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Dr. Subha Sankar Chowdhury

Structures that are built to retain vertical or nearly vertical earth banks or any other material are called retaining
walls. Retaining walls may be constructed of masonry or sheet piles. Depending on the deformation pattern
experienced by a wall, it may be classified as rigid or flexible retaining wall. The principal types of rigid retaining
walls are shown in Fig. 1a. Sheet pile walls are more flexible than these types of walls.

Fig. 1a Principal types of rigid retaining walls

Whatever may be the type of wall, all the wall shown above have to withstand lateral pressures either from earth
or any other material on their retained side. The pressures acting on the walls try to move the walls from their
position. The walls should be so designed as to keep them stable in their position. The backfill tries to move the
wall from its position, which is partly resisted by the wall itself and partly by soil in front of the wall.

Lateral earth pressure theory

It is assumed that the stress–strain behavior of the soil can be represented by the rigid–perfectly plastic
idealization, shown in Fig. 1(b) in which both yielding and shear failure occur at the same state of stress:
unrestricted plastic flow takes place at this stress level. A soil mass is said to be in a state of plastic equilibrium if
the shear stress at every point within the mass reaches the value represented by point Y.
Plastic collapse occurs after the state of plastic equilibrium has been reached in part of a soil mass, resulting in
the formation of an unstable mechanism: that part of the soil mass slips relative to the rest of the mass. The applied
load system, including body forces for this condition is referred to as the collapse load.

Fig. 1b Idealized stress–strain relationship

There are two classical earth pressure theories. They are
1. Coulomb’s earth pressure theory (1776).
2. Rankine’s earth pressure theory (1857).
These theories propose to estimate the magnitudes of two pressures called active and passive earth pressures as
explained below. Consider a rigid retaining wall with a plane vertical face as shown in Fig. 2 is backfilled with
cohesionless soil. If the wall does not move even after back filling, the pressure exerted on the wall is termed as
pressure for the at rest condition of the wall. If suppose the wall gradually rotates about point A and moves away
from the backfill, the unit pressure on the wall is gradually reduced and after a particular displacement of the wall
at the top, the pressure reaches a constant value. The pressure is the minimum possible. The pressure is termed
the active pressure since the weight of the backfill is responsible for the movement of the wall. If the wall is
smooth, the resultant pressure acts normal to the face of the wall. If the wall is rough, it makes an angle  with the
normal on the wall. The angle  is called the angle of wall friction. As the wall moves away from the backfill, the
soil tends to move forward. When the movement is sufficient, a soil mass of weight 𝑊 ruptures along the surface
ADC shown in Fig. 2(a). This surface is slightly curved. If the surface is assumed to be a plane surface AC, analysis
would indicate that this surface would make an angle of 45° + 2 with the horizontal.
If the wall is now rotated about A towards the backfill, the actual failure plane ADC is also a curved surface [Fig.

Fig. 2 Wall movement for the development of active and passive earth pressures
However, if the failure surface is approximated as a plane AC, this makes an angle of 45° − with the horizontal
and the pressure on the wall increases from the value of the at rest condition to the maximum value possible. The
maximum pressure 𝑃𝑝 that is developed is termed as the passive earth pressure. The pressure is called passive
because the weight of the backfill opposes the movement of the wall. It makes an angle 𝛿with the normal if the
wall is rough. The gradual decrease or increase of pressure on the wall with the movement of the wall from the at
rest condition may be depicted as shown in Fig. 3. The movement Δ𝑝 required to develop the passive state is
considerably larger than Δ𝑎 required for the active state.
Fig. 3 Development of active and passive earth pressures

Lateral earth pressure for at rest condition

If the wall is rigid and does not move with the pressure exerted on the wall, the soil behind the wall will be in a
state of elastic equilibrium. Consider a prismatic element E in the backfill at depth z shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4 Lateral earth pressure for at rest condition

Element E is subjected to the following pressures:

Vertical pressure = 𝜎𝑣 = 𝛾𝑧; lateral pressure = 𝜎ℎ , where,  is the effective unit weight of the soil. If we consider
the backfill is homogeneous then both 𝜎𝑣 and 𝜎ℎ increase linearly with depth 𝑧. In such case, the ratio of 𝜎ℎ to 𝜎𝑣
𝜎 𝜎
remains constant with respect to depth, i.e., 𝜎ℎ = 𝛾𝑧ℎ =constant = 𝐾0
where, 𝐾0 is called the coefficient of earth pressure for the at rest condition or at rest earth pressure coefficient.
The lateral earth pressure 𝜎ℎ acting on the wall at any depth z may be expressed as 𝜎ℎ = 𝐾0 𝛾𝑧. The expression for
𝜎ℎ at depth H, the height of the wall is, 𝜎ℎ = 𝐾0 𝛾𝐻. The distribution of h on the wall is shown in Fig. 4a. The
total pressure P0 for the soil for the at rest condition is given by Eq. (1),
𝑃0 = 2 𝐾0 𝛾𝐻 2 (1)
The value of 𝐾0 depends upon the relative density of the sand and the process by which it is formed. From the
elastic theory, the value of K0 is given by Eq. (2a),
𝐾0 = 1−𝜇 (2a)
According to Jaky (1944), a good approximation for 𝐾0 is given by Eq. (2b),
𝐾0 = 1 − sin 𝜙 ′ (2b)
Rankine’s earth pressure theory
1. The surface of the wall where earth pressure acts is smooth and vertical.
2. The surface of the backfill is horizontal.
3. The retained soil is dry and cohesionless.
4. The retained soil is homogeneous and isotropic.
Rankine’s theory (1857) considers the state of stress in a soil mass when the condition of plastic equilibrium has
been reached i.e. when shear failure is on the point of occurring throughout the mass.

Fig. 5 Rankine’s condition for active and passive failures in a semi-infinite mass of cohesionless soil
Rankine’s states of plastic equilibrium for cohesionless soils
Let XY in Fig. 5a represent the horizontal surface of a semi-infinite mass of cohesionless soil with a unit weight
. The soil is in an initial state of elastic equilibrium. The soil is assumed to be homogeneous and isotropic. A soil
element at any depth 𝑧 is subjected to a vertical stress 𝜎𝑣 and horizontal stress, 𝜎ℎ . If the entire mass is subjected
to horizontal deformation, such deformation is a plane deformation and since there is no lateral transfer of weight
if the surface is horizontal, no shear stresses exist on horizontal and vertical planes. The vertical and horizontal
stresses are therefore, principal stresses. Consider a prismatic block ABCD of depth z and the cross-sectional area
unity. The normal stress on the base AD is principal stress and is given by, 𝜎𝑣 = 𝛾𝑧. The normal stress 𝜎ℎ on the
vertical planes AB and DC at depth z may be given by,
𝜎ℎ = 𝑓(𝜎𝑣 ) = 𝐾0 𝛾𝑧 (3)
Due to the stretching, the pressure on vertical sides AB and CD of the prism decreases until the conditions of
plastic equilibrium are satisfied, while the pressure on the base AD remains unchanged. Any further stretching
causes a plastic flow without changing the state of stress. The transition from the state of plastic equilibrium to
the state of plastic flow represents the failure of the mass. Since, the weight of the mass assists in producing an
expansion in a horizontal direction, the subsequent failure is called active failure. If, on the other hand, the soil
mass is compressed, as shown in Fig. 5(b), in a horizontal direction, the pressure on vertical sides AB and CD of
the prism increases while the pressure on its base remains unchanged at z . Since the lateral compression of the
soil is resisted by the weight of the soil, the subsequent, failure by plastic flow is called a passive failure. The
plastic states which are produced by stretching or compressing a semi-infinite mass of soil parallel to its surface
are called active and passive Rankine states, respectively. It can be found from Mohr circle that shear failure
occurs at an angle of 45° + to the major principal plane. If the soil mass as a whole is stressed, such that the
principal stresses at every point are in the same directions then, theoretically, there will be network of failure
planes (known as a slip line field) equally inclined to the principal planes as shown in Fig. 5. It should be
appreciated that the state of plastic equilibrium can be developed only if sufficient deformation of the soil mass
can take place.

(a) Local active state (b) Local passive state


(c) Mohr stress diagram

Fig. 6 Rankine active and passive states with Mohr stress diagram at failure

Horizontal stretching or compressing of a semi-infinite mass to develop a state of plastic equilibrium is only a
concept. However, local states of plastic equilibrium in a soil mass can be created by rotating a retaining wall
about its base either away from the backfill (active state) or into the backfill (passive state), as shown in Figs. 6(a
and b), respectively. In both cases, the soil within the wedge ABC will be in a state of plastic equilibrium and line
AC represents rupture plane.
Mohr circle for active and passive states of equilibrium in granular soils
Point P1 on the -axis in Fig. 6(c) represents the state of stress on base AD of prismatic element ABCD in Fig.
6c. OA and OB are two Mohr envelopes which satisfy the Coulomb equation of shear strength, s =  tan  . Two
circles Ca and Cp can be drawn passing through P1 and tangential to the Mohr envelopes OA and OB, which gives
the state of stress on the prismatic element at depth z when the mass is in active and passive failure states,
respectively. When the semi-infinite mass is stretched horizontally, the horizontal stress on vertical faces AB and
CD at depth z is reduced to minimum possible and this stress is less than vertical stress v. The intercepts OP1 and
OP2 are the major and minor principal stresses, respectively. When the semi-infinite mass is compressed, the
horizontal stresses on the vertical face of the prismatic element reaches the maximum value OP3 and circle Cp is
the Mohr circle which gives the passive state of stress.
Active state of stress
From Mohr circle Ca, 𝑂𝑃1 = 𝜎1 = 𝛾𝑧 and 𝑂𝑃2 = 𝜎3
From  OO1C1, 𝑂1 𝐶1 = 𝑂𝑂1 sin 𝜙
𝜙 𝜎
or, 𝜎1 = 𝜎3 tan2 (45° + 2 ) = 𝜎3 𝑁𝜙 or, 𝑝𝑎 = 𝜎3 = 𝑁1 = 𝛾𝑧𝐾𝑎
1 𝜙
where, 𝐾𝑎 = coefficient of earth pressure for the active state = = tan2 (45° − ).
𝑁𝜙 2
From point P1 a line is drawn parallel to the base AD on which 𝜎1 acts. Since this line coincides with the -axis,
point P2 is the origin of planes. Lines P2C1 and P2C′1inclined at an angle of 45° + 2 with the -axis give the
orientations of the failure planes.

Passive state of stress

From Mohr circle Cp, 𝑂𝑃1 = 𝜎3 = 𝛾𝑧 and 𝑂𝑃3 = 𝜎1
(𝜎 −𝜎 ) (𝜎 +𝜎 ) (𝜎 −𝜎 )
𝑂𝑂2 = 𝜎3 + 1 2 3 = 1 2 3 and 𝑂2 𝐶2 = 1 2 3
(𝜎1 −𝜎3 ) (𝜎1 +𝜎3 )
From  OO2C2, 𝑂2 𝐶2 = 𝑂𝑂2 sin 𝜙 or, 2
= 2
sin 𝜙
or, 𝜎1 = 𝜎3 tan2 (45° + ) = 𝜎3 𝑁𝜙 or, 𝑝𝑝 = 𝜎1 = 𝜎3 𝑁𝜙 = 𝛾𝑧𝐾𝑝
Where, 𝐾𝑝 = coefficient of earth pressure for the passive state = tan2 (45° + ).

Active earth pressure – Backfill partly submerged with a uniform surcharge load (Fig. 7)

Fig. 7 Rankine’s active pressure in cohesionless soil under partly filled submerged
condition with surcharge load
Total pressure Pa acting per unit length of the wall is given by Eq. (4),
1 1
𝑃𝑎 = 𝑞𝐻𝐾𝑎 + 2 𝛾𝐻12 𝐾𝑎 + 𝛾𝐻1 𝐻2 𝐾𝑎 + 2 𝐻22 (𝛾𝑏 𝐾𝑎 + 𝛾𝑤 ) (4)
The point of application of Pa above the base of the wall can be found by taking moments of all the forces on the
wall about A.
In Rankine’s theory no frictional forces are assumed to exist between the soil and the wall and therefore the lateral
pressure is taken to act parallel to the surface of the backfill. In practice, however, with the movement of the wall,
considerable friction nay develops between the soil and the wall and as a consequence, the earth pressure is
inclined at a certain angle to the normal to the wall. Rankine’s assumption of the smooth wall surface results in
an overestimation of active earth pressure and an underestimation of passive earth pressure. The error in both
cases is, however is on the safe side. It is difficult to apply Rankine’s theory to cases of irregular backfill surface
or where the surcharge loads are complex.
If the top of the wall moves outward by an amount approximately (0.5 to 1) % of the wall height, a totally active
state is attained in a dense sand (Terzaghi, 1936). In practice, a retaining wall is first constructed and then the soil
backfilled. During this process of backfilling, a certain amount of wall deformation away from the backfill will
have taken place. Since the minimum deformation required to produce the active state is quite small, a retaining
wall is designed to resist only the active earth thrust. Retaining walls when not attached to any adjacent structure,
can yield to a considerable degree without structural impairment. Hence, their design on the basis of active earth
pressure is quite rational.
Sloping soil surface
The Rankine’s theory will now be applied to cases in which the soil surface slopes at a constant angle  to the
horizontal. It is assumed that the active and passive pressures act in a direction parallel to the sloping surface.
Consider a rhombic element of soil, with sides vertical and at angle  to the horizontal, at depth z in a semi-infinite
mass. The vertical stress and the active or passive pressure are each inclined at  to the appropriate sides of the
element, as shown in Fig. 8(a). Since these stresses are not normal to their respective planes (i.e. there are shear
components), they are not principal stresses.
In the active case, the vertical stress at depth z on a plane inclined at angle  to the horizontal is given by
𝜎𝑧 = 𝛾𝑧 cos 𝛽 (5a)
and is represented by the distance OA on the stress diagram [Fig. 8(b)].

Outer Failure Plane

Inner Failure Plane


Fig. 8 Active and passive states for sloping surface in cohesionless backfill

If lateral expansion of the soil is sufficient to induce the state of plastic equilibrium, the Mohr circle representing
the state of stress in the element must pass through point A (such that the greater part of the circle lies on the side
of A towards the origin) and touch the failure envelope for the soil. The active pressure pa is then represented by
OB (numerically equal to OB) on the diagram. When c = 0 the relationship between pa and z, giving the active
pressure coefficient, can be derived from the diagram:

𝐶𝐴 = 𝐶𝐹 = 𝑂𝐶 sin 𝜙 𝐶𝐷 = 𝑂𝐶 sin 𝛽 𝑂𝐷 = 𝑂𝐶 cos 𝛽

𝐴𝐷 = √𝐶𝐴 − 𝐶𝐷 = √𝑂𝐶 sin 𝜙 − 𝑂𝐶 2 sin2 𝛽 = 𝑂𝐶√cos 2 𝛽 − cos2 𝜙
2 2 2 2

𝑝𝑎 𝑂𝐵 𝑂𝐵 ′ 𝑂𝐷 − 𝐴𝐷 cos 𝛽 − √cos2 𝛽 − cos 2 𝜙

∴ = = = =
𝜎𝑧 𝑂𝐴 𝑂𝐴 𝑂𝐷 + 𝐴𝐷 cos 𝛽 + √cos2 𝛽 − cos 2 𝜙
𝑝 𝑎 cos 𝛽−√cos2 𝛽−cos2 𝜙
or, 𝛾𝑧 cos =
𝛽 cos 𝛽+√cos2 𝛽−cos2 𝜙

cos 𝛽 − √cos 2 𝛽 − cos 2 𝜙
∴ 𝑝𝑎 = 𝛾𝑧 cos 𝛽 ×
cos 𝛽 + √cos 2 𝛽 − cos 2 𝜙
∴ 𝑝𝑎 = 𝐾𝑎 𝛾𝑧 (5b)
cos 𝛽 − √cos 2 𝛽 − cos 2 𝜙
𝐾𝑎 = cos 𝛽 ×
cos 𝛽 + √cos 2 𝛽 − cos 2 𝜙
The total active pressure per unit length of the wall (with height = H) is given by Eq. (5c),
𝑃𝑎 = 𝐾𝑎 𝛾𝐻 2 (5c)
The directions of the two sets of failure planes can be obtained from Fig. 8(b). In the active case, the coordinates
of point A represent the state of stress on a plane inclined at angle  to the horizontal, therefore point B is the
origin of planes, also known as the pole. (A line drawn from the origin of planes intersects the circumference of
the circle at a point whose coordinates represent the state of stress on a plane parallel to that line.) The state of
stress on a vertical plane is represented by the coordinates of point B. Then the failure planes, which are shown
in Fig. 8(a), are parallel to BF and BG (F and G lying on the failure envelope). In the passive case, the coordinates
of point B represent the state of stress on a plane inclined at angle  to the horizontal, and therefore point A is
the origin of planes: the state of stress on a vertical plane is represented by the coordinates of point A. Then the
failure planes in the passive case are parallel to AF and AG.
These failure planes make angles of i and o with the vertical and are given by
90−𝜙 𝜀−𝛽 90−𝜙 𝜀−𝛽 sin 𝛽
𝛼𝑖 = + and 𝛼𝑜 = − , where, sin 𝜀 =
2 2 2 2 sin 𝜙
Rankine’s active earth pressure for cohesive backfill

Fig. 9 Rankine’s active pressure for cohesive soil with horizontal backfill
The relation between the two principal stresses can be found from Fig. 9 as per Eq. (6a)
𝜎1 = 𝜎3 𝑁𝜑 + 2𝑐√𝑁𝜑 (6a)
Substituting 𝜎1 = 𝛾𝑧 and 𝜎3 = 𝑝𝑎 we have, 𝑝𝑎 = 𝛾𝑧𝐾𝑎 − 2𝑐√𝐾𝑎 (6b)

Fig. 10 Active pressure on vertical sections in cohesive soil

If AB is the vertical section [Fig. 10], then the total active earth pressure is given by Eq. (7),
𝑃𝐴 = 2 𝐾𝑎 𝛾𝐻 2 − 2𝑐𝐻𝐾𝑎 (7)
If the wall has a total height 𝐻 = 𝐻𝑐 = = 2𝑧0 the total earth pressure is equal to zero. This indicates that a
𝛾 √𝐾𝑎
vertical bank of height smaller than Hc can stand without lateral support. 𝐻𝑐 is called the critical depth. However,
the pressure against the wall increases from −2𝑐√𝐾𝑎 to +2𝑐√𝐾𝑎 at depth 𝐻𝑐 , whereas, on the vertical face of an
unsupported bank the normal stress is zero at every point. Because of this difference, the greatest depth of which
a cut can be excavated without lateral support for its vertical sides is slightly smaller than 𝐻𝑐 . For soft clay, 𝜙 = 0
and 𝐾𝑎 = 1, so, 𝐻𝑐 = .
Soil does not resist any tension and as such it is quite unlikely that the soil would adhere to the wall within the
tension zone of depth z0 producing cracks in the soil. 𝑧0 is called the depth of tension crack. It is commonly
assumed that the active earth pressure is represented by the shaded area [Fig. 10(c)].

Effect of surcharge and water table on earth pressure in cohesive backfill

The total active pressure due to surcharge load [Fig. 10(d)] is given by, 𝑃𝑎𝑞 = 𝐾𝑎 𝑞𝐻
If the soil is partly submerged, the submerged unit weight below the water table will have to be taken into account
in both active and passive states.

Fig. 11 Effect of water table on lateral earth pressure

The total pressure due to soil and water is given by Eq. (8),
1 2𝑐 2
𝑃𝐴 = 2 𝐾𝑎 (𝛾1 𝐻12 + 𝛾𝑏 𝐻22 ) − 2𝑐√𝐾𝑎 (𝐻1 + 𝐻2 ) + 𝐾𝑎 𝛾𝑡 𝐻1 𝐻2 + 𝛾𝑡

Coulomb’s earth pressure theory for sand in active state
Coulomb made the following assumptions in the development of his theory:
1. The soil is dry, isotropic and homogeneous
2. The rupture surface is a plane surface
3. The failure wedge is a rigid body
4. The pressure surface is a plane surface
5. There is wall friction on the pressure surface
6. Failure is two-dimensional
7. The soil is cohesionless
8. The resultant thrust acts on the back face of the wall at one-third height and is inclined to the normal on
the wall at this point at an angle .
In Fig. 12,
1. AB is the pressure face,
2. The backfill surface BE is a plane inclined at an angle  with the horizontal
3.  is the angle made by the pressure face AB with horizontal
4. 𝐻 is the height of the wall
5. AC is the assumed rupture plane surface
6.  is the angle made by the surface AC with the horizontal

Fig. 12 Conditions for failure under active conditions

As the wedge ABC ruptures along the plane AC, it slides along this plane. This is resisted by the frictional force
acting between the soil at rest below AC and the sliding wedge. The resisting shearing stress is acting in the
direction from A towards C. If 𝑊𝑛 is the normal component of the weight of wedge 𝑊 on plane AC, the resultant
of the normal 𝑊𝑛 and the shearing stress is the reaction R. This makes an angle 𝜙 with the normal since the rupture
surface takes place within the itself. Statical equilibrium requires that the three forces do not meet at a point. But
if the actual surface AC′C is considered, all three forces meet at a point. However, the error due to the non-
concurrence of the forces is very insignificant and as such may be neglected.
From the equilibrium of the wedge ABC, the active earth thrust per unit length of the wall is given by Eq. (9),
𝑃𝐴 = 2 𝐾𝑎 𝛾𝐻 2 (9)
sin2 (𝛼+𝜙)
where, 𝐾𝑎 = 2
sin(𝜙+𝛿) sin(𝜙−𝛽)
sin2 𝛼 sin(𝛼−𝛿)[1+√ sin(𝛼−𝛿) sin(𝜙+𝛽) ]
The total normal component Pn of the earth pressure on the back of the wall is given by Eq. (10)
𝑃𝑛 = 𝑃𝑎 cos 𝛿 = 2 𝐾𝑎 𝛾𝐻 2 cos 𝛿 (10)
1 sin2 (𝛼−𝜙)
For passive state, 𝑃𝑃 = 2 𝐾𝑝 𝛾𝐻 2 , where, 𝐾𝑝 = 2
sin(𝜙+𝛿) sin(𝜙+𝛽)
sin2 𝛼 sin(𝛼+𝛿)[1−√ sin(𝛼+𝛿) sin(𝛼+𝛽) ]
A number of graphical and analytical methods for the determination of lateral earth pressure have been proposed
on the basis of Coulomb’s theory. The most important methods are:
1. Graphical method:
i. Culmann’s method
ii. Rebhann’s method
2. Analytical method
i. Trial wedge method
The lateral earth pressure theory will be applied to design the rigid retaining wall.

Conditions under which Rankine and Coulomb formulas are applicable to retaining walls under
active state
When a backfill of cohesionless soil is under an active state of plastic equilibrium due to the stretching of the soil
mass at every point in the mass, two failure planes called conjugate rupture planes are formed [Fig. 13]. These are
further designated as the inner and outer failure planes as shown in Fig. 13. These failure planes make angles of
i and o with the vertical and are given by
90−𝜙 𝜀−𝛽 90−𝜙 𝜀−𝛽 sin 𝛽
𝛼𝑖 = 2
+ 2 and 𝛼𝑜 = 2
− 2
, where, sin 𝜀 = sin 𝜙

Conditions for the use of Rankine’s formula (for cantilever and counterfort walls)
1. Wall should be vertical with a smooth pressure face.
2. When walls are inclined, it should not come in the wall of the formation of the outer failure plane.

Conditions for the use of Coulomb’s formula (solid and semisolid gravity walls)
1. The back of the wall must be plane or nearly plane.
2. Surface of the wall is not smooth and the soil slides along the surface.

Fig. 13 Application of Rankine’s active condition to gravity walls

In the case of cantilever walls [Fig. 14], Pa is the active earth pressure acting on the vertical section AB passing
through the heel of the wall. The pressure is parallel to the backfill surface and acts at a height of H/3 from the
base of the wall where H is the height of the section AB. The resultant pressure PR is obtained by combining the
lateral pressure Pa with the weight of the soil W between the section AB and the wall.
Stability of Retaining Walls
The stability of retaining walls are checked for the following conditions:
1. Check for sliding (minimum factor of safety = 1.5)
2. Check for overturning (minimum factor of safety = 2.0)
3. Check for bearing capacity failure (minimum factor of safety = 3.0)
4. Check for base shear failure.

Fig. 14 Lateral earth pressure on cantilever walls under active condition

Stability Analysis [Fig. 15]

Fig. 15 Forces acting on the wall

The forces acting on the wall and the base are:

𝑃𝑎 = active earth force acting at a height 3 over the base on section AB
𝑃ℎ = 𝑃𝑎 cos 𝛽, 𝑃𝑣 = 𝑃𝑎 sin 𝛽
𝑊𝑠 =weight of soil, 𝑊𝑐 = weight of wall including base, 𝑊𝑡 = resultant of 𝑊𝑠 and 𝑊𝑐 , 𝑃𝑝 = passive earth
resistance at the toe side of the wall, 𝑃𝑅 = base sliding resistance

Check for Sliding

𝐹𝑅 𝑐𝑎 𝐵+𝑅 tan 𝛿+𝑃𝑝
Factor of safety against sliding, 𝐹𝑆 = 𝑃ℎ
= 𝑃ℎ
≥ 1.5,
where, 𝑅 = total vertical force = 𝑊𝑠 + 𝑊𝑐 + 𝑃𝑣 , 𝛿 = angle of wall friction, 𝑐𝑎 = unit adhesion
Check for Overturning [Fig. 16]

Factor of safety against overturning,

𝑀𝑅 𝑊𝑐 𝑙𝑐 +𝑊𝑠 𝑙𝑠 +𝑃𝑣 𝐵
𝐹𝑂 = = 𝐻 ≥ 2.0
𝑀𝑜 𝑃ℎ ( )

Fig. 16 Stability against overturning failure

Check for Bearing Capacity Failure [Fig. 17]

The eccentricity of the vertical reaction about the

centre of the base is given by,
𝐵 (𝑀𝑅 −𝑀𝑂 )
𝑒= − ∑𝑉
where, 𝑅 = ∑ 𝑉 = sum of all vertical forces
If, 𝑒 ≤ 𝐵⁄6, then ok.
The maximum and minimum base pressures at
toe (𝑞𝑡 ) and heel (𝑞ℎ ) are given by
𝑅 6𝑒 6𝑒
𝑞𝑡 = [1 + ] = 𝑞𝑎 [1 + ]
𝑅 6𝑒 6𝑒
𝑞ℎ = [1 − ] = 𝑞𝑎 [1 − ],
where, 𝑞𝑎 = 𝐵is the allowable bearing pressure.
It must be ensured that,
𝑞𝑢 𝑞𝑢
𝑞𝑡 ≤ = .
𝐹𝐵 3
where, 𝐹𝐵 is the factor of safety against bearing
capacity failure.

Fig. 17 Stability against bearing capacity failure

➢ Murthy, V.N.S., Textbook of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (Geotechnical Engineering
Series), CBS Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd.
➢ Craig, R.F., Craig’s Soil mechanics, SPON Press, Taylor and Francis Group.
➢ Ranjan, G. and Rao, A. S. R., Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics, New Age Techno Press Pvt. Ltd.

1. A 5m high rigid retaining wall has to retain a backfill of dry, cohesionless soil having the following properties: e = 0.74, G = 2.68, m = 0.36.
Determine (i) magnitude and point of application of the resultant thrust above the toe of the wall, (ii) change in the lateral thrust (in %) if the
water table rises from a great depth to the top of the backfill. Assume, there is no lateral yielding of the wall.

Bulk density of dry backfill: gd  gw  15.11 kN/m3 Height of the wall, H = 5 m
1  e 
G = 2.68 gw = 9.81 kN/m 3
e = 0.74
Co-efficient of earth pressure at rest, k0   0.56 m = 0.36 0
1  m 
Depth below GL (m) Pressure Intensity (kN/m2)
0 0
5 42.50
Resultant lateral thrust on the wall P0  k0gH 2  106.24 kN/m at 1.67 m above the toe. 42.50
If the WT rises to the top of the backfill, the soil will get fully submerged. g su b 
 G  1
g  9.47 kN/m
1  e  w
1 1
P1  k0g subH 2  g w H 2  189.22 kN/m Increase in lateral thrust = 78.11 %
2 2
2. A retaining wall has to retain a sand backfill ( f = 30, e = 0.82, G = 2.68) upto a height of 4.5m. A uniform surcharge of 50 kN/m 2 is placed
over the backfill. The water table is at 2m below ground surface. The soil above the water table has a degree of saturation o f 10%. Determine
the magnitude and point of application of the resultant active thrust above the toe of the wall.

gt 
G  Se  g 
Bulk density of backfill above WT, 14.89 kN/m3
1  e  w
g sub 
G  1 g  G = 2.68 g w = 9.81 kN/m3

1  e w
Submerged density of backfill below WT, 9.06 kN/m e = 0.82 S = 10 %
Ka = 0.33 f= 30 deg.
Height of the wall, H = 4.5 m Surcharge, q = 50.0 kN/m
Active pressure due to surcharge = 16.67 kN/m
Active pressure at 2.0 m below GL (due to moist soil above GWT) 2.0
= 9.92 kN/m2 2
Active pressure at 4.5 m below GL (due to sub soil below GWT)
= 7.55 kN/m2 1
Lateral pressure exerted by water = 24.53 kN/m2
PA1 = 75.00 kN/m y1 = 2.25 m 2.5 3
PA2 = 9.92 kN/m y2 = 3.17 m
PA3 = 24.81 kN/m y3 = 1.25 m
PA4 = 40.09 kN/m y4 = 0.83 m 16.67 9.92 7.55 24.53
Resultant active thrust, PA = 149.83 kN/m acting at 1.77 m above the toe of the wall.
3. A retaining wall has to retain a sand backfill (e = 0.83, G = 2.68) upto a height of 5m. The water table is at 2m below ground surface. The
soil above the water table has a degree of saturation of 20%. the angle of internal friction of soil above and below the water table are 32 and
28 respectively. Determine the magnitude and point of application of the resultant active thrust above the toe of the wall.

G = 2.68 g w = 9.81 kN/m3

gt 
G  Se g  3
Bulk density of backfill above WT, 15.26 e = 0.83 S = 20 %
1  e w kN/m

g sub 
G  1 g  3
Height of the wall, H = 5.0 m

1  e w
Submerged density of backfill below WT, 9.01 kN/m
Above WT, f = 32 deg. Ka = 0.307
Below WT, f = 28 deg. Ka = 0.361 2
Soil above WT: 1
At, z = 0 m pa = 0 kN/m B 9.38
At, z = 2 m pa = 9.38 kN/m2 11.02
Soil below WT:
In this case, the upper layer (i.e. the moist soil) is treated as an equivalent y 3
PA 2 3
surcharge, for which the intensity q is equal to the self-weight of the layer
q = 30.51 kN/m
At, z = 2 m pa = 11.02 kN/m C
At, z = 5 m pa = 9.75 kN/m2 (due to submerged soil below WT) 9.75 29.43
At, z = 5 m pa = 29.43 kN/m (due to water)
PA1 = 9.38 kN/m PA2 = 33.05 kN/m PA3 = 58.78 kN/m
y1 = 3.67 m y2 = 1.50 m y3 = 1.00 m
Resultant active thrust, PA = 101.20 kN/m acting at 1.41 m above the toe of the wall.
4. For the retaining wall shown in the figure, determine the magnitude and point of application of the resultant active thrust above the toe of

1.0m Layer - I: Loose sand (g = 16.4 kN/m3, f = 25)
1.2m Layer - II: Medium dense sand (gsat = 18.0 kN/m3, f = 22)

2.3m Layer - III: Dense sand (gsat = 20.5 kN/m3, f = 32)

gw = 9.81 kN/m3
Layer - I:
Thickness, H 1 = 1.0 m f= 25 deg. K a1 = 0.406 g1 = 16.4 kN/m3
Layer - II:
Thickness, H 2 = 1.2 m f= 22 deg. K a2 = 0.455 g sat2 = 18.0 kN/m3
g sub2 = 8.19 kN/m3
Layer - II:
Thickness, H 3 = 2.3 m f= 32 deg. K a3 = 0.307 g sat3 = 20.5 kN/m3
g sub3 = 10.69 kN/m3
Soil above WT (Layer - I) At, z = 0 m pA = 0 kN/m2
At, z = 1.0 m pA = 6.66 kN/m2

Soil below WT (Layer - II) Equivalent surcharge from layer - I: qe1 = 16.40 kN/m [g1H1]
At, z = 1.0 m pa = 7.46 kN/m
At, z = 2.2 m pa = 4.47 kN/m2 (due to submerged soil in layer - II below WT)
At, z = 2.2 m pa = 11.77 kN/m2 (due to water)

Soil below WT (Layer - III) Equivalent surcharge from layer - I and II: qe2 = 26.23 kN/m2 [g1H1+gsub2H2]
At, z = 2.2 m pa = 19.83 kN/m [Ka3(g1H1+gsub2H2)+gwH2]
At, z = 4.5 m pa = 7.55 kN/m2 (due to submerged soil in layer - III below WT)
At, z = 4.5 m pa = 22.56 kN/m2 (due to water)

1.0 1

2 3

4.47 11.77

2.3 4
y 5

7.55 22.56
PA1 = 3.33 kN/m y1 = 3.83 m
PA2 = 8.95 kN/m y2 = 2.90 m
PA3 = 9.75 kN/m y3 = 2.70 m
PA4 = 45.61 kN/m y4 = 1.15 m
PA5 = 34.64 kN/m y5 = 0.77 m
Resultant active thrust, P A = 102.27 kN/m acting at 1.41 m above the toe of the wall.
5. A retaining wall with a smooth vertical backface has to retain a backfill (c = 15 kN/m2, f = 12, g = 18 kN/m3) upto a height of 5m.
Determine (i) magnitude and point of application of the resultant active thrust above the toe of the wall, (ii) depth of the zone of tension
cracks, (iii) intensity of the fictitious uniform surcharge, which if placed over the backfill can prevent the formation of tension cracks and
(iv) the resultant active thrust after placing the surcharge.

Height of the wall, H = 5.0 m -24.29

kN/m f = g =
2 3
c = 15 12 deg. 18 kN/m
Ka = 0.656
At, z = 0 pa = -24.294 kN/m2
pa  gzKa  2c Ka At, z = 5.0 m pa = 34.72 kN/m2 2.06
The depth of zone of tension crack is given by, z0   2.06 m
Hence, pa = 0 at z = 2.06 m
g Ka

The resultant active thrust is given by PA = 51.08 kN/m

After placing the surcharge q, the active earth pressure intensity at any depth z is given by,
pa  gz  q Ka  2c Ka 2.94

The magnitude of q is such that,

At, z = 0 pa = 0 Hence, q  37.05 kN/m2

At, z = 5.0 m pa = 59.02 kN/m2 34.72

The resultant active thrust after placing the surcharge = 147.54 kN/m

6. For the retaining wall shown in the figure, determine the magnitude and point of application of the resultant active thrust above the toe of the

1.9m Layer - I: Sandy Silt (c = 10 kN/m2, f = 20, g = 18.5 kN/m3)

1.0m Layer - II: Loose Sand (c = 0, f = 30, g = 17.2 kN/m3)

1.6m Layer - III: Dense Sand (c = 0, f = 36, g = 18.8 kN/m3)

Layer - I: Thickness = 1.9 m

c = 10 kN/m2 f= 20 deg. Ka = 0.490 g = 18.5 kN/m3

Layer - II: Thickness = 1.0 m

c = 0 kN/m2 f= 30 deg. Ka = 0.333 g = 17.2 kN/m3

Layer - III: Thickness = 1.6 m

c = 0 kN/m2 f= 36 deg. Ka = 0.260 g = 18.8 kN/m3

pa  gzKa  2c K a
Layer - I:
At, z = 0 pa = -14.00 kN/m2 [constant throughout the soil - 2 depth]
At, z = 1.9 m pa = 3.23 kN/m The depth of zone of tension crack = 1.54 m
Layer - II:
Equivalent surcharge intensity, qe1 = 35.15 kN/m2 from layer - I
At, z = 1.9 m pa = 11.72 kN/m (for equivalent surcharge)
At, z = 2.9 m pa = 5.73 kN/m (for the soil layer - II)
Layer - III:
Equivalent surcharge intensity, qe2 = 52.35 kN/m2 from layer - I and II
At, z = 2.9 m pa = 13.59 kN/m (for equivalent surcharge)
At, z = 4.5 m pa = 7.81 kN/m (for the soil layer - III)

1.54 -

0.36 1
1.00 3



PA1 = 0.57 kN/m y1 = 2.72 m
PA2 = 11.72 kN/m y2 = 2.10 m PA4 = 21.75 kN/m y4 = 0.80 m
PA3 = 2.87 kN/m y3 = 1.93 m PA5 = 6.25 kN/m y5 = 0.53 m

Resultant active thrust, PA = 43.15 kN/m

Point of application of this thrust is 1.22 m above the toe of the wall.
7. For the retaining wall shown in the figure, determine the magnitude and point of application of the resultant active thrust above the toe of the
1.5m Layer - I: Sandy Clay (c = 12.15 kN/m2, f = 20, g = 16.4 kN/m3)

4.5m Layer - II: Loose Sand (c = 0, f = 30, g = 17.25 kN/m3)

Layer - I: Thickness = 1.5 m

c = 12.15 kN/m 2
f= 20 deg. Ka = 0.490 g = 16.4 kN/m3
Layer - II: Thickness = 4.5 m
c = 0 kN/m 2
f= 30 deg. Ka = 0.333 g = 17.25 kN/m3
At, z = 0 pa = -17.02 kN/m The depth of zone of tension crack = 2.12 m
At, z = 1.5 m pa = -4.95 kN/m Hence, no formation of tension crack

Since, the active earth pressure intensity at top and bottom of the clay layer are negative,
so this layer is not included for calculating active earth pressure

Layer - II: 1.5

Equivalent surcharge intensity, qe1 = 24.60 kN/m2 from layer - I 8.20
At, z = 0.0 m pa = 8.20 kN/m (for equivalent surcharge)
At, z = 6.0 m pa = 25.88 kN/m2 (for the soil layer - II)

Resultant active thrust, PA = 95.12 kN/m 4.5

Point of application of this thrust is 1.79 m
m above the toe of the wall.

8. A retaining wall 6.5m high with a smooth vertical back supports a saturated clay soil with a horizontal surface. The properti es of the backfill
are: c =20 kN/m2, f = 28, g = 18 kN/m3. Determine (i) the depth of tension cracks, (ii) the critical depth of a vertical cut, (iii) the total active
thrust against the wall and its point of application, if cracks are formed in the tension zone, (iv) what will be the depth o f tension cracks, if any,
if the backfill carries a uniform surcharge of 50 kN/m 2 over the backfill surface? and (v)What will be the magnitude and location of the
resultant active thrust above the toe of the wall after placing the surcharge?

c = 20 kN/m2 f = 28 deg. g = 18 kN/m3

Ka = 0.361 Height of the wall, H = 6.5 m
At, z = 0 pa = -24.03 kN/m At, z = 6.5 m pa = 18.21 kN/m2

The depth of zone of tension crack = 3.70 m The critical depth = 7.40 m
The resultant active thrust is given by PA = 25.50 kN/m at 0.93 m above the base of the wall.
pa  gz  q K a  2c K a
Surcharge, q = 50 kN/m
At, z = 0 pa = -5.98 kN/m2
At, z = 6.5 m pa = 36.26 kN/m2
The depth of zone of tension crack after placing the surcharge = 0.92 m
-24.03 -5.98
-- 0.92


2.80 5.58

18.21 36.26
The resultant active thrust after placing the surcharge is 101.15 kN/m
Point of application of thrust after placing the surcharge is 1.86 m above the toe of the wall.

9. For the retaining wall shown in the figure, determine the magnitude and point of application of the resultant active thrust above the toe of
the wall.

3m Layer - I: Clayey Sand (c = 10 kN/m2, f = 24, g = 18.5 kN/m3)

1.5m Layer - II: Dense Sand (c = 0, f = 36, g = 19.5 kN/m3)

Height of the wall, H = 4.5 m Layer - I: Thickness = 3.0 m c = 10 kN/m2

f= 24 deg. K a = 0.422 g = 18.5 kN/m3
Layer - II: Thickness = 1.5 m
c = 0 kN/m2 f= 36 deg. Ka = 0.260 g = 19.5 kN/m3
Layer - I: At, z = 0 pa = -12.99 kN/m2
At, z = 3.0 m pa = 10.42
kN/m Depth of zone of tension crack = 1.66 m
Layer - II: Equivalent surcharge intensity, qe1 = 55.50 kN/m from layer - I
At, z = 3.0 m pa = 14.41 kN/m (for equivalent surcharge)
At, z = 4.5 m pa = 7.59 kN/m (for the soil layer - II)
PA1 =
PA2 =
PA3 =
y1 =
y2 =
y3 =
m 1.66

Resultant active thrust, PA = 34.26 kN/m 10.42

at 0.95 m above the base of the wall. 14.41

1.5 3

10. For the retaining wall shown in the figure, determine the magnitude and point of application of the resultant active thrust above the toe of
the wall.

6m Layer - I: (c = 0 kN/m2, f = 35, g = 20 kN/m3)

4m Layer - II: (c = 20 kN/m2, f = 25, g = 18 kN/m3)

5m Layer - III: (c = 35 kN/m2, f = 0, g = 16 kN/m3)

Layer - I: Thickness = 6.0 m

c = 0 kN/m2 f= 35 deg. Ka = 0.271 g = 20 kN/m3
Layer - II: Thickness = 4.0 m
c = 20 kN/m2 f= 25 deg. Ka = 0.406 g = 18 kN/m3
Layer - III: Thickness = 5.0 m
c = 35 kN/m2 f= 0 deg. Ka = 1.000 g = 16 kN/m3
Layer - I: At, z = 0 pa = 0.00 kN/m2
At, z = 6.0 m pa = 32.52 kN/m2
Layer - II: Equivalent surcharge intensity, qe1 = 120.00 kN/m2 from layer - I
At, z = 6.0 m pa = 23.22 kN/m2 (for equivalent surcharge, q e1 & cohesion, c 2)
At, z = 10.0 m pa = 29.22 kN/m2 (for the soil layer - II) Hence, no formation of tension crack
Layer - III: Equivalent surcharge intensity, qe2 = 192.00 kN/m2 from layer - I and II
At, z = 10.0 m pa = 122.00 kN/m2 (for equivalent surcharge, q e2 & cohesion, c 3)
At, z = 15.0 m pa = 80.00 kN/m2 (for the soil layer - III)

PA1 = 97.56 kN/m y1 = 11.00 m
PA2 = 92.88 kN/m y2 = 7.00 m
PA3 = 58.44 kN/m y3 = 6.33 m 32.52
PA4 = 610.00 kN/m y4 = 2.50 m 23.22
PA5 = 200.00 kN/m y5 = 1.67 m 2
Resultant active thrust, PA = 1058.88 kN/m 3
Point of application of this thrust is 3.73 m 29.22
above the toe of the wall.

5.0 4

122.00 80.00
11. For the cantilever wall shown in figure, check the stability of the wall with respect to overturning, sliding and bearing capacity.Take
adhesion factor as 0.55. Assume angle of friction between base of the wall and the foundation soil as (2/3)ff, where,ff is the angle of friction of
the foundation soil. The ultimate bearing capacity of the foundation soil is 600 kN/m2.

0.5m 15

cb = 0
fb = 30
7.0m gb = 18.5 kN/m3

g = 24 kN/m3 0.75m
cf = 60 kN/m2
1.0m 0.75m 3.0m ff = 25, gf = 19 kN/m3
Unit weight of concrete = 24 kN/m3
Angle of inclination of backfill surface with horizontal = 15 deg.
Backfill soil property:
c = 0 kN/m2 f= 30 deg. g = 18.5 kN/m3

Foundation soil property:

c = 60 kN/m2 f= 25 deg. g = 19 kN/m3

Check for Rankine's condition: B

sin 
sin    0.518  31.2 degree 0.5 1 0.80
sin f

90  f   
ao    21.9 degree PV
2 2 H
Rankine Active Earth pressure ao
Height of wall, H = 7.80 m 7
4 aw PA
aw = 23.2 degree 2
Rankine's theory can be applied since PH
23.2 > 21.9 5
cos   cos 2   cos 2 f C
K a  cos   0.373 2
cos   cos   cos f
2 2 3 0.75
PA = 210.09 kN/m 1.0 0.75 3.0
PV = 54.38 kN/m qh
PH = 202.93 kN/m

Check for Overturning Failure R
Section No. Area Unit Weight Weight Lever arm Moment
(m2) (kN/m3) (kN/m) (m) (kN-m/m)
1 1.206 18.5 22.31 3.750 83.65
2 18.750 18.5 346.88 3.250 1127.34
3 3.563 24 85.50 2.375 203.06
4 3.125 24 75.00 1.500 112.50
5 0.781 24 18.75 1.167 21.88
PV = 54.38 4.8 258.29
Total vertical force = 602.81
Total MR = 1806.72 [MR is the Restoring moment]
Now total MO = 527.89 [MO is the Overturning moment]
Factor of safety w.r.t. overturning = 3.42 > 2, hence ok
Check for Sliding Failure
The force that resists the movement is given by FR  ca B  R tan d  PP Kp = 2.46
The width , B = 4.75 m On pasive side (in front of the toe of the wall)
Adhesion factor, a = 0.55 At, z = 0 m pp = 188.36 kN/m2
33 2 281.99 kN/m2
Adhesion ca = kN/m At, z = 2.00 m pp =
Total vertical force, R = 602.81 kN/m
Angle of friction between base and foundation soil, d = 16.67 deg.
PP = 470.353 kN/m
FR= 807.572 kN/m
PH= 202.93 kN/m
Factor of safety w.r.t. sliding = 3.98 > 1.5, hence ok
Check for Bearing Capacity Failure
B M R  M O 
The eccentricity is given by, e   0.25 m Now, B /6 = 0.79 m
2 R <B/6, hence ok
R  6e 
The pressure at the toe of the retaining wall is given by, qt  1   167.55 kN/m2
B  B

R  6e 
qh  1   2
B 
The pressure at the heel of the retaining wall is given by, 86.26 kN/m
Now, ultimate bearing capacity of the foundation soil = 600 kN/m

Factor of safety w.r.t. bearing capacity = 3.58 > 3, hence ok

12. A vertical wall 6m high, above the water table retains a 20 slope of soil (c= 0, f = 40, g = 18 kN/m3). Determine the total active thrust on
the wall and the inclination of two sets of failure planes with the vertical.

 = 20 deg. c = 0 kN/m2 f = 40 deg. g = 18 kN/m3

cos   cos 2   cos 2 f Height of the wall, H = 6.0 m

K a  cos    0.250
cos   cos 2   cos 2 f

Total active thrust, PA = 81.14 kN/m

sin 
sin    0.532  32.1 degree
sin f
90  f    90  f   
ao    18.9 degree ai    31.1 degree
2 2 2 2
13. For the cantilever wall shown in figure, check the stability of the wall with respect to overturning, sliding and bearin g capacity.Take
adhesion factor as 0.55. Assume angle of friction between base of the wall and the foundation soil as (2/3) ff, where,ff is the angle of friction of
the foundation soil. The ultimate bearing capacity of the foundation soil is 800 kN/m 2.

0.5m 15 kN/m2

cb = 0
fb = 30
7.5m gb = 19 kN/m3

g = 24 kN/m3 0.75m
cf = 60 kN/m2
1.0m 0.75m 3.0m ff = 25, gf = 18 kN/m3
Unit weight of concrete = 24 kN/m3
Surcharge = 15 kN/m2
Backfill soil property:
c = 0 kN/m
g = 19 kN/m
f= 30 deg.
Foundation soil property:
c = 60 kN/m2 g = 18 kN/m3
f= 25 deg.
Rankine Active Earth pressure
Height of wall, H = 7.50 m 7.5
1  sin f 3
Ka   0.33
1  sin f PH = PA
PA = 215.63 kN/m 4
PV = 0.00 kN/m 2 C

PH = 215.63 kN/m 2 0.75


1.0 0.75 3.0



Check for Overturning Failure
Section No. Area Unit Weight Weight Lever arm Moment
2 3 (kN/m) (m) (kN-m/m)
(m ) (kN/m )
1 20.250 19 384.75 3.250 1250.44
2 3.563 24 85.50 2.375 203.06
3 3.375 24 81.00 1.500 121.50
4 0.844 24 20.25 1.167 23.63

Total vertical force = 571.50

Total MR = 1598.63 [MR is the Restoring moment]
Now total MO = 539.06 [MO is the Overturning moment]
Factor of safety w.r.t. overturning = 2.97 > 2, hence ok
Check for Sliding Failure
The force that resists the movement is given by FR  ca B  R tan d  PP Kp = 2.46
The width , B = 4.8 m On pasive side (in front of the toe of the wall)
Adhesion factor, a = 0.55 At, z = 0 m pp = 188.36 kN/m

Adhesion ca = 33 2 pp = 277.06 2
kN/m At, z = 2.00 m kN/m
Total vertical force, R = 571.50 kN/m
Angle of friction between base and foundation soil, d = 16.67 deg.
PP = 465.425 kN/m
FR= 793.271 kN/m
PH= 215.63 kN/m
Factor of safety w.r.t. sliding = 3.68 > 1.5, hence ok
Check for Bearing Capacity Failure
B M R  M O 
The eccentricity is given by, e   0.52 m Now, B /6 = 0.79 m
2 R
<B/6, hence ok
R  6e 
qt  1  2
B  B 
The pressure at the toe of the retaining wall is given by, 199.50 kN/m

R  6e 
The pressure at the heel of the retaining wall is given by, qh  1   41.14 kN/m2
B  B
Now, ultimate bearing capacity of the foundation soil = 650 kN/m
Factor of safety w.r.t. bearing capacity = 3.26 > 3, hence ok
14. For the cantilever wall shown in figure, check the stability of the wall with respect to overturning, sliding and bearing capacity.Take
adhesion factor as 0.55. Assume angle of friction between base of the wall and the foundation soil as (2/3)ff, where,ff is the angle of friction of
the foundation soil. The ultimate bearing capacity of the foundation soil is 600kN/m2.


cb = 10 kN/m2
fb = 20
8.0m gb = 18 kN/m3

g = 24 kN/m3 0.75m
cf = 30 kN/m2
1.0m 0.75m 3.0m ff = 25, gf = 19 kN/m3
Unit weight of concrete = 24 kN/m
Backfill soil property: Foundation soil property:
c = 10 kN/m
g = 18 kN/m
c = 30 kN/m2 g = 19 3
f= 20 deg. f = 25 deg.
1  sin f
Height of wall, H = 8.00 m Ka   0.49
1  sin f
PA = 181.49 kN/m At, z = 0 pa = -14.00 kN/m2
PV = 0.00 kN/m At, z = 8 pa = 56.60 kN/m2
PH = 181.49 kN/m Depth of tension crack = 1.586831 m

0.5 B

3 1

1.5 2 0.75
1 0.75 3



Check for Overturning Failure
Section No. Area Unit Weight Weight Lever arm Moment
2 3 (kN/m) (m) (kN-m/m)
(m ) (kN/m )
1 21.75 18 391.50 3.25 1272.38
2 3.5625 24 85.50 2.375 203.06
3 3.625 24 87.00 1.5 130.50
4 0.9063 24 21.75 1.17 25.38
Total vertical force = 585.75 Total MR = 1631.31 [MR is the Restoring moment]
Now total MO = 387.97 [MO is the Overturning moment]
Factor of safety w.r.t. overturning = 4.20 > 2, hence ok
Check for Sliding Failure
The force that resists the movement is given by FR  ca B  R tan d  PP Kp = 2.46
The width , B = 4.8 m On pasive side (in front of the toe of the wall)
Adhesion factor, a = 0.55 At, z = 0 m pp = 94.18 kN/m2
Adhesion ca = 16.5 kN/m At, z = 1.50 m pp = 164.40 kN/m2
Total vertical force, R = 585.75 kN/m
Angle of friction between base and foundation soil, d = 16.67 deg.
PP = 193.938 kN/m FR= 447.7 kN/m PH= 181.49 kN/m
Factor of safety w.r.t. sliding = 2.47 > 1.5, hence ok
Check for Bearing Capacity Failure
B M R  M O 
The eccentricity is given by, e   0.25 m Now, B /6 = 0.79 m
2 R
<B/6, hence ok
R  6e 
The pressure at the toe of the retaining wall is given by, qt  1  162.62 kN/m2
B  B 

The pressure at the heel of the retaining wall is given by, R  6e  84.01 kN/m2
qh  1  
B  B
Now, ultimate bearing capacity of the foundation soil = 600 kN/m2
Factor of safety w.r.t. bearing capacity = 3.69 > 3, hence ok

15. For the cantilever wall shown in figure, check the stability of the wall with respect to overturning, sliding and bearin g capacity.Take
adhesion factor as 0.55. Assume angle of friction between base of the wall and the foundation soil as (2/3) ff, where,ff is the angle of friction of
the foundation soil. The ultimate bearing capacity of the foundation soil is 600kN/m 2.

0.5m 15 kN/m2

cb = 8 kN/m2
fb = 30
10.0m gb = 19.5 kN/m3

g = 24 kN/m3 0.75m
cf = 60 kN/m2
1.5m 1.0m 3.0m
ff = 25, gf = 18 kN/m3
Unit weight of concrete = 24 kN/m
Surcharge = 15 kN/m 0.5 B
Backfill soil property:
c = 8 kN/m
g = 19.5 kN/m

f= 30 deg.
Foundation soil property:
c = 60 kN/m2 g = 18 kN/m3
f= 25 deg. 3
Height of wall, H = 10.00 m 10
1  sin f
Ka   0.33
1  sin f 4
At, z = 0 pa = -4.24 kN/m 2
At, z = 10.00 pa = 55.76 kN/m2 2 0.75
Depth of tension crack = 1.42117 m A
PA = 239.19 kN/m 1.5 1.0 3.0
PV = 0.00 kN/m qh
PH = 239.19 kN/m

Check for Overturning Failure
Section No. Area Unit Weight Weight Lever arm Moment
(m ) (kN/m3) (kN/m) (m) (kN-m/m)
1 27.75 19.5 541.13 4 2164.50
2 4.125 24 99.00 2.75 272.25
3 4.625 24 111.00 2.25 249.75
4 2.3125 24 55.50 1.83 101.75
Total vertical force = 806.63 Total MR = 2788.25 [MR is the Restoring moment]
Now total MO = 683.98 [MO is the Overturning moment]
Factor of safety w.r.t. overturning = 4.08 > 2, hence ok

Check for Sliding Failure

The force that resists the movement is given by FR  ca B  R tan d  PP Kp = 2.46
The width , B = 5.5 m On pasive side (in front of the toe of the wall)

Adhesion factor, a = 0.55 At, z = 0 m pp = 188.36 kN/m2

Adhesion ca = 33.00 kN/m2 At, z = 2.00 m pp = 277.06 kN/m2

Total vertical force, R = 806.63 kN/m

Angle of friction between base and foundation soil, d = 16.67 deg.

PP = 465.425 kN/m FR= 888.4 kN/m PH= 239.19 kN/m

Factor of safety w.r.t. sliding = 3.71 > 1.5, hence ok

Check for Bearing Capacity Failure

B M R  M O 
The eccentricity is given by, e   0.14 m Now, B /6 = 0.92 m <B/6, hence ok
2 R
R  6e 
The pressure at the toe of the retaining wall is given by, qt  1  169.26 kN/m2
B  B 
R  6e 
qh  1   kN/m2
B 
The pressure at the heel of the retaining wall is given by, 124.06
Now, ultimate bearing capacity of the foundation soil = 600 kN/m2
Factor of safety w.r.t. bearing capacity = 3.54 > 3, hence ok

16. For the cantilever wall shown in figure, check the stability of the wall with respect to overturning, sliding and bearin g capacity.The backfill
soil is submerged below a depth of 3m from the top.Take adhesion factor as 0.55. Assume angle of friction between base of the wall and the
foundation soil as (2/3)ff, where,ff is the angle of friction of the foundation soil. The ultimate bearing capacity of the foundation soil is 600

15 kN/m2

g = 16.5 kN/m3

8m cb = 0, fb = 30
gsat = 19.5 kN/m3

2m g = 24 kN/m3 0.75m
cf = 60 kN/m2
1.5m 1m 3m
ff = 25, gf = 18.5 kN/m3
Unit weight of concrete = 24 kN/m3
Surcharge = 15 kN/m2
Backfill soil property:
c = 8 kN/m
gsat = 19.5 kN/m
gsub = 9.69 kN/m

f= 30 deg. g = 16.5 kN/m


Foundation soil property: 0.5

c = 60 kN/m
g = 18.5 kN/m

f= 25 deg.
3 B
Height of wall, H = 8.00 m
1  sin f
Ka   0.33
1  sin f 8
Due to surcharge
2 3
At, z = 0 pa = 5.00 kN/m 1b
At, z = 8.00 pa = 5.00 kN/m2 PH = PA
Due to soil (above WT)
At, z = 0 pa = 0.00 kN/m 4
At, z = 3 pa = 16.50 kN/m2 2 C
Due to soil (below WT) 2 0.75
At, z = 0 pa = 0.00 kN/m
At, z = 5 pa = 16.15 kN/m2 1.5 1.0 3.0
Due to water
2 qh
At, z = 0 pa = 0.00 kN/m
At, z = 5 pa = 49.05 kN/m
PA = 227.75 kN/m
acting at a height of 2.55 m above the base of the wall e
Check for Overturning Failure
Section No. Area Unit Weight Weight Lever arm Moment
2 3 (kN/m) (m) (kN-m/m)
(m ) (kN/m )
1a 9.00 16.5 148.50 4 594.00
1b 12.75 19.5 248.63 4 994.50
2 4.125 24 99.00 2.75 272.25
3 3.625 24 87.00 2.25 195.75
4 1.8125 24 43.50 1.83 79.75
Surcharge 3 - 45 4 180.00
Total vertical force = 671.63 Total MR = 2316.25 [MR is the Restoring moment]
Now, total MO = 580.17 [MO is the Overturning moment]
Factor of safety w.r.t. overturning = 3.99 > 2, hence ok
Check for Sliding Failure
The force that resists the movement is given by FR  ca B  R tan d  PP Kp = 2.46
The width , B = 5.5 m On pasive side (in front of the toe of the wall)
Adhesion factor, a = 0.55 At, z = 0 m pp = 188.36 kN/m2
Adhesion ca = 33.0 kN/m At, z = 2.00 m pp = 279.53 kN/m2
Total vertical force, R = 671.6 kN/m
Angle of friction between base and foundation soil, d = 16.67 deg.
PP = 467.889 kN/m FR= 850.5 kN/m PH= 227.75 kN/m
Factor of safety w.r.t. sliding = 3.73 > 1.5, hence ok
Check for Bearing Capacity Failure
B M R  M O 
The eccentricity is given by, e   0.17 m Now, B /6 = 0.92 m
2 R
<B/6, hence ok
R  6e 
qt 1  144.11
B  B 
The pressure at the toe of the retaining wall is given by, kN/m2

R  6e 
The pressure at the heel of the retaining wall is given by, qh  1    100.12 kN/m2
B B
Now, ultimate bearing capacity of the foundation soil = 600 kN/m2
Factor of safety w.r.t. bearing capacity = 4.16 > 3, hence ok
17. A vertical wall 6m high, above the water table, retains a 20 soil slope, the retained soil having a unit weight of 18 kN/m 3; the appropriate
shear strength parameters are c = 0 and f = 40. Determine the total active thrust on the wall and the directions of the two sets of failure planes
relative to the vertical.

Height of wall, H = 6 m c = 0
Angle of inclination of backfill surface with horizontal,  = 20 deg. f = 40 deg.
g = 18 kN/m

cos   cos 2   cos 2 f 1

K a  cos    0.250 Pa  K a gH 2  81.135 kN/m
cos   cos 2   cos 2 f 2
sin 
sin    0.532   32.1 degree
sin f
90  f   
Angle of inclination of outer failure plane with vertical is ao    18.9 degree
2 2
90  f   
Angle of inclination of inner failure plane with vertical is ai    31.1 degree
2 2

18. Calculate the total active thrust on a vertical wall 5m high retaining a sand of unit weight 17 kN/m 3 for which f = 35; the surface of the
sand is horizontal and the water table is below the bottom of the wall. (b) Determine the thrust on the wall if the water tab le rises to a level 2m
below the surface of the sand. The saturated unit weight of the sand is 20 kN/m 3. The surcharge above ground surface is 30 kN/m2.

Height of wall, H = 5 m f = 35 deg. Surcharge, q = 50.0 kN/m2

Unit weight of sand above Water Table, g = 17 kN/m3
Saturated Unit weight of sand, g sat = 20 kN/m3

1  sin f  Pa  K a qH 
K a gH 2  125.33 kN/m
Ka   0.271
1  sin f  2
acting at 2.12 m above the toe of the wall.

When WT rises 2.0 m below the surface of the sand, then depth of WT below GL = 2.0 m

Active pressure due to surcharge = 13.55 kN/m2

Active pressure at 2.0 m below GL (due to dry soil above GWT)
= 9.21 kN/m
Active pressure at 5.0 m below GL (due to sub soil below GWT)
= 8.28 kN/m2 2.0
Lateral pressure exerted by water = 29.43 kN/m2
PA1 = 67.75 kN/m y1 = 2.50 m
PA2 = 9.21 kN/m y2 = 3.67 m 1
PA3 = 27.64 kN/m y3 = 1.50 m
PA4 = 56.57 kN/m y4 = 1.00 m y 3.0

Resultant active thrust, PA = 161.17 kN/m 4

acting at 1.87 m above the toe of the wall.

13.55 9.21 8.28 29.43

19. The soil conditions adjacent to a sheet pile wall are given in Figure , a surcharge pressure of 50 kN/m 2 being carried on the surface behind
the wall. For soil 1, a sand above the water table, c = 0, f = 38, g = 18 kN/m3. For soil 2, a saturated clay, c = 10 kN/m2, f = 28, g sat = 20
kN/m3. Calculate the total active thrust and passive resistance on the wall. Also determine their location above the toe of the wall .

50 kN/m2

Soil - 1 6m
1 25.69
1.5 m GWT

3 Soil - 2 3m 3 4

84.67 108.07 18.05 26.97 11.04

Surcharge, q = 50.0 kN/m2
Soil - I:
Thickness, H 1 = 6.0 m on Active side f = 38 deg. Ka = 0.238 g = 18 kN/m3
Thickness, H 1 = 1.5 m on Passive side Kp = 4.204 c= 0 kN/m2

Soil - 2:
Thickness, H 2 = 3.0 m on Active side f = 28 deg. Ka = 0.361 g sat = 20 kN/m3
Thickness, H 2 = 3.0 m on Passive side Kp = 2.770 c= 10 kN/m

Depth of GWT below GL on active side = 6.0 m

Determination of active thrust

Soil - I:
At, z = 0 pa = 0.00 kN/m2 presssure in soil - 1 due to surcharge = 11.89 kN/m2
At, z = 6.0 m pa = 25.69 kN/m

Soil - 2:
Equivalent surcharge intensity, qe1 = 108.00 kN/m2 from layer - I
At, z = 0.0 m pa = 26.97 kN/m (for equivalent surcharge) [constant throughout the soil - 2 depth]
At, z = 3.0 m pa = 11.04 kN/m (for the soil layer - II)
At, z = 3.0 m
presssure in soil - 2 due to surcharge = 18.05 kN/m2 [constant throughout the soil - 2 depth]

PA1 = 71.36 kN/m y1 = 6.00 m PA2 = 77.07 kN/m y2 = 5.00 m

PA3 = 135.08 kN/m y3 = 1.50 m PA4 = 16.56 kN/m y4 = 1.00 m
Resultant active thrust, PA = 300.07 kN/m acting at 3.44 m above the toe of the wall.

Determination of passive resistance

Soil - I:
At, z = 0 pp = 0.00 kN/m2
At, z = 1.5 m pp = 113.50 kN/m2

Soil - 2:
Equivalent surcharge intensity, qe1 = 27.00 kN/m2 from layer - I
2 [constant throughout the soil - 2 depth]
At, z = 0 pp = 108.07 kN/m
At, z = 3.0 m pp = 84.67 kN/m2

PP1 = 85.13 kN/m y1 = 3.50 m

PP2 = 127.01 kN/m y2 = 1.00 m
PP3 = 324.21 kN/m y3 = 1.50 m

Resultant passive resistance, PP = 536.35 kN/m

acting at 1.70 m above the toe of the wall.

20. A retaining wall 9 m high retains granular filll (unit weight = 18 kN/m3) with level surface. The active thrust on the wall is 180 kN/m length
of the wall. The height of the wall is to be increased and to keep the force on the wall within allowable limits, the backfill in the top half of the
depthis removed and replaced by cinders. If cinders are used as backfill even in the additional height, what additional height may be allowed if
the thrust on the wall is to be limited to its initial value? The unit weight of cinders is 9 kN/m3. Assume the friction angle for cinders the same
as that of the soil.

Backfill (cinders)
2.22 h

4.5 m Backfill (cinders)

2.22 (h + 4.5 )

4.5 m Granular backfill

Height of the retaining wall, H = 9.0 m Unit weight of granular backfill soil = 18.0 kN/m3
Active thrust on the wall, Pa = 180.0 kN/m Unit weight of cinder = 9.0 kN/m3
Let the additional height of the wall be h m
2 Pa
Ka   0.247
gH 2
The depth of cinder backfill will be h + 4.5 m and bottom 4.5 m is granular backfill with K a = 0.247
Since the friction angles for cinders is taken to be the same as that for the granular soil, K a for cinders is also 0.247
The intensity of pressure at (h + 4.5 ) m depth = 2.22222 (h + 4.5 ) kN/m
Intensity of pressure at base = 2.22 (h + 4.5 )+ 20 kN/m
Total thrust = 1.11 h2 + 5.00 (2h + 4.5 )+ 10 (h + 4.5 )+ 45
Equating this to the initial value of P a = 180.0
1.11 h2 + 5.00 (2h + 4.50 )+ 10.00 (h + 4.50 ) + 45.00 = 180.0
or, 1.11 h2 + 10 h + 22.50 + 10.00 h 45 + 45.00 = 180.0
or, 1.11 h2 + 20.00 h -67.50 = 0
or, h = 2.91 m
Thus, the height of the wall may be increased by 2.91 m without increasing the thrust.

21. A 6 m high vertical wall retains a granular backfill where the ground level is inclined at 10° to the horizontal. The bulk unit weight of the
fill is 18.0 kN/m and the friction angle is 33. Assuming the backfill is in the active state, determine the magnitude of the resultant thrust on the
wall assuming the fo llowing: (i) Rankine: Smooth wall, (ii) Coulomb: Smooth wall, (iii) Coulomb, d /f = 0.5 and (iv) Coulomb, d /f = 0.67.

Height of the retaining wall, H = 6.0 m f= 33 deg.

Angle of inclination of backfill surface with horizontal,  = 10 deg. g = 18 kN/m3
a= 90 deg. [Since the wall is vertical]

(i) Rankine: Smooth wall

cos   cos 2   cos 2 f

K a  cos   0.307 PA 
K agH 2  99.61 kN/m
cos   cos   cos f
2 2

(ii) Coulomb: Smooth wall d= 0 [Since the wall is smooth]

sin(a )= 1.000
sin a  f 
2 a  f= 123 deg. sin(a  f )= 0.839
Ka   0.328 a  d= 90 deg. sin(a  d )= 1.000
sin f  d  sin f    

sin 2 a sin a  d 1   f  d= 33 deg. sin(f  d )= 0.545
 sin a  d  sin a     f= 23 deg. sin(f   )= 0.391
a = 100 deg. sin(a   )= 0.985
PA  K agH 2  106.20 kN/m
(iii) Coulomb: d / f = 0.5 Hence, d= 16.5 deg. sin(a )= 1.000
sin a  f 
2 a  f = 123 deg. sin(a  f )= 0.839
Ka   0.301 a  d = 73.5 deg. sin(a  d )= 0.959
sin f  d  sin f    

sin a sin a  d 1 
 f  d = 49.5 deg. sin(f  d )= 0.760
 sin a  d  sin a     f   = 23 deg. sin(f   )= 0.391
1 a   = 100 deg. sin(a   )= 0.985
PA  K agH 2  97.55 kN/m

(iv) Coulomb: d / f = 0.67 Hence, d= 22.11 deg. sin(a )= 1.000

sin a  f 
2 a  f = 123 deg. sin(a  f )= 0.839
Ka   0.299 a  d = 67.89 deg. sin(a  d )= 0.926
sin f  d  sin f    

sin 2 a sin a  d 1   f  d = 55.11 deg. sin(f  d )= 0.820
 sin a  d  sin a     f   = 23 deg. sin(f   )= 0.391
a   = 100 deg. sin(a   )= 0.985
PA  K agH 2  96.97 kN/m
22. A 3 m high vertical wall retains a granular backfill where the ground level is inclined at 10° to the horizontal. The bulk unit weight of the
fill is 18.0 kN/m and the friction angle is 34. Assuming the backfill is in the passive state, determine the magnitude of the resultant thrust on
the wall assuming the fo llowing: (i) Rankine: Smooth wall, (ii) Coulomb: Smooth wall, (iii) Coulomb, d /f = 0.5 and (iv) Coulomb, d /f = 0.67.
Height of the retaining wall, H = 3.0 m f= 34 deg.
Angle of inclination of backfill surface with horizontal,  = 0 deg. g = 18 kN/m3
a= 90 deg. [Since the wall is vertical]
(i) Rankine: Smooth wall

cos   cos 2   cos 2 f 1

K p  cos    3.537 PP  K p gH 2  286.51 kN/m
cos   cos   cos f
2 2

(ii) Coulomb: Smooth wall d= 0 [Since the wall is smooth]

sin(a )= 1.000
sin a  f 
2 a  f= 56 deg. sin(a  f )= 0.829
Kp   3.537 a  d= 90 deg. sin(a  d )= 1.000
sin f  d sin f    

sin 2 a sin a  d 1   f  d= 34 deg. sin(f  d )= 0.559
 sin a  d sin a     f = 34 deg. sin(f   )= 0.559
a = 90 deg. sin(a   )= 1.000
PP  K p gH 2  286.51 kN/m
(iii) Coulomb: d / f = 0.5 Hence, d= 17 deg. sin(a )= 1.000
sin a  f 
2 a  f= 56 deg. sin(a  f )= 0.829
Kp   6.767 a  d= 107 deg. sin(a  d )= 0.956
sin f  d sin f    
 f  d= sin(f  d )=
sin a sin a  d 1 

51 deg. 0.777
 sin a  d sin a     f = 34 deg. sin(f   )= 0.559
a = 90 deg. sin(a   )= 1.000
PP  K p gH 2  548.16 kN/m
(iii) Coulomb: d / f = 0.67 Hence, d= 22.78 deg. sin(a )= 1.000
sin a  f 
2 a  f = 56 deg. sin(a  f )= 0.829
Kp   9.007 a  d = 112.8 deg. sin(a  d )= 0.922
sin f  d sin f    
 f  d = 56.78 deg. sin(f  d )=
sin a sin a  d 1 
2 0.837
 sin a  d sin a     f   = 34 deg. sin(f   )= 0.559
a   = 90 deg. sin(a   )= 1.000
PP  K p gH 2  729.54 kN/m
23. A retaining wall is battered away from the fill from bottom to top at an angle of 15° with the vertical. Height of the wall is 6 m. The fill
slopes upwards at an angle 15° away from the rest of the wall. The friction angle is 30° and wall friction angle is 15°. Using Coulomb’s wedge
theory, determined the total active and passive thrusts on the wall, per lineal metre assuming g = 20 kN/m3.

Height of the retaining wall, H = 6.0 m f= 30 deg.

Angle of inclination of backfill surface with horizontal,  = 15 deg. g = 20 kN/m3
a= 75 deg. [Since the wall is battered away from the bottom to top at an angle of 15 deg. with vertical.
d= 15 deg.

sin 2 a  f 
15 Ka   0.542
sin f  d  sin f    

sin a sin a  d 1 

 sin a  d  sin a    

sin 2 a  f 
6.0 m Kp   6.247
sin f  d sin f    

sin a sin a  d 1 

 sin a  d sin a    

sin(a )= 0.966 sin(a )= 0.966

a  f= 105 deg. sin(a  f )= 0.966 a  f= 45 deg. sin(a  f )= 0.707
a  d= 60 deg. sin(a  d )= 0.866 a  d= 90 deg. sin(a  d )= 1.000
f  d= 45 deg. sin(f  d )= 0.707 f  d= 45 deg. sin(f  d )= 0.707
f= 15 deg. sin(f   )= 0.259 f = 45 deg. sin(f   )= 0.707
a = 90 deg. sin(a   )= 1.000 a = 90 deg. sin(a   )= 1.000
1 1
PA  K agH 2  195.09 kN/m PP  K p gH 2  2248.88 kN/m
2 2
PA  K agH 2 
24. A trapezoidal masonry retaining wall 1 m wide at top and 3 m wide at its bottom is 4 m high. The vertical face is retaining soil (f = 30°), the
surface of which is inclined at an angle of 20° with the horizontal. Determine the maximum and minimum intensities of pressure at the base of
the retaining wall. Unit weights of soil and masonary are 20 kN/m3 and 24 kN/m3 respectively. Assuming the coefficient of friction at the base of
the wall as 0.45, determine the factor of safety against sliding. Also determine the factor of safety against overturning. Use Rankine's theory.

1.0 m
20.0 deg.
Unit weight of concrete = 24 kN/m3
Height of the retaining wall, H = 4.0 m
Angle of inclination of backfill surface with horizontal,  = 20 deg.
f= 30 deg. g = 20 kN/m

Coeff. of friction at the base of the wall = 0.45

4.0 m 1

2 PA = 66.27 kN/m
cos   cos 2   cos 2 f
K a  cos   0.414
cos   cos 2   cos 2 f

3.0 m PH = 62.28 kN/m Lever arm for PH about toe = 1.33 m

PV = 22.67 kN/m Lever arm for PV about toe = 3.00 m

W1 = weight of rectangular portion of the wall = 96.00 kN/m Lever arm for W1 about toe = 2.50 m
W2 = weight of triangular portion of the wall = 96.00 kN/m Lever arm for W2 about toe = 1.33 m

FSOT = Factor of safety against overturning = 5.25

FSSLD = Factor of safety against sliding = 1.55

B M R  M O 
e   0.14 m <B/6, hence ok because, B /6 = 0.50 m
2 R

R  6e 
The pressure at the toe of the retaining wall is given by, qt  1   92.20 kN/m2
B  B

R  6e 
The pressure at the heel of the retaining wall is given by, qh  1   50.91 kN/m2
B  B

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