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Hey there Player, Are you new to our server?, Here is a full guide for our server
which would help you a lot.

Those of you don't know what lifesteal is, here is a detailed description:

In Lifesteal, when you kill a player you gain a heart and they loose a heart and
when a player reaches 0 hearts they are eliminated but in our server once you reach
1 heart and someone kills you, you will not be eliminated, you will get only 1/2
heart forever, until you kill someone or craft a heart. Here is the image of heart
crafting recipe.

First of all, when you join the server you will get a starter kit, if you do not
get it, you can do ``/kit`` to get the kit and check out other premium ranks kits.
You can claim the starter kit every 24hr.

Secondly, You have to jump down from the spawn and travel or you can do ``/rtp`` to
teleport randomly

Thirdly, For each hour you play in our server you will get money and claim blocks
and with money you can buy items from in-game shop. You can check the shop with
``/shop`` command.

Fourthly, If you wish you can turn off your pvp but $100 will be removed from your
balance for every hour your pvp is off. you can turn off or turn on your pvp with
``/pvp`` command

**1. Jobs:** You can get a job in our server to earn money, you can check the jobs
with ``/jobs`` command and you can select upto 3 jobs, premium ranks have extra
jobs joining facility. There is a limit to how much money you earn, you can check
the limit with ``/jobs limit`` command. The limit varies with time and levels, for
instance, if you have level 1 in a job, you will earn $51 in an hour, if you have
level 2 in a job, you will earn $52 in an hour.

**2. Guilds:**Now lets talk about guilds, The Guilds System is a clan system in our
server. It allows players to create a guild which would cost you $3k and you could
invite 5 other players in your guild in starting but you can upgrade your guild
tier with money. Each guild could have a leader, co-leader, officers and normal
members and could have up to 30 members. The top 10 guilds in our server will get
$5k at the end of the month, you can come in the leaderboard with upgrading your
tier. Here are all basic commands:
/guild ally accept <guild>
/guild ally add <guild>
/guild ally decline <guild>
/guild ally list
/guild ally remove <guild>
/guild bank balance
/guild bank deposit <amount>
/guild bank withdraw <amount>
/guild delhome
/guild home
/guild sethome - $500
guild create <name> [prefix]
/guild delete
/guild kick <player>
/guild prefix <prefix>
/guild rename <name> - $500
/guild transfer <player>
/guild upgrade

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