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rules, laws and regulations so that there is least uncertainty and ambiguity and (4)

societies where not many written laws and rules exist leading to uncertain situations
and a lot of ambiguity.
In a rule oriented society, the firms also follow the same system and have well laid
down rules for their employees. There is less labour turnover in such
Countries following uncertain avoidance are Denmark, India and Singapore
whereas countries witha highuncertain avoidance are Japan, Greece and Portugal.)
In low uncertainty avoidance societies the managers are often encouraged to take
more risks however there is less stress among
people in such organizations.
Innovative ideas, as a result of disagreements are often welcome in these
organizations. As against this, in high uncertainty avoidance societies, employees
work under lot of stress and pressure. They have to perform under situations
already laid down rules and regulations. having

(B) Fons Trompenaar's Five Cultural Dimensions:

Fons Trompenaars, the dutch researcher conducted a survey
managers scattered over 28 countries whose results were published covering
in the year 1994.
He had distributed questionnaire to these
managers and based on their responses,
had evolved the following five cultural classifications

Fons Trompenaar's Five Cultural Dimensions

Individualism Neutral Universalism Achievement Specific
versus Versus versus versus versus
Communitarianism Affective Particularism Ascription Diffuse

Individualism versus Communitarianism

T, 'me' and 'myself' are typical
symbols of an individualistic
Words are replaced by 'we' and 'us' in communitarianism.society whereas these
In other words, in
individualistic societies, people regard themselves as individuals whereas
people regard themselves as members of some group, it is communitariasm.
In collectivist societies, achievements are
treated as group achievements whereas, in
individualistic cultures, achievement is always an individual achievement. The
UK, the U.S., Mexico and
Argentina are classic examples of
where as Japan, Singapore,Thailand and Indonesia areindividualistic cultures
typical examples of
communistic cultures.

NeutralVersus Affective
Emotions are common and
prevalent in all human beings but a show of emotions at
work place differs from one
society to another. In some societies people preter to nde
their emotions like
anger, happiness, sorrow as it is considered highly
unprofessional to exhibit one's emotions openly. Countries high on neutralism are
UK, Japan and

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