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Other Related Laws



PREPARED BY: | Gerald Jim Ubaldo BSED Math 3A

The 1987 Constitution
 The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels, and
shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all;
 Establish, maintain, and support a complete, adequate, and integrated system of education
relevant to the needs of the people and society;
 Establish and maintain a system of free public education in the elementary and high school
levels. Without limiting the natural right of parents to rear their children, elementary education
is compulsory for all children of school a age;
 Establish and maintain a system of scholarship grants, student loan programs, subsidies, and
other incentives which shall be available to deserving students in both public and private
schools, especially to the underprivileged;
 Encourage non-formal, informal, and indigenous learning systems, as well as self-learning,
independent, and out-of-school study programs particularly those that respond to community
needs; and
 Provide adult citizens, the disabled, and out-of-school youth training in civics, vocational
efficiency, and other skills.

Sec. 1- Constitution as part of the curricula

1. They shall inculcate patriotism and nationalism, foster love of humanity, respect for human
rights, appreciation of the role of national heroes in the historical development of the country,
teach the rights and duties of citizenship, strengthen ethical and spiritual values, develop moral
character and personal discipline, encourage critical and creative thinking, broaden scientific
and technological knowledge, and promote vocational efficiency.
2. Religion shall be allowed to be taught to their children or wards in public elementary and high
schools within the regular class hours by instructors designated or approved by the religious
authorities of the religion to which the children or wards belong, without additional cost to the
3. The complementary roles of public and private institutions in the educational system shall be
recognized and the government shall exercise reasonable supervision and regulation of all
educational institutions.

Sec. 4- Ownership of Educational Institutions

1. Educational institutions, other than those established by religious groups and mission boards,
shall be owned solely by citizens of the Philippines or corporations or associations at least sixty
percent of the capital of which is owned by such citizens. The Congress may, however, require
increased Filipino equity participation in all educational institutions.
2. No educational institution shall be established exclusively for aliens and no group of aliens shall
comprise more than one-third of the enrollment in any school except schools established for
foreign diplomatic personnel and their dependents and, unless otherwise provided by law, for
other foreign temporary residents.
3. All revenues and assets of non-stock, non-profit educational institutions used actually, directly,
and exclusively for educational purposes shall be exempted from taxes and duties.
 Subject to conditions prescribed by law, all grants, endowments, donations, or
contributions used actually, directly, and exclusively for educational purposes shall be
exempted from tax.
Sec. 5- The State on Educational Policies and Programs

1. Academic freedom shall be enjoyed in all institutions of higher learning.

2. Every citizen has a right to select a profession or course of study, subject to fair,
reasonable, and equitable admission and academic requirements.
3. The State shall enhance the right of teachers to professional advancement. Non-
teaching academic and non-academic personnel shall enjoy the protection of the State.
4. The State shall assign the highest budgetary priority to education and ensure that
teaching will attract and retain its rightful share of the best available talents through
adequate remuneration and other means of job satisfaction and fulfillment.
Sec. 6 - The national language of the Philippines is Filipino.

Sec. 7 - For purposes of communication and instruction, the official languages of the Philippines are
Filipino and, until otherwise provided by law, English. Spanish and Arabic shall be promoted on a
voluntary and optional basis.

Sec. 9 The Congress shall establish a national language commission composed of representatives of
various regions and disciplines which shall undertake, coordinate, and promote researches for the
development, propagation, and preservation of Filipino and other languages.

Science and Technology.

Sec. 10 - Priority on research and development, invention, innovation, and their utilization, and to
science and technology education, training, and services.

Sec. 11- Provisions for incentives, to deserving science students, researchers, scientists, inventors,
technologists, and specially gifted citizens.

Sec. 12 - Regulating the transfer and promotion of technology from all sources for the national benefit.

Sec. 13 - Protection and securing the exclusive rights of scientists, inventors, artists, and other gifted
citizens to their intellectual property and creations.

Arts and Culture

Sec. 14 - Fostering the preservation, enrichment, and dynamic evolution of a Filipino national culture
based on the principle of unity in diversity in a climate of free artistic and intellectual expression.

Sec. 15 - Conserving, promoting, and popularizing the nation's historical and cultural heritage and
resources, as well as artistic creations.

Sec. 16 - Protection of all the country's artistic and historic wealth that constitutes the cultural treasure
of the nation.

Sec. 17 - Recognizing, respecting, and protecting the rights of indigenous cultural communities to
preserve and develop their cultures, traditions, and institutions and consideration in the formulation of
national plans and policies.
Batas Pambansa Blg. 232 - Education Act of 1982
Sec. 3 - Contribution of the educational system to the attainment of the following national
developmental goals:
1. Achieve and strengthen national unity and consciousness and preserve, develop and promote
desirable cultural, moral, and spiritual values in a changing world.
2. Ensure the maximum participation of all the people in the attainment and enjoyment of the
benefits of such growth.
3. Achieve and maintain an accelerating rate of economic development and social progress.

Sec. 4 -The aims of Educational System

1. Provision for a broad general education that will assist each individual in the peculiar ecology of
his own society.
2. Attainment of the student's potential as a human being.
3. Enhancing the range and quality of individual and group participation in the basic functions of
4. Acquiring the essential educational foundation of his development into a productive and
versatile citizen.
5. Training the nation's manpower in middle-level skills for national development.
6. Developing the profession that will provide leadership for the nation in the advancement of
knowledge for improving the quality of human life.
7. Responding effectively to the changing needs and conditions of the nation through a system of
educational planning and evaluation.

Sec. 6 - The Educational Community

1. Parents or guardians or the head of the institution or foster home which has custody of the pupil
or student.
2. Students, or those enrolled in and who regularly attend, and educational institution of
secondary or higher level of a person engaged in formal study. "Pupils," are those who regularly
attend a school of elementary level under the supervision and tutelage of a teacher.
3. School personnel or all persons working for an educational institution, which includes the
following teaching or academic staff, school administrators, or all persons occupying policy
implementing positions having to do with the functions of the school in all levels, academic non-
teaching personnel, or those persons holding some academic qualifications and performing
academic functions directly supportive of teaching, such as registrars, librarians, research
assistants, research aides, and non-academic personnel.
4. Schools or institutions recognized by the State which undertake educational operations
5. Every educational institution shall provide for the establishment of appropriate bodies through
which the members of the educational community may discuss relevant issues, and
communicate information and suggestions for assistance and support of the school and for the
promotion of their common interest.
6. Representatives from each subgroup of the educational community shall sit and participate in
these bodies, the rules and procedures of which must be approved by them and duly published.

Sec. 8-Rights of Parents

1. The right to organize by themselves and/or with teachers and the right to access to any official
record directly relating to the children who are under their parental responsibility.
Sec. 9-Rights of Students in School
1. The right to receive competent instruction, relevant quality education in line with national goals
and conducive to their full development as a person with human dignity
2. Right to freely choose their field of study subject to existing curricula and to continue their
course therein up to graduation, except in cases of academic deficiency, or violation of
disciplinary regulations
3. Right to school guidance and counseling services for decisions and selecting the alternatives in
fields of work suited to his potentialities
4. Right to access to his own school records, the confidentiality of which the school shall maintain
and preserve, to be issued the official certificates, diplomas transcript of records, grades,
transfer credentials and other similar documents within thirty days from request
5. Right to publish a student newspaper and similar publications
6. Right to invite resource persons during assemblies, symposia and other activities of similar
nature, to freely express opinions and suggestions
7. Right to effective channels of communication with appropriate academic channels and
administrative bodies of the school or institution
8. Right to form, establish, join, and participate in organizations and societies recognized by the
school to foster their intellectual, cultural, spiritual and physical growth, and development and
form, establish, join, and maintain organizations and societies for purposes not contrary to law
9. Right to be free from involuntary contributions, except those approved by their own he
organizations or societies

Sec. 10 - Rights of All School Personnel

1. The right to free expression of opinion and suggestions
2. Right to effective channels of communication with appropriate academic and administrative
bodies of the school or institution
3. Right to be provided with free legal service by the appropriate government office in the case of
public-school personnel, and through the school authorities when charged in an administrative,
civil and/or criminal proceedings by parties other than the school or regulatory authorities
concerned for actions committed directly in the lawful discharge of professional duties and/or in
defense of school policies
4. Right to establish, join, and maintain labor organizations and/or professional and self-regulating
organizations of their choice to promote their welfare and defend their interests
5. Right to be free from involuntary contributions except those imposed by their own organizations

Sec. 11-Special Rights and/or Privileges of Teaching or Academic Staff

1. The right to be free from compulsory assignments not related to their duties as defined in their
appointments or employment contracts, unless compensated therefor
2. Right to existing law, to secure intellectual property consistent with applicable laws, be
accorded due respect and protection
3. Right to choose alternative career lines either in school administration, in classroom teaching, or
others, for purposes of career advancement

Sec. 14- Duties of Parents

1. To help carry out the educational objectives in accordance with national goals
2. To enable their children to obtain elementary education
3. To enable them to obtain secondary and higher education in the pursuance of the right
formation of the youth
4. To cooperate with the school in the implementation of the school program curricular and co-

Sec. 15 - Duties and Responsibilities of Students

1. To develop his potentialities and uphold the academic integrity of the school, endeavor to
achieve academic excellence and abide by the rules and regulations governing his academic
responsibilities and moral integrity, promote and maintain the peace and tranquility of the
school by observing the rules and discipline, and exerting efforts to attain harmonious
relationships with fellow students, the teaching and academic staff, and other school personnel
2. To participate actively in civic affairs and in the promotion of the general welfare, particularly in
the social, economic, and cultural development of his community and in the attainment of a
just, compassionate, and orderly society and exercise his rights responsibly in the knowledge
that he is answerable for any infringement or violation of the public welfare and of the rights of

Sec. 16- Teacher's Obligations

1. To perform his duties to the school by discharging his responsibilities in accordance with the
philosophy, goals, and objectives of the school
2. To be accountable for the efficient and effective attainment of specified learning objectives in
pursuance of national development goals within the limits of available school resources
3. To render regular reports on the performance of each student and their parents and guardians
with specific suggestions for improvement.
4. To maintain and sustain his professional growth and advancement and maintain professionalism
in his behavior at all times
5. To refrain from making deductions in students' scholastic rating for acts that are clearly not
manifestations of poor scholarship
6. To participate as an agent of constructive social, economic, moral, intellectual, cultural, and
political change in his school and the community within the context of national policies

Sec. 20- Formal Education

"Formal Education" refers to the hierarchically structured and chronologically graded learning
organized and provided by the formal school system and for which certification is required in order for
the learner to progress through the grades or move to higher levels”.

Sec. 21- The Objectives of Elementary Education

1. To provide the knowledge and develop the skills, attitudes, and values essential to personal
development and necessary for living and contributing to a developing and changing social
2. To provide learning experiences which increase the child's awareness of and responsiveness to
the changes and just demands of society and to prepare him for constructive and effective
3. To promote work experiences which develop the child's orientation to the world of work and
creativity and prepare himself to engage in honest and gainful work
4. To promote and intensify the child's knowledge of, identification with, and love for the nation
and the people to which he belongs

Sec. 22 - The Objectives of Secondary Education

1. To continue to promote the objectives of elementary education
2. To discover and enhance the different aptitudes and interests of the students so as to equip him
with skills for productive endeavor and/or prepare him for tertiary schooling
Sec. 23- The Objectives of Tertiary Education
1. To provide a general education program that will promote national identity, cultural
consciousness, moral integrity, and spiritual vigor
2. To train the nation's manpower in the skills required for national development
3. To develop the professions that will provide leadership for the nation
4. To advance knowledge through research work and apply new knowledge for improving the
quality of human life and responding effectively to changing societal needs and conditions

Sec. 24 - Specialized Educational Service

Objectives of Non-education and Specialized Educational Services
1. To eradicate illiteracy and raise the level of functional literacy of the population;
2. To provide unemployed and underemployed youth and adults with appropriate
vocational/technical skills to enable them to become more productive and effective citizens; and
3. To develop among the clientele of non-formal education proper values and attitudes necessary
for personal, community, and national development.

Sec. 25- Establishment of Schools

The establishment of all schools; new national schools and the conversion of existing schools
from elementary to national secondary or tertiary schools shall be by law: Provided, that any private
school proposed to be established must incorporate as a non-stock educational corporation in
accordance with the provisions of the Corporation Code of the Philippines. This requirement to
incorporate may be waived in the case of family-administered preschool institutions. Government
assistance to such schools for educational programs shall be used exclusively for that purpose.

Sec. 27 – Recognition of schools

The educational operations of schools shall be subject to their prior authorization of the
government, and shall be affected by recognition. In the case of government operated schools, whether
local, regional, or national, recognition of educational programs and/or operations shall be deemed
granted simultaneously with establishment.

Sec. 59-Runctions of the Board of Higher Education

1. To make policy recommendations regarding the planning and management of the integrated
system of higher education and the continuing evaluation thereof
2. To recommend to the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports steps to improve the
governance of the various components of the higher education system at national and regional
3. To assist the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports in making recommendations relative to
the generation of resources and their allocation for higher education

Sec. 62-Functions of the Bureau of Elementary Education

1. Conduct studies and formulate, develop, and evaluate programs and educational standards for
elementary education
2. Undertake studies necessary for the preparation of prototype curricular designs, instructional
materials, and teacher training programs for elementary education
3. Formulate guidelines to improve elementary school physical plans and equipment, and general
management of these schools
Sec. 63-Functions of the Bureau of Secondary Education
1. Conduct studies and formulate, develop and evaluate programs, and educational standards for
secondary education
2. Develop curricular designs and prepare instructional materials and prepare and evaluate
programs to update the quality of the teaching and non-teaching staff at the secondary level
3. Prepare and evaluate programs to update the quality of the teaching and non- teaching staff at
the secondary level
4. Formulate guidelines to improve the secondary school physical plans and equipment, and
general management of these schools

Sec. 64-Functions of the Bureau of Technical and Vocational Education

1. Collaborate with other agencies in the formulation of manpower plans
2. Conduct studies, formulate, develop and evaluate post-secondary vocational- technical
programs and recommend educational standards for these program
3. Develop curricular designs and prepare instructional materials, prepare and evaluate programs
to upgrade the quality of teaching and non-teaching staff, and formulate guidelines to improve
the physical plans and equipment of post- secondary vocational-technical schools

Sec. 65 - Functions of the Bureau of Higher Education

1. Develop, formulate and evaluate programs, projects, and educational standards for a higher
2. Provide staff assistance to the Board of Higher Education in its policy formulation and advisory
3. Provide technical assistance to encourage institutional development programs and projects
4. Compile, analyze, and evaluate data on higher education
5. Perform other functions provided for by law

Sec. 66- Functions of the Bureau of Continuing Education

1. Serve as a means of meeting the learning needs of those unable to avail themselves of the
educational services and programs of formal education
2. Provide opportunities for the acquisition of skills necessary to enhance and ensure continuing
employability, efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness in the labor market
3. Serve as a means for expanding access to educational opportunities to citizens of varied
interests, demographic characteristics, and socio-economic origins or status

Republic Act 6655 - Free Public Secondary Education Act of 1988

Sec. 4 - Implementation of Free Public Secondary Education

The students enrolled in secondary course offerings in national and general comprehensive high
schools, state colleges and universities, specialized schools, trade, technical, vocational, fishery and
agricultural schools and in schools which may be established by law, shall be free from payment of
tuition and other school fees, except fees related to membership in the school community such as
identification cards, student publication which may be collected: provided, that nothing in this Act
organizations, a shall cause or authorize the reduction or removal of any benefit which the national or
local government may have granted to the students, teachers and other school personnel of these
public high schools prior to the enactment of this Act.

Sec. 5 - Formulation of a Secondary Education Curriculum

The Department of Education, Culture and Sports shall formulate a secondary order to upgrade
its quality, efficiency, and access in addition to providing the high school students with general skills,
knowledge and values, such a curriculum must include vocational and technical courses that will give the
students gainful employment. The right of any student to avail of free public high school shall terminate
if he fails for two consecutive school years in the majority of the academic subjects in which he is
enrolled during the course of his study unless such failure is due to some valid cause.

Sec. 7- Nationalization of Public Secondary Schools

To effectively implement the system, the establishment, renaming, conversion, integration,
separation, administration, supervision, and control of all public secondary schools and public secondary
school teachers and other school personnel, including the payment of their salaries, allowances, and
other fringe benefits as well as those already provided by local governments are hereby vested in the
Department of Education, Culture and Sports.

Sec. 8-Priority in Admission

Graduates of public elementary schools in a municipality shall be given priority in admission
when the present facilities in the same municipality cannot accommodate all of those applying for
enrollment in the public high schools.

Republic Act 7160 - Local Government Code of 1991

Sec. 98 Creation, Composition, and Compensation of Local School Board

The provincial school board shall be composed of the governor and the division superintendent
of schools as co-chairman; the chairman of the education committee of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan,
the provincial treasurer, the representative of the Pederasyon ng mga Sangguniang Kabataan in the
Sangguniang Panlalawigan, the duly elected president of the provincial federation of parents-teachers
associations, the duly elected representative of the teachers' organizations in the province, and the duly
elected representative of the non-academic personnel of public schools in the province, as members.

The city school board shall be composed of the city mayor and the city superintendent of
schools as co-chairmen; the chairman of the education committee of the Sangguniang Panlungsod, the
city treasurer, the representative of the Pederasyon ng mga Sangguniang Kabataan in the Sangguniang
Panlungsod, the duly elected president of the city federation of parents-teachers associations, the duly
elected representative of the teachers' organizations in the city, and the duly elected representative of
the non-academic personnel of public schools in the city, as members.

The municipal school board shall be composed of the municipal mayor and the district
supervisor of schools as co-chairmen; the chairman of the education committee of the Sangguniang
Bayan, the municipal treasurer, the representative of the Pederasyon ng mga Sangguniang Kabataan in
the Sangguniang Bayan, the duly elected president of the municipal federation of parents-teachers
associations, the duly elected representative of the teachers' organizations in the municipality, and the
duly elected representative of the non-academic personnel of public schools in the municipality, as
In the event that a province or city has two or more school superintendents, and in the event
that a municipality has two or more district supervisors, the co-chairman of the local school board shall
be determined.
Sec. 99- Functions of Local School Boards
1. Determining the annual supplementary budgetary needs for the operation and maintenance of
public schools within the province, city, or municipality, as the case may be, and the
supplementary local cost of meeting such as needs, which shall be reflected in the form of an
annual school board budget corresponding to its share of the proceeds of the special levy on
real property constituting the Special Education Fund and such other sources of revenue this
Code and other laws or ordinances may provide;
2. Authorizing the provincial, city, or municipal treasurer, as the case may be, to disburse funds
from the Special Education Fund pursuant to the budget prepared and in accordance with
existing rules and regulations;
3. Serving as an advisory committee to the sanggunian concerned on educational matters such as,
but not limited to, the necessity for and the uses of local appropriations for educational
purposes; and
4. Recommending changes in the names of public schools within the territorial jurisdiction of the
local government unit for enactment by the sanggunian concerned.

The Department of Education, Culture and Sports shall consult the local school board on the
appointment of division superintendents, district supervisors, school principals, and other school

Sec. 100 - Meetings, Quorum, and Budget

1. The local school board shall meet at least once a month or as often as may be necessary.
2. Any of the co-chairmen may call a meeting. A majority of all its members shall constitute a
quorum. However, when both co-chairmen are present in a meeting, the local chief executive
concerned, as a matter of protocol, shall be given preference to preside over the meeting. The
division superintendent, city superintendent or district supervisor, as the case may be, shall
prepare the budget of the school board concerned. Such budget shall be supported by
programs, projects, and activities of the school board for the ensuing fiscal year. The affirmative
vote of the majority of all the members shall be necessary to approve the budget.
3. The annual school board budget shall give priority to the following:
a. Construction, repair, and maintenance of school buildings and other facilities of public
elementary and secondary schools;
b. Establishment and maintenance of extension classes where necessary; and
c. Sports activities at the division, district, municipal, and barangay levels.

Sec. 101- Compensation and Remuneration

The co-chairmen and members of the provincial, city or municipal school board shall perform
their duties as such without compensation or remuneration. Members thereof who are not government
officials or employees shall be entitled to necessary traveling expenses and allowances chargeable
against the funds of the local school board concerned, subject to existing accounting and auditing rules
and regulations.

Republic Act 9155 - Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001

The school shall be the heart of the formal education system. It is where children learn. Schools shall
have a single aim of providing the best possible basic education for all learners.

Sec. 3-Purposes and Objectives

1. To define the roles and responsibilities of, and provide resources to, the field communities they
serve offices which shall implement educational programs, projects, and services in
2. To provide the framework for the governance of basic education which shall set the general
directions for educational policies and standards and establish authority, accountability, and
responsibility for achieving higher learning outcomes
3. To make schools and learning centers the most important vehicle for the teaching country and
pride in its rich heritage and learning of national values and for developing in the Filipino
learners love of
4. To ensure that schools and learning centers receive the kind of focused attention they deserve
and that educational programs, projects, and services take into account the interests of all
members of the community
5. To enable the schools and learning centers to reflect the values of the community by allowing
teachers/learning facilitators and other staff to have the flexibility to serve the needs of all
6. To encourage local initiatives for the improvement of schools and learning centers and to
provide the means by which these improvements may be achieved and sustained
7. To establish schools and learning centers as facilities where schoolchildren are able to learn a
range of core competencies prescribed for elementary and high school education programs or
where the out-of-school youth and adult learners are provided alternative learning programs
and receive accreditation for at least the equivalent of a high school education

Definition of Terms
1. Alternative Learning System - is a parallel learning system to provide a viable alternative to the
existing formal education instruction. It encompasses both the non-formal and informal sources
of knowledge and skills.
2. Basic Education - is the education intended to meet basic learning needs which lays the
foundation on which subsequent learning can be based. It encompasses early childhood,
elementary and high school education as well as alternative learning systems for out-of-school
youth and adult learners and includes education for those with special needs.
3. Cluster of Schools - is a group of schools which are geographically contiguous and brought
together to improve the learning outcomes.
4. Formal Education - is the systematic and deliberate process of hierarchically structured and
sequential learning corresponding to the general concept of elementary and secondary level of
schooling. At the end of each level, the learner needs a certification in order to enter or advance
to the next level.
5. Informal Education - is a lifelong process of learning by which every person acquires and
accumulates knowledge, skills, attitudes and insights from daily experiences at home, at work, at
play and from life itself.
6. Integrated Schools - is a school that offers a complete basic education in one school site and has
unified instructional programs.
7. Learner - is any individual seeking basic literacy skills and functional life skills or support services
for the improvement of the quality of his life.
8. Learning Center - is a physical space to house learning resources and facilities of a learning
program for out-of-school youth and adults. It is a venue for face-to-face learning activities and
other learning opportunities for community development and improvement of the people's
quality of life.
9. Learning Facilitator - is the key-learning support person who is responsible for
supervising/facilitating the learning process and activities of the learner.
10. Non-Formal Education - is any organized, systematic educational activity carried outside the
framework of the formal system to provide selected types of learning to a segment of the
11. Quality Education - is the appropriateness, relevance, and excellence of the education given to
meet the needs and aspirations of an individual and society.
12. School - is an educational institution, private and public, undertaking educational operation with
a specific age-group of pupils or students pursuing defined studies at defined levels, receiving
instruction from teachers, usually located in a building or a group of buildings in a particular
physical or cyber site.
13. School Head - is a person responsible for the administrative and instructional supervision of the
school or cluster of schools.

Sec. 5 - Principles of Shared Governance

1. Shared governance is a principle which recognizes that very unit in the education bureaucracy
has a particular role, task and responsibility inherent in the office and for which it is principally
accountable for outcomes.
2. The process of democratic consultation shall be observed in the decision-making process at
appropriate levels. Feedback mechanisms shall be established to ensure coordination and open
communication of the central office with the regional, division, and school levels.
3. The principles of accountability and transparency shall be operationalized in the performance of
functions and responsibilities at all levels.
4. The communication channels of field offices shall be strengthened to facilitate flow of
information and expand linkages with other government agencies, local government units and
nongovernmental organizations for effective governance.

Sec. 6 - Governance
The Department of Education, Culture and Sports shall henceforth be called the Department of
Education. It shall be vested with authority, accountability and responsibility for ensuring access to,
promoting equity in, and improving the quality of basic education. Arts, culture, and sports shall be as
provided for in Sections 8 and 9 hereof.

Sec. 7 - Powers, Duties and Functions

The Secretary of the Department of Education shall exercise overall authority and supervision
over the operations of the Department. No appointment to the positions of regional directors, assistant
regional directors, schools’ division superintendents, and assistant schools’ division superintendents
shall be made unless the appointee is a career executive service officer who preferably shall have risen
from the ranks.

Sec. 8 - Cultural Agencies

The Komisyon ng Wikang Pilipino, National Historical Institute, Record Management and
Archives Office, and the National Library shall now be administratively attached to the National
Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA). The program for school arts and culture shall remain part
of the school curriculum.

Sec. 13 - Governance in the ARMM

The Regional Education Secretary for the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM)
shall exercise similar governance authority over the divisions, districts, schools, and learning centers in
the region as may be provided in the Organic Act without prejudice to the provisions of Republic Act No.
9054, entitled An Act to Strengthen and Expand the Organic Act for the Autonomous Region in Muslim
Mindanao, Amending for the purpose Republic Act No. 6734, entitled 'An Act Providing for the
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, as amended.

Executive Order 356 - Renaming of the Bureau of Non-Formal Education to Bureau of

Alternative Learning System

Sec. 2 - Functions of the Bureau of Alternative Learning System

1. Address the learning needs of the marginalized groups of the population including the deprived,
depressed and underserved citizens
2. Coordinate with various agencies for skills development to enhance and ensure continuing
employability, efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness in the labor market
3. Ensure the expansion of access to educational opportunities for citizens of different interests,
capabilities, demographic characteristics and socio- economic origins and status
4. Promote certification and accreditation of alternative learning programs both formal and
informal in nature for basic education.

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