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PCK 303
Assessment of Learning 1
Activity 5

Problem Set

1. Observe the given teacher’s Table of Specification (TOS) given above. Study its content and print it
out or copy it on a long-sized bond paper.

2. Give comments on the entries of that TOS (distribution of items, number of items for each topic in
relation to the number of days spent for each topic, ETC.)

Below are the following things I have observed on the TOS given above:
 The number of items and number of days have been distributed equally however when we come to the
percentage of the number of items it only totaled 99.99% and because of that Aralin 5 becomes 14% to get
a total of 100%.
 Also noticed that there were no percentages shown on the levels of the cognitive domain (Remembering,
understanding, Application, Analysis, Evaluation, and Creating)

3. Write your reflections on the activity.

The activity helps me to understand more about the Table of Specifications. The activity also made me
understand that TOS benefits the teacher-made tests and can improve the students' learning because the TOS
provides the link between what has been taught and what they have learned.

Thus, in the making of TOS it is important to emphasize the concept of target skills, time allotment of the
topic in the scope, and the degree of importance of the topic for us to be able to evaluate and assess our
students learning.

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