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Benjamin Heavner

Phil Winters


10 December 2022


I had a wonderful experience this semester! I loved getting to meet so many amazing

people, learn new acting techniques and studies. I won’t lie, I wasn;t sure what to expect at first.

I had taken acting class before at Lincoln Park, so I knew some stuff and wasn’t sure what I

would be learning. I knew there were things I could always still learn about from class so I did

come eager to learn. This semester taught me so much and I’m so happy I got the opportunity to

study with you.

I loved getting to learn abut Chekhov’s technique. Even on the first class teaching us

how to throw and receive the ball. Something I enjoyed more than I thought I would, were the

‘Uta Hagen’ readings. When I first heard that we had a reading assignment to do, I dreaded it.

However, as soon as I started it, I realized how much I loved what I was reading and learning

about. From the reading we did, I really want to read the rest of the book now. Truly one of the

best parts of this class was the people.

Everyone in that class is now a friend of mine. I am so happy that I got to meet everyone

through this class, and that I was able to watch all these people grow throughout the semester. In

all of my reflections, I’ve realized how much growth I’ve seen in myself and my friends around

me. It’s crazy to think about how much we’ve grown since the first time we did monolgoues. The

growth I’ve seen from my first scene to my last scene is so much. One thing I attribute to this is;

learning how to take and apply notes and criticisms.

Getting to work with such amazing scene partners really helped with this. I loved getting

to see how different people interpreted scenes or ideas. I’m so happy I got to see myself grow, by

looking back at recordings. It’s amazing to see how much can change from the beginning of the

year. One of my favorite times in class was doing the “Spoon River” poems. I loved that Ayden

and I ended up choosing the same one, but still interpreted them differently. I am so sad that I

won’t have class with all of these amazing friends, but I can’t wait to perform with them soon.

Thank you so much for being such an amazing teacher!!

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