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Grade:VIII ISLAMIC JHS ALIMUDDIN is a clever mammal that can solve problems and hold things in their hands,it lives in the groups
called eat plants,birds eggs,small animal and insect.most of them live in the forest

the animal in the description is…

2.before preparing breakfast for the family,my sister and usually do some…

3.when my sister and I get up early in the morning ,we also help our mother to prepare for… sister and I get up early…

5.elephant is an animal that should need to be cleaned or washed… uncle works in the zoo.he repairs the animal cages… is a tame has long two eats carrot,it hopes ,it lives in burrow,the animal in the
descrption is…

8.dayu is taller than siti.siti is then…dayu.

9.donkey and horse look alike but horse is…than donkey

10.mountain is higher than the hill,hill is…than the mountain

a.rabbit f.regularly

b.lower g.every day

c.smaller h.every time

d.shorter i.breakfast

e.monkey j.exercise

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