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1 Setting

A. Time: from 2011 to 2015

Place: Ireland
Atmosphere: In terms of atmosphere, Normal People is generally characterized as a introspective
and emotionally intense novel.
The setting of a story can have a significant impact on the characters, plot, and overall tone of
the story.

B. In Normal People, the point of view of the narrator is third-person omniscient. The use of third-
person omniscient allows the reader to gain insight into the inner thoughts and feelings of the
characters, but it also keeps the narrator at a certain distance from the events of the story. This
point of view allows the reader to see the world through the eyes of the characters, but it also
allows for a certain level of objectivity in the narration.

2 Characters

A. Connell and Marianne are round characters, because they are well-developed and complex
characters whose actions and motivations are influenced by a range of internal and external
factors. Here are two specific examples of why Connell and Marianne are round characters:
- Connell is a round character because he has a range of personality traits and emotions that
change and evolve over the course of the novel. For example, he is initially shy and self-
conscious, but as he grows and matures, he becomes more confident and assertive.
- Marianne is a round character because she is multi-faceted and complex, with a range of
conflicting emotions and motivations. As the novel progresses, she grapples with issues of
power and identity and learns to assert herself in her relationships and in the world.

B. The themes of miscommunication and depression can be seen as the real antagonist in Normal
People, as they create obstacles and challenges for the characters and contribute to the overall
tension and conflict of the story. Here are two examples of how these themes could be seen as
the antagonist in the story:
 Miscommunication: Throughout the novel, Connell and Marianne often struggle to
communicate their thoughts and feelings to each other, leading to misunderstandings
and conflicts. This miscommunication creates barriers between them and contributes to
the tension and turmoil in their relationship.
 Depression: Both Connell and Marianne struggle with feelings of depression and isolation
at various points in the novel. These feelings can act as an antagonist by hindering their
ability to connect with each other and leading to conflicts and misunderstandings.

C. Indirect characterization has been used here. The character being described is Connell. The
passage tells us that Connell is someone who is thoughtful and introspective, and that he is
concerned about the potential awkwardness of a romantic relationship with Marianne within the
context of their school and social circle.

3 Themes

A. 2. Identity, insecurity and social status

B. 1. Love, inexperience and emotional intensity/ 2. Identity, insecurity and social status
C. 1. Love, inexperience and emotional intensity/ 3. Miscommunication and assumptions

D. 2. Identity, insecurity and social status

E. 1. Love, inexperience and emotional intensity/ 3. Miscommunication and assumptions

F. 4. Money, class and entitlement

A. .

B. The ending of Normal People does not seem to involve any significant plot twists or unexpected
revelations, and the resolution of the characters' relationship follows a fairly predictable arc.
While the decision for Connell to go to New York for graduate school may be a significant turning
point in the characters' relationship, it does not seem to come as a surprise to the reader or be
revealed in a sudden or unexpected way.

C. In the opening scene, we are introduced to Connell and Marianne, who come from different
social backgrounds. Connell's mother works as a cleaner for Marianne's family, and Connell goes
to Marianne’s house to pick up his mother. This initial scene highlights the significant difference
in status and wealth between the two characters, which continues to be a significant factor in
their complex relationship throughout the rest of the book.

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