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Findings of the study:

1. The majority 60% of total sample of school students were above average level of Self-
concept. 10% students found in below average level self concept. No one found in the
low level self concept.
2. The majority 63% of boys was found above average level of self-concept and girls were
found 57% above average level of self-concept. Girls showed 13% of below average
level self concept and only 7% girls had below average level of self concept. Neither
boys nor girls in Low level self concept.
3. In Physical dimension self concept majority of 67% boys were found above average level
of self-concept and girls were found 57% above average level of self-concept. Boys
showed 3% of Low level self concept and no girls found in this category.
4. In Social dimension self-concept the majority of 50% girls were found above average
Girls showed 17% of below average level self concept and only 3% boys had below
average level of self concept. No one is found in the category of low Level self-concept.
5. In Temperamental dimension of self-concept the majority of 53% girls were found above
average level of self-concept and boys were found 43% above average level of self-
concept. Both boys and girls had the same below average level 10% of self-concept. No
one is found in the category of low level self-concept.
6. In Educational dimension the majority of 50% boys found high level of self-concept and
girls were found 47% high level of self-concept. Boys showed 3% of low level self
concept and no girls found in this category.
7. In Moral dimension of self concept majority of 53% boys were found high level of self-
concept and girls were found 43% high level of self-concept. Both boys and girls had
same below average level 7% of self concept. Boys showed 3% of low level self concept
and no girls found in this category.
8. In Intellectual dimension of self concept that majority of 53% boys were found above
average level of self-concept and girls were found 47% above average level of self-
concept. Both boys and girls had same below average level 10% of self concept. No one
found in the category of low level self-concept.
9. Based on t test it is revealed that boys and girls of class IX students have same level of
10. Gender has not shown any impact on various dimensions of self concept of class IX
Conclusion of the study:

Self-concept of an individual plays an important role in their career build. Self-concept's role in a
student's life is undefined. Hence this study conducted to know the level of self-concept of class
IX students. The level of self-concept of sample and sample sub groups vary. Most of the school
students found an above average level of self-concept. Boys had better self concept compared to
the girls. However, there is not a huge difference between these two study groups. The present
research study found that there is no significant difference between the total self concept and
dimensions of self concept of male and female students. However there is a slight difference
among male and female student’s in various dimensions of self-concept. Boys have low
educational self concept as compared to females it could be because females are more satisfied
with their academic work. Girl students have high social and temperamental self concept
compared to boys because females are more conscious about the society and they are a little bit
emotional compared to the boys. Girls have low physical and intellectual self concepts compared
to boy’s girls are less assured about their talent, girls are worried about their physical
appearance. To sum up, the teacher should give more attention to developing a positive self
concept to school students, it may help them to achieve superior goals in their future.

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