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Name : Ilsa Putri Yulianda

Class : H-3

NPP : 32.0618

Wisma : Lampung Bawah



Hey youths!

How are you guys? I’m sure you’re all in good health. Before I start the speech, have you guys know me
already? There is a saying that if you don’t know a person, how can you love that person? Therefore, I
would like to introduce myself first. My name is Ilsa Putri Yulianda, you can call me ilsa, the origin of my
registration is the province of West Nusa Tenggara.

I was born on July second 2002 in Mataram, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara.

I am in class H-3, faculty of community protection, study program of civil service policing, institute of
domestic government. So, in this opportunity i would like to deliver a speech entitled

work? or vacation?

Lets start with globalization, globalization suppresses the development of every aspect of human life.
Globalization has indirectly changed the system and order of life in society. Who would have thought
that a civil servant whose main duty was to work from 8 to 5 pm could work from anywhere and
anytime. Can you imagine civil servants in the future? I imagined something that had never been
thought of before but there was hope to make it happen. why do i say there is hope? because based on
the results of a study by the National Development Planning Agency, civil servants are targeted to work
entirely from home. Mr. Suharso Monoarfa, the head of Bappenas, said that actually the assignment
already exists, it just needs to be carried out slowly. Mr. Suharso said "the future of government offices
will be organized with the smart office concept, like a startup company. This concept is carried out to
adapt to modern lifestyles." With this smart office concept, civil servants can work on a flexy job, flexible
schedule, and controlled via remote working.

So? If this concept works, should we choose either work or vacation?

Of course not, I think we can choose both, because the smart office concept provides freedom and
convenience for civil servants to work anywhere even while on vacation. However, on the other hand,
there are things that must be considered, namely the effectiveness and efficiency of the results of the

Tjahjo said that civil servants who are not required to have an office will be given performance targets
so that state servants continue to carry out their duties as they should, even though the work is not
done in the office.
"Everything must have a work target. I am burdened with accelerating the restructuring of the structure
and hierarchy of bureaucratic reforms, because it involves public services, involves investment," he said.

Tjaho did not even rule out the possibility that if a civil servant who is not required to work in an office
does not achieve the performance target, he will be given strict sanctions. The sanctions given also vary,
ranging from administrative sanctions to severe sanctions.

Bappenas will conduct a trial phase on January 1, 2020 for 1,000 civil servants. During the trial period, it
is possible that only civil servants within Bappenas will be able to work without an office. Civil servants
who are allowed to work without going to the office are not limited to a certain age, but only apply to
civil servants of functional rank. This means that anyone can be elected to enter this policy.

In my opinion, this concept is very good if it can be realized because in this modern world all activities
have started to be completely digital, and as a superior ASN must follow the flow of globalization well,
by taking the positive side of globalization.

In conclusion, globalization has a positive impact on civil servants because they can work and vacation at
the same time.

That's all from me, thank you for your attention, more or less sorry. good bye

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