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These days, we use technology daily at our own advantage, either searching for an answer online or

watching something for entertainment. But our phones, laptops and computers weren't always there
and I'm pretty sure every kid has been told that long speech from our grandparents how back in the day
they were studying at the light of a candle and how that walked kilometers to get to school. There's one
question, How did we get this far with technology, being able to make artificial minds, talk from different
places on earth with just a brick looking device.

Well, our first technological inventions are considered to be stone tools, made nearly two million
years ago. Over time humans learned to polish those tools which was a major step, increasing the scale
of deforestation and farming. In the ancient times humans learned other forms of travelling, one of the
first was known as the sailing ship which used wind power. The earliest record of a ship dated around
7,000 BCE. After that somewhere in between 5,500 to 3000 BCE the wheel was invented. From normal
wheels, we got to potter wheels used for sculpting and water wheels used as a power source. Ancient
times were also home for the first flushing and sewage system. The pre-modern era brought us the clock,
production of silk and even more complicated tools such as the lever and the screw. In modern era, more
precisely in the 18th century the discovery of steam power set off the Industrial Revolution and by the
second industrial revolution new technologies were developed : the electricity, sewage system,
automobiles and even airplanes, everything got more complex. All of this set off a rapid urbanization.

In 1877-78, the first telephone line was constructed, the first switchboard was created, and the
first telephone exchange was in operation. Three years later, almost 49,000 telephones were in use.

In 1983 the world got the first portable mobile phone in the shape of the Motorola DynaTAC
8000X. It cost an enormous amount of $4000 USD and was a huge status symbol at the time.

Mobile phones only continued evolving until smartphones were introduced, which we use to
this day. Computers, controllers, also evolved in the things we have today.

Overall, we all have our opinions, some people think technology will ruin the human race, some people
think it's just bad for your health. There are also positive thoughts that this will make our future way
easier and this will also evolve the human brain and extend our possibilities to new boundaries. Of
course no one what the future hold for us, but one thing is for sure, humans will always remain searching
for comfort in whatever they do.

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