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OpenPM² Template v3.0.

Risk Log
<Project Name>
Risk Identification and Description Risk Assessment Risk Response
ID Category Title Description Status Identified By Identification Likelihood (L) Impact (I) Risk Level Risk Owner Escalation Risk Response Action Details Target Date Traceability/Comments
Date (L*I) Strategy (effort & responsible)
<Risks can be <Short title for the risk> <Description of the risk including <Status for the risk: One <The name of the <Date when the <A numerical <A numerical <Product of <Name of the <Should the <Strategy for <Description of the mitigation <Date on which <Related artefacts:
organised in its causes, the kinds of problems of the following values: Person who identified risk was identified value denoting value denoting the two person issue be managing the action(s), including the the risk response - ID for the related mitigation
different that could result (potential - Proposed the risk> <dd/mm/yy>> the probability the severity of previous accountable for escalated to risk: objective, scope, deliverables, is expected to be tasks in the Project Plan
categories such effects), and risk dependencies.> - Assessing that the risk will the risk's columns: managing and the - Avoid the person responsible and the implemented.> - ID for related changes, issues
as Business, - Awaiting for Approval occur: impact: RL = L * I> monitoring the Directing or - Reduce estimated effort needed. > or decisions (log entries) .>
Staffing, <Because of (CONDITION), - Approved 5- Very High 5- Very High risk> Steering - Accept

Contractor, Legal it might be that (EVENT), - Rejected to to Layers? - Transfer/

…> which will lead to(IMPACT).> - Closed> 1- Very Low> 1- Very Low> <Yes> or Share>








<These notes should be deleted in the final version>

This template is based on PM² V3.0
For the latest version of this template please visit the PM² Wiki
<The PM² Methodology originated from the European Commission. Open PM² provides many guidelines and templates to facilitate the management and documentation of your projects.>

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