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Sao Thai Duong Cosmetic

Weekly Session 2: Creation and Communication of Brand Value & Positioning

Sao Thai Duong Joint Stock Company, established in April 2000, is one of Vietnam's famous
brands in the production and trading of cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and functional foods.
Sao Thai Duong's logo has a traditional style with a star next to it to easily identify this brand
as being from Vietnam. With the typical Vietnamese brand name "Thai Duong" and the star
symbol, it is easy for customers to imagine that Sao Thai Duong's products belong to the
field of cosmetics and beauty. It also shows that they target mainly Vietnamese customers.
Sao Thai Duong’s brand positioning statement can be stated as "For Vietnamese women
customers, Sao Thai Duong is a leading local brand among all cosmetics that offer beauty
products for their hair, skin, and health because 21 years of presence in the market and
more than 130 products, Sao Thai Duong pursues the motto "quality creates prosperity" in
production and business."

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