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Eloise April G.

Ms. Andrea Mabao
January 11, 2023

Protect the children from harm.

What have I learned?

What I learn is that destruction of property and other criminal behavior that is committed
by young people who are not old enough to be legally considered as adults. How much
the juvenile justice system has changed both for the better and for the worse. From the
time of the child savers to the get tough movement, which we are still experiencing, the
entire system has shifted almost entirely.

What have I realized

I came to the conclusion that person is under the age of 18 and has committed illegal
crimes like murder, rape, robbery, etc., and at such a young age, they committed
serious crimes maybe because of a lack of capable guardians or because they were
motivated to do so.

How do I apply my learning and realization to my daily living.

I’ll put what I’ve learned and realized into my daily living by following the speaker's
advice I will always listen to my parents when they scold me when I do something
wrong because it’s for my own good, and I will be a good student and choose my
friends wisely.

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