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Edited scribbles and suggestions for display

Meera k m
Hyacinth stacked wall with window frames

Plant saplings and multiple Tiny

pathways in between to reach the
windows of the walls in border ,
which might lead or prompt viewers
to walk until the wall

The pathway formation can be

changed accordingly if some other
work is to be also displayed within
the site
Flooring elements taken from
previous works and plans.

Same plants planted on floating

form shall be included .
Floating form

Drawing for bamboo armature -

foundation for floating form

Link to reference of floating farming
Details of floating form surface
These are walls on other three side of the

Documentations from the floating form as

well as this land -photographs and texts
representing weekly transitions and
observations could be displayed for the new
viewers to understand the transitions

Plans for documentation

Use pre setup motion sensing cameras on floating form

Links to references

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