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Review And Understanding 5ire

5ire previous blogs have discussed the various distinctive features that set 5ire apart from its
rivals and make it a platform for innovation. Randomized Voting is one of these features. We
at 5ire believe that nodes should be rewarded and punished individually rather than
collectively, which is why we have introduced the Randomized Voting concept.

Digital assets can now be traded in the same way that stocks are traded today thanks to
blockchain technology. Numerous validators on each blockchain network act as bankers by
verifying each transaction. After these transactions have been verified, they can be saved on
the chain for good. Before storing each transaction in a block, which is then linked together to
form a permanent record, validators examine it to determine if it is correct and legal.

5ireChain has proposed a Randomized Voting System as a superior alternative to

elected/nominated voting. To put it another way, pseudo-random algorithms are used to let
everyone vote for each node, and rewards and punishments are given to people based on how
much they've contributed rather than because someone else chose or asked for 5ire.

This means that you won't be forced to vote for someone else and will get better returns;
Additionally, it prevents cartels from voting for the same nodes and receiving a greater share
in the creation of blocks than their stake in them. Since nodes' rewards are more in control of
them than they are of others, we anticipate that there will be fewer instances of nodes
working together.

Because it is possible for a block creator to become compromised and produce an invalid
block, nodes are rewarded or punished according to their actions. Because malware can
always compromise a node, PoS algorithms are designed to punish all nodes that vote for the
fraudulent node, even if it was not the node's fault of 5ire.

Due to the unpredictability of votes, 5ireChain will therefore reduce stakes only for these
malicious nodes and not for those who voted for them. Voting nodes will only have their
stakes reduced if they also confirm that they have seen an invalid block, at which point it
would be assumed that they are participating in fraud.

Randomized voting adds a weight of 20% to the consensus mechanism, allowing for the
selection of nodes with lower stakes for the block assembly. Otherwise known as
cartelization, network-wide collusion in which nodes nominate or delegate their stakes to
favored individuals at all times is prevented by 5ire.
There are brief explanantion about 5ire. Hope this information is useful for you.

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