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Splitting the class into two groups based on level of achievement

Hindered it in the sense that children would lose confidence thinking that they are behind
their classmates
Helped it because children worked at their own pace with less pressure.

Functionalists would agree with this way of learning because they think that the role of
schools is that of classifying students based on academic merit. Believe in Meritocracy-
people get what they earn and they have to work for their position so I think they would
agree with classifying students into groups based on knowledge.

Functionalist perspective on education-

Positive functions of the education system:
- Creating social solidarity
- Teaching skills necessary for work
- Teaching core values
- Role allocation and meritocracy

- Education is meritocratic- people have to work and earn their place. A combination
of ability and effort determine who has the best qualifications for a specific job.

- Think education is a form of secondary socialization which is value consensus

- Education involves allocating people to their right jobs

- Industrial societies are based on hierarchy, so some jobs are more important than

- Durkheim suggests that schools provide a diversity if qualifications that later become
more specialized. Durkheim also suggests that social solidarity- feelings as if we
belong to something bigger (such as PSHE) results in value consensus

- Talcott Parsons argued that education acts as the ‘focal socializing agency’ in modern
society. School plays the central role in the process of secondary socialisation, taking
over from primary socialisation. Parsons stated that students are judged through
universalistic standards but at home people are judged through particularistic

- Marxists think the education system is not meritocratic- the class of the student
plays a part in the education- private schools normally do better than students in
state schools.
- Interactionism suggests that functionalism ignores the darker side of education
- Postmodernists argue that ‘teaching to the test’ kills creativity.
- Functionalism reflects the views of the powerful – the education system tends to
work for them and they suggests that there is nothing to criticise
Functionalists look at education through positive light because it teaches the skills necessary
for the workplace and provides a sense of solidarity and creates a workforce - thus, helps
the growth of the economy and individuals can move on to provide themselves

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