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Authentic - accurate, true, actual

2. Awkward - lacking grace or skill in manner or movement or
3. Bland - mild; tasteless; dull
4. Come up - (of an issue, situation, or problem) occurs or
presents itself, especially unexpectedly.
5. Commonality - a shared characteristic
6. Controversial - arousing argument, dispute, or disagreement
7. Dull - boring
8. Escalating - (v.) To increase, enlarge, or intensify
9. Gauge - an instrument for measuring or testing; to measure
10. Genuine - natural; being what it seems to be
11. Innermost - the most private, personal, or secret
12. Linger - to take a long time to leave or disappear
13. Pleasant - giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment.
14. Spark - bring about, trigger, stimulate
15. Tactful - (adj.) skilled in handling difficult situations or
people, polite

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