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in act 1 scene 3 we noticed how when brabaantion told him that "she has decieved her father and

may thee"but othello is cetain of desdemona fithfulness.what is astonishing uis how he didnt believe
brabantio at the strt pf thi love but as time pases by maybe thir trust wekened as he believed in iago
words. shows he tusts igo more than brabantio.also in the same scene othello called desdemonona
to testfy his actions ginst brabatio and it saved him for false condemnation but then laater in the
play he denies permission to desdemona to testify against heself or call cassio to testify. othwello
has never learned from his exeriences he is blinded by emotion.

 A cuckold is a man whose wife has been unfaithful and this is linked to horns. Othello thinks
he has been cuckolded
mperative sentences, again showing who is in control between the two. Iago is ordering
Othello about like a leader, which is ironic as that was one of Othello’s personality traits in
act 1 scene 1 of the play. Iago is also speaking in blank verse, making him sound more
intelligent and trustworthy to Othello. The fact that Iago is not interrupted in his LONG
speech shows that Othello has attained respect for Iago and is willing to listen to whatever
he tells him

Othello’s anger has gotten into his mind and has transferred him to being the one with the violent
thoughts. He admits that he will be patient but will seek revenge from those who have hurt him.
Othello’s jealousy has gotten him in an angry and violent state. He admits that he will be
patient but with an active mind to seek pain from those who have hurt him. “Dost thou hear,
Iago?I will be found most cunning in my patience;But--dost thou hear?--most bloody.
Act 4 scene 1 ending

Othello started using hateful speech against Desdemona such as “fire and
brimstone” calling her a devil. Before he talked bad of Desdemona with Iago or
privately but now there is a significant change in Othello’s character he has now
started disrespecting his wife publicly showing that he has no control in his emotions
and has been trapped by Iago. Comparing his speech in act 1 which showed him as
the noble and honest man and now he can’t even have control over his speech. He
can’t even physically explain why he is angry. He just shouts insults and gives vague
hints as to why he is so upset.
This is the epitome of the degradation of Othello’s character. Once a noble, wise,
and honorable man, he’s been completely undone by his tragic flaw of jealousy and
his ignorance of love–as well as the scheming of Iago. His slapping of Desdemona
marks the “point of no return,” and we see here the impact it has on his reputation. -
My lord, this would not be believed in Venice,
Though I should swear I saw't: 'tis very much:
Make her amends; she weeps.

Lodovocio is also confused as the Othello who oncs was never affect by fiscal fancies and
emotions has now no control over his feelngs
There is an apparent connection between Othello’s unwillingness to speak his accusation
frankly and his inability to face up to its baselessness. By not saying exactly what it is he
thinks Desdemona’s done–just as Iago has left a great deal implied–he allows his
imagination to continue running wild and gives himself license to condemn her totally.
Strumpet—prostitute---used for desdemona

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