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The Double
By capturing the life of a stunt man in Kannada films and exploring the adjustments made during film shoots,
Amshu Chukki dwells on the leakages between real and cinematic life, finds K Sridhar.

In his essay, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical site in which he is expected to locate the sequence. Every
Reproduction, Walter Benjamin cites the dramatist Luigi detail from the geography of the site to the illumination,
Pirandello in talking about the metamorphosis of an actor from the choreographed moves to the props used in the
as they move from theatre to film and start performing not sequence are worked out by Danny even as he acts as
in front of the viewing public but in front of a camera. “The a stunt-man himself in many of the sequences. He is
film actor,” wrote Pirandello, “feels as if in exile – exiled ‘invisiblised’ not just on the editing table: he understands
not only from the stage but also from himself. With a the line of the camera and his own location with respect to
vague sense of discomfort he feels inexplicable emptiness: it so as to make sure that his face is not seen in any of the
his body loses its corporeality, it evaporates, it is deprived sequences. His is a fascinating narrative that runs through
of reality, life, voice, and the noises caused by his moving the video only somewhat jarred by the very smooth and
about, in order to be changed into a mute image, flickering polished script that he is lending voice to. This somehow
an instant on the screen, then vanishing into silence . . . takes away from the tonality of the narrative.
The projector will play with his shadow before the public, The second video reveals a continuity with concerns
and he himself must be content to play before the camera.” that Chukki had shown in his show The Tour, where he
Benjamin goes on to discuss how the cinematic image had used documentation of a film city to bring out the
reproduces every detail of the actor except their aura – for interplay between the worlds inside and outside the film.
aura is tied to their presence. The feeling of estrangement Here, he turns his attention to large, independent homes in
that an actor feels, Benjamin argues, is the same kind that the outskirts of Bangalore which become the sites for film
one feels in viewing one’s reflection in a mirror. But in and television show shoots. These houses are not empty:
the case of the film, the image has become separable and the residents continue to live inside through the months
transportable mediated by a technology that allows for of filming and Chukki’s video documents the interesting
the final image to be chopped up and pieced together in spatial and temporal negotiations they have to make to allow
ways that it bears little resemblance to the initial material the shooting to continue unhindered but simultaneously
filmed. The problem is exacerbated when a body double is doing a continuous blurring of the lines that divide the
used to fill in for the actor in the film’s stunt sequences, for world of the residents from the world of the film.
example. This is a nameless and, indeed, faceless substitute Chukki complements this video with a set of drawings
for the protagonist in the film and is doubly removed from displaying architectural plans but overlaid with drawings
the character they portray. Theirs is not a shadow before that stand alongside the text of a screenplay that the artist
the public but the shadow of a shadow. has included. The screenplay breathes in an element
It is this line of thought that Amshu Chukki’s latest of time into the static architectural plans and seen in
exhibition Different Danny and Other Stories evokes. conjunction with the overlaid drawings makes for a very
Shown first at Chatterjee & Lal in Mumbai from the 10th of compelling narrative of its own.
March to the 14th of April and then in a truncated version A couple of sculptural installations on the wall that
at 1 Shanthiroad Studio/Gallery from the 10th to the 17th of use the elements of cinematic props and apparatus were
June in Bangalore, the exhibition is centred around two mounted in the Bangalore exhibition. These together
video installations of which the first is about a body double with a set of wall sculptures made of wire were used in
or dupe from the Kannada film world called Different the Mumbai show and seen together the visual logic of the
Danny. Different Danny is not just a stunt man – he is a installations was more apparent. It is a direction that the
fight director, choreographer and a visualizer who, in fact, artist seems keen to explore more in his future work. /
scripts the fights sequence after studying, in detail, the


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