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Chemistry Notes & Tips

O Levels Chemistry Tips Blog Marathon – Day 5

Today, we are going to continue where we left off in Day 4 of “O Levels Chemistry
Tips Blog Marathon” on the topic of Atomic Structure.

We shall discuss on the formation of ions from the atoms present in the periodic


If an atom gains electrons, it becomes a Negative Ion (Anion). The number of

electrons is greater than the number of protons.

Example, the fluoride ion, F- is formed by adding 1 electron to an fluorine atom.

If an atom loses electrons, it becomes a Positive Ion (Cation). The number of

electrons is less than the number of protons.

Example, the sodium ion, Na+, is formed by removing 1 electron from a sodium atom.

Do note that the number of electrons gained or lost corresponds to the Charge of
the Ion.

Atoms form ions because their ions have the electronic structure of Noble Gases
(Group 0 of Periodic Table).

Positive ions are formed by atoms with 1-3 electrons in their valence shells, which
they lose to form Positive ions with Noble Gas Structures. Thus, METALS –> POSITIVE

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