, seeking revenge on those who dared to come near.
Despite the warnings, a group of friends decided to camp near the tree on a
dare. As they set up their tents, they couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched.
They shrugged it off and went to bed, but strange things began to happen throughout
the night.
The friends were awakened by strange noises and rustling leaves. They saw a
ghostly figure of a woman dressed in white, standing at the base of the tree. They were
paralyzed with fear, unsure of what to do. The white lady began to climb the tree, her
eyes fixed on her friends.
The friends tried to run, but they found that they were unable to move. They were
trapped and at the mercy of the white lady. Suddenly, the white lady reached the top of
the tree and let out a blood-curdling scream, sending the friends running in all
They never spoke of their experience again, but they all knew that they had been
visited by the white lady of the big tree. From that day on, the friends avoided the forest
and never dared to camp near the tree again.
1. What is the name of the tree?
2. What is the legend about the tree?
3. Who is the white lady?
4. Why did the friends camp near the tree?
5. What did the friends experience throughout the night?
6. Why did the friends find it hard to run away from the white lady?
7. What did the white lady do when she reached the top of the tree?
8. What did the friends do after the white lady's scream?
9. Did the friends ever spoke of their experience again?
10. Did the friends ever camp near the tree again?
Bonus Question: What is the possible title of the story?
Once upon a time, there was a boy named Clent. Clent was a typical student,
always eager to learn and excel in school. He had a passion for math and science and
was determined to become an engineer one day.
One day, Clent's teacher announced a science fair that was going to take place
in a few weeks. Clent knew this was his chance to shine and immediately began
working on his project. He decided to build a robot that could clean up litter in the school
yard. He spent every free moment researching and building his robot.
On the day of the science fair, Clent's robot was a hit. It impressed both the
judges and his classmates. It was able to pick up litter with a high success rate and was
even able to separate recyclable materials. Clent was ecstatic when he learned he had
won first place in the fair.
The school principal was so impressed with Clent's robot that he decided to
implement it in their school's cleaning routine. Clent felt proud of his accomplishment
and knew that this was just the beginning of his journey as an inventor and engineer.
Comprehension questions:
1. What is Clent's passion?
2. What did Clent decide to build for the science fair?
3. How did Clent spend his free time leading up to the science fair?
4. How did Clent's classmates and judges react to his robot?
5. Did Clent win the science fair?
6. What did the school principal decide to do with Clent's robot?
7. What did Clent feel after winning the science fair?
8. How was Clent's robot different from the other projects at the science fair?
9. How did Clent's robot help the school?
10. What does Clent want to become in the future?

Bonus Question: What is the possible title of the story?

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