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Important bits

1.DFS Stands for __________________________________.(depth first search)

2.BFS stands for_____________________________________.(breadth first search) of the transition of graphs is______________________.(edge)
4.__________________is an example for hight balanced tree.(AVL tree)
5.Tree is a_______________________data structures(non linear data structure)
6.Quick sort uses ________________ element to partition the list.(pivot)
7. ____________ is a full binary tree(perfect binary tree)
8.________________is the self balancing tree.(binary search tree)
9.Merge sort follows _______________________technique(devide &conquer)
10.If a binary tree has n nodes then it has___________edges.(n-1)
11.A node have a child is called__________________.(parent node/internal)
12.Right skewed binary tree consist____________child only. (1or 2)(RIGHT)
13.A Binary tree with n nodes will have ____________edges.(n-1)
14.A graph with no loops and parallel edges is called as __________graph.(simple)
15.BFS graph traversal is ___________order traversal. (level)
16.In binary tree any node can have at most ____________ children.(two)
17.BFS Follows which data structure?( Queue )
18. DFS Follows which data structure? (Stack)
19.Graphs are represented using? ( Adjacency tree,Adjacency linked list)
20.What is the maximum number of children that a node can have in a binary tree? (2)
21.Partition and Exchange sorting is?(Quick sort)
22.How many types of Sorting?what are they?
23.Define Tree?
24.Define Graph?
25.What is Binary Tree?
26.What are the types of Graph Traversal ?
27.Properties of binary tree?
28.What are the types of binary trees?
29.Define hash table?
30.Define traversal technique?

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