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Society and community make it easier to transfer vital information to upcoming generations.

information is advantageous to lead a better life.

Society and community are groups of people who have similar interests.

Society vs. Community

The difference between society and community is that society is made of people sharing similar
interests. These interests can be based on religion, rituals, customs, etc. Community, on the other hand,
is a well-structured unit of society. IT is an official organization of people with laws and regulations to

Society vs. Community

Society is a large group of people sharing similar customs and rituals. People living in certain areas in
groups are known as a part of society.

These people are connected and have persistent social interaction. The norms associated with society
are not written anywhere; they are just based on beliefs.

A group of people that have particular factors in common is known to be a community. A community is a
confluence of Identity, customs, values, religion, etc.

Community is divided into three parts; rural, urban, and suburban. The community can be considered as
a unit of society.

The community might have some written documents for people to follow.

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