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Access Practice Exercise - 1

1. Create a new database called Recipes.

2. Create a new table to hold the different supermarket areas from which you can buy
ingredients. When you have defined the fields, enter data as shown below:

Area ID Area Name

1 Dairy
2 Baking
3 Fruits & Vegetables
4 Non Veg.
5 Local Market
6 Grocery
7 Other

Your table should contain two fields, as shown above

3. Create another table called Recipe to hold your favorite recipes. Here is what this might
look like:

Recipe ID Recipe Name

1 Cake
2 Biryani
3 Pizza
Here we will add the ingredients for two recipes, but feel free to choose different ones

4. Finally, create and populate a table to hold the ingredients that you need to buy - this might
look like this:

Ingredient ID Ingredient Name Area ID Recipe ID Quantity

1 All Purpose Flour Baking Cake 300 grams
2 Onion Fruits & Vegetables Pizza 2 big
3 Cheese Baking Pizza Pack of 10
4 Eggs Baking Cake 2
5 Rich Cream Dairy Cake 500 ml
6 Rice Grocery Biryani 150 grams

5. This should work like this:

This is what the final diagram of design should look like

Access Practice Exercise - 2

Create a database for a video library.

A video library has members subscribed which can rent a video CD or DVD of films.

In this database, design following five database tables.

1. Video
2. Category
3. Film
4. Member
5. Rental

1. Structure of Video table must be as below:

Field Name Data Type Description

VideoID AutoNumber Unique Video Number
FilmID Number Which film this is for
Withdrawn Yes/No Whether the video has been

Set - Default Value = No

Condition Memo Notes on the condition for this video

2. Structure of Category table must be as below:

Field Name Data Type Description

CategoryID AutoNumber Unique Category Number
CategoryName Text Name of the Category
ColorCode Text Which Color is used for the Category
to store on shelf in the library

3. Structure of Film table must be as below:

Field Name Data Type Description

FilmID AutoNumber Unique Number, each film is assigned
a new number
FilmName Text Name of the film, assuming no two
films will have same name
RentalPrice Currency Cost of Rent per Night

CategoryID Number Which category the film belongs to.

4. Structure of Member table must be as below:

Field Name Data Type Description

MemberID AutoNumber Unique membership number
MemberName Text Name of the person who is member of
DateJoined Date When the person joined the library.

Set Default Value = Date()

5. Structure of Rental table must be as below:

Field Name Data Type Description

RentalID AutoNumber Unique Rental Number
MemberID Number Who took out the video on rent
VideoID Number Which video it was

DateRented Date When this person took out this video

Set Default Value = Date()

DateReturned Date When this person returned the video

Do following exercises On this database:

1. Fill appropriate sample data (at least 10 records) in each table.

2. Create the relationships between all tables as defined below :

3. Create forms for adding new record in required tables.

4. Generate Reports of videos given on rent.
5. Generate a Report to access all videos in library.


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