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Labeling Political Content (T2)

Status: Prepared for HRT review
Author: Karen Jusko
Last Updated: July 28, 2022

This document provides labeling guidelines that will inform classification of political
content and related categories.

Context & General Strategy

Previous guidelines for political and social issue content have asked raters to classify content
according to whether or not the post is about a Political Topic or a Social Issue, and provided
thematic guidelines as definitions. This approach requires that the people labeling content have
necessary context to make subjective assessments, and likely contributed to relatively low rates
of inter-rater reliability and low ML classification recall and precision.

These guidelines take a different approach: Here, raters are asked to identify attributes of posts
that will be processed via coding rules to make classification decisions. This strategy offers
three important advantages:
1. By labeling based on objective post attributes, rather than making subjective
classifications, this strategy should contribute to more reliable labels (to be evaluated
w.r.t. Inter-rater reliability).
2. This strategy is also more flexible: Coding rules based on labeled attributes can be
easily updated and applied to already-labeled data. In contrast, updates to labeling
guidelines that inform classification are much more difficult, and may mean that data
labeled under earlier versions of the guidelines are no longer useful for ML model
3. Finally, for posts that are difficult to classify in a single category, an attribute-based
approach allows the determination to be made through the application of coding rules,
rather than subjective assessment of a predominant category.
Labeling Guidelines

1. Can you evaluate this post?

a. Yes
b. No

2. If this post cannot be evaluated, please select the reason(s) why:

a. No content to review
b. Broken image
c. The video is not playing
d. Broken URL
e. The post is in a foreign language
f. The job keeps loading
g. Sensitive content
h. Hashtag baiting
i. Some other reason: [please describe]

3. (Politics) Is this post about a law or proposed legislation, policy, regulation, or judicial
a. A law, proposed legislation or bill
b. A policy or regulation
c. A judicial decision or court case
d. This post is not about laws, policies, regulations, or judicial decisions

4. (Politics) Is this post about an election, proposition, ballot measure, or referendum? (Select
all that apply).
a. Election to a national legislature or office
b. Election to a state, province, or regional legislature or office (i.e., Governor,
c. Local election (i.e., Mayor, City Council, School Board)
d. Propositions, ballot measures, or referenda
e. This post is not about elections, propositions, ballot measures, or referenda

5. (Politics) Is this post about people or organizations (including political parties) who are or
have been involved in making laws, policies or regulations, or judicial decisions?
a. Yes
b. No

6. (Politics) Is this post about people or organizations (including political parties) who are or have
been involved in elections, referendums, propositions, or ballot measures?
a. Yes
b. No

7. (Politics) Is this post about how a law or proposed legislation, policy, regulation, or judicial
decision or judgment has affected (or might affect) specific groups and/or society, in
a. Yes
b. No

8. (Politics) Is this post about how an election, proposition, ballot measure, or referendum has
affected (or might affect) specific groups and/or society, in general?
a. Yes
b. No

9. (Politics) Is this post about protests, demonstrations, appeals to government officials, or other
efforts to influence or respond to laws, proposed legislation, policies or regulations, or judicial
a. Yes
b. No

10. (Public services) Is this post created by or sharing information from a government
department or agency about public programs or services?
a. Yes
b. No

11. (Public services) Is this post created or sharing information from a government department
or agency to provide information about an event or (possibly developing) situation?
a. Yes
b. No

12. (Deliberation/social commentary) Is this post about interactions between people from
different countries?
a. Yes
b. No
13. (Politics) Is this post about interactions between governments of different countries (or,
competing governments for the same country or territory)?
a. Yes
b. No

14. (Deliberation/social commentary) Does this post identify a problem that is caused by the
action or inaction of others, and/or society, in general?
a. Yes
b. No

15. (Deliberation/social commentary) Is this post about the experiences of people who identify
with or belong to a specific group?
a. Yes
b. No

16. (Deliberation/social commentary) Is this post about broadly shared or collective

experiences that likely affect most people living within a specific geographic area?
a. Yes
b. No

17. (Community org + citizenship) Is this post about fundraising, volunteering, or other
community organizing efforts?
a. Yes
b. No

18. (Community org + citizenship) Is this post about individual civic actions, service, or
a. Yes
b. No

19. (To support validation) Is this post about one of the following topics? (Select all that
a. Health
b. Wellbeing
c. Environment
d. Economic conditions
e. Civic wellness
f. Education
g. Global conflict and peace
h. Disaster relief and resilience
i. Civil rights & freedoms
j. Community/identity-based equity
k. Something else

20. (To support validation) Does this post explicitly refer to an opposing party or group,
contention/dispute over a law, proposed legislation, policy, or judicial decision, or other people
who may hold a different opinion?
a. Yes
b. No

21. (To support validation) Is this post about a topic that may have consequences for a society
or communities’ ability to meet fundamental needs?
a. Yes
b. No

22. (To support validation) Is this post about an experience that may be experienced by others,
beyond a particular individual and their immediate interpersonal relationships?
a. Yes
b. No

23. (To support validation) This post does the following thing(s): (Check options that apply)
a. Shares the poster’s opinion or perspective
b. Asks other people to share their opinion or perspective
c. Shares information about a social or political topic
d. Shares a media news report about a social or political topic
e. Shares a media opinion/op-ed report about a social or political topic
f. Shares information about specific actions a person can take, related to a social
or political topic
g. Invites people to attend a specific event, that is related to a social or political
h. Expresses support for a specific political actor, group, or perspective
i. Expresses opposition to a specific political actor, group, or perspective
j. Uses humor as a form of commentary
k. Something else

Additional guidelines for labeling Groups:

24. In the Group name, description, or cover photo, does this Group explicitly refer to rights,
laws or pending legislation, policies, or judicial decisions?
a. Yes
b. No
25. In the Group name, description, or cover photo, does this Group explicitly refer to
elections, referendums, propositions or ballot initiatives?
a. Yes
b. No

26. In the Group name, description, or cover photo, does this Group explicitly refer to people or
organizations that are or have been involved in making laws, policies or regulations, or
judicial decisions?
a. Yes
b. No

27. In the Group name, description, or cover photo, does this Group explicitly refer to people or
organizations that are or have been involved in elections, referendums, propositions or ballot
a. Yes
b. No

28. In the Group name, description, or cover photo, does this Group explicitly identify a social
problem that may be caused by the action or inaction of others and/or society?
a. Yes
b. No

29. Does the Group name, description, or cover photo, suggest that Group members share a
specific socio-demographic and/or political identity?
a. Yes
b. No

30. Does the Group name, description, or cover photo, suggest that Group members are part of
a local neighborhood, community, town, or city?
a. Yes
b. No

Detailed Guidance + Examples

A. How to Review a Post
A post may contain only text, or text with a photo/photo albums, a link, or a video. It's important to
review the post in its entirety — that is, consider any text in conjunction with any media to fully
understand the post's meaning. For example, think about how a photo might be interpreted *in
combination with* any text that's present.

Important note about linked content: While linked content may provide important context to a post,
responses to labeling guideline questions should be based primarily on content that is visible in
the post (e.g., post text, content previews, including headlines and summary text).

If the posts contains:

1. a photo/photo album, consider the photo(s), including any overlaid text, as well as any
text appearing above the photo/album.
2. text only, consider the text (including emojis) in the post.
3. a link, click on the link and quickly scan the content on the page. As noted above, while
linked content may provide important context, responses to labeling guideline questions
should be based primarily on content that is visible in the post (e.g., post text, content
previews, including headlines and summary text).
4. a video, follow this guidance:
a. For videos 90 seconds (1:30) or less in length, watch the entire video. For videos
longer than 90 seconds, you should watch at least the first 30 seconds, middle 30
seconds, and final 30 seconds.
b. Consider the video content you watched in conjunction with the following:
i. Review the cover photo of the video for content related to Political/Social
Issues Topics.
ii. Skim thumbnails (if available) at the bottom. If anything appears to
be related to Political/Social Issues Topics, jump to that timestamp
and watch about 15 seconds to verify.
iii. If the video transcript is available, scan the text for Political/Social
Issue Topics. You may also jump to the timestamp and watch about 15
seconds to verify.
iv. Always consider the video content in conjunction with any
accompanying text in the post itself.

C. Side Search Tips

Side search is an essential part of evaluating any post. Here are some tips on how to conduct
side searches:

● Please refer to Facebook Pages, first. Pages typically include short descriptions about
the Page/Entity in the “About” tab. Then, if there are names or phrases in a post that
do not understand, you should look them up using a third-party search engine like
Google or Bing.
● When a post contains only a photo without any caption, you may need to do a third-
party search engine’s Images search and read the accompanying text of the results to
gain context.
● Please use an incognito / private window when performing a side search. We do
not want your browser history to influence the results.
● Prioritize trusted / authoritative sources rather than blogs and other sites that can have
a heavy biased opinion on a topic. Examples of trusted / authoritative sources include
the following:
○ Recognized Sources - Recognized sources include pieces from credible
publications, established institutions, and industry experts. This could include
government (.gov) and educational or university websites (.edu). It could
also include respected publications like the Harvard Business Review, or
sites by industry leaders like the Google Webmaster Central Blog.
○ Scholarly Sources - These are archived in academic and publicly accessible
databases, such as Google Scholar. To get published, these articles
typically undergo evaluations by qualified scholars and field experts.
○ Credible News Sources - Keep in mind, the reliability of news outlets can vary
dramatically. Credible news sources include well-known trusted publications.
● Please skim through the article / site and do not only read the headline as headlines can
sometimes be misleading. While skimming through the site, evaluate the source using
the CRAP test to evaluate the site’s credibility:
○ Currency - How recently was the information published or updated? Is this date
current enough for the topic?
○ Reliability - Can you trust the accuracy of the source? Does the source include
evidence and references, and can you verify information through other
○ Authority - Who is the author, and are they an authoritative expert on your topic,
industry, or field? Who were the publishers of the piece, and are they
○ Purpose - Why was this information published? Was it to inform, teach,
sell, persuade, or entertain?
● Do not go past the first 10 results when conducting the side search.
● If you do not feel like you have a solid understanding to determine if the topic of a post is
political and/or social issue after performing these steps, please proceed to select the
“cannot rate” option (see section 1.2.5 - Reasons Why a Post Cannot be Rated for more

C. Reasons Why a Job Cannot be Rated

If you answer NO to the question “Can you evaluate this post?” please choose the appropriate
reason below:

1. No content to review: When there is no content available under “Content Under Review.” (i.e.
no images, no videos, no captions, or no URLs).
2. Broken image: The post has loaded, however the image associated with the post has
not loaded.
3. The video is not playing: The post has loaded, however the video associated with the
post is not able to play.
4. Broken URL: The post has loaded, however the URL associated with the post is broken
and raters are unable to access the external page.
5. The post is in a foreign language: The post is in a language that you don't understand.
**See the section on Foreign Language below for more information.
6. The job keeps loading: The post continues to load on the screen and is unable to display
content to review.
7. Sensitive content: The post contains sensitive content. See the section below on
Sensitive Content below for more information.
8. Hashtag baiting: The post includes more than *10+ hashtags* and is not topically
9. Reason not listed here: You encounter a different problem that prevents you from

Note: If linked content requires a subscription (i.e., is behind a paywall), please do your best to
answer questions based on content that is visible in the post. (This should not be a reason to not
rate a post).

D. Sensitive Content

“Sensitive content” refers to posts that contain, or potentially contain, any of the following

● Child Exploitation and/or Child Nudity

● Self Injury and Suicidal Content
● Credible Threats, Violence or Calls to Violence
● Adult Sexual Content and/or Nudity
● Hate Speech
● Acts of Terrorism
● Human Trafficking
● Bullying and Harassment
● Unlawful Sale of Animals: Consider the type of animal being sold as well as the seller.
Sale of animals by private individuals (rather than by businesses) is considered
● Violent, gruesome, or repulsive content, intended to shock users, for example
dismembered body parts or visible internal organs (unless in a medical setting)
● Personally Identifiable Information (PII): This includes names, residential addresses,
emails, handles and phone numbers of private individuals. This does NOT include
business addresses and phone numbers, or business names (e.g., “Becky Smith Travel
Agency” or “Law Offices of Perry R. Clark”).

Note: Instructions for Immediate Escalation — If potential Child Exploitation and/or Child Nudity or
Self-Injury/Suicidal Content or Time-Sensitive Credible Threat is the reason for marking a job as
“sensitive," escalate the Job ID immediately to your manager. DO NOT TAKE A SCREENSHOT.
Please refer to the Escalation Guidance handout for further details.
Escalation Guidance.pdf

E. Specific guidance for the evaluation of Groups

When evaluating Groups content, you will see subject elements (group name, description, and
cover photo) and (up to) 20 posts from each Group.
- Please follow the guidelines described here for the evaluation of each post.
- After these posts are evaluated, you will then be asked to evaluate the subject elements
for each Group, using the guidelines specific for this content.
- You may need to do some additional side searches to better understand the intent
and content of the Group.

F. Detailed instructions

3. Is this post about a law or proposed legislation, policy, regulation, or judicial decision?
a. A law, proposed legislation, or bill
b. A policy or regulation
c. A judicial decision or court case
d. This post is not about laws, policies, regulations, or judicial decisions

This question is intended to identify posts that are about existing laws or proposed
legislation, policies or regulations that may be implemented by government
departments or agencies (including Executive Orders), or judicial decisions.
These posts may include discussions or analysis of the origins of a law, policy or
regulation, or judicial decision, the potential implications of the law, policy, etc.,
or compliance with the law, policy, etc..
- Laws or pending legislation may be passed or considered by local,
state/regional, or national governments. Similarly, policies or
regulations may be passed by
government agencies or departments that have jurisdiction over local,
state/regional, or national areas. Finally, a judicial decision may be
delivered by courts with varying domains of jurisdiction, and may be
the result of criminal or civil proceedings.
- Posts that are about proposed legislation or policies, and pending
judicial decisions should be labeled in the appropriate a-b category, even
if, e.g., they do not result in a law, or the judicial decision is ultimately
- In general, decisions made by panels or committees that are not part of a
larger legislative or policy-setting process should not be identified with
this question.
- Although posts need not refer to a law by its formal name,
responses to this question should reflect the explicit reference to a law,
decision, etc..
- Constitutions, and rights granted in constitutions should be considered
foundational ‘laws.’ This includes, for example, discussion of abortion
rights, the second amendment, rights to free speech, etc..

Example: This post is about proposed legislation → “a. A law or proposed legislation“
Example: Although this post is about abortion, it does not explicitly reference either
the right to abortion care, or to gun ownership → “d. This post is not about laws,
policies, regulations, or judicial decisions”
Example: Although this post is about a firearm, it does not explicitly reference any
regulation of firearms → “d. This post is not about laws, policies, regulations,
or judicial decisions”
4. Is this post about an election, proposition, ballot measure, or referendum? (Select all that
a. Election to a national legislature or office
b. Election to a state, province, or regional legislature or office (i.e., Governor,
c. Local election (i.e., Mayor, City Council, School Board)
d. Propositions, ballot measures, or referenda
e. This post is not about elections, propositions, ballot measures, or referenda

This question is intended to identify posts that are about elections (to local,
state/regional, or national offices), or about general votes by the electorate on
specific questions. In some countries, referenda are usually held separately from an
election, and include a
single question (e.g., should a specific, proposed change to the constitution be adopted).
In other places (e.g., California) there are often several `ballot measures’ about a
variety of issues.
- Posts should be classified as about elections, propositions, ballot
measures, or referenda, if these events are pending, or have already
- Posts about elections to corporate or other (non-public) oversight
boards should not be identified with responses to this question.

Example: This post is about efforts to subvert a presidential election → “a.

Election to a national legislature or office”
Example: This post is about a 1973 proposition, passed by ballot measure → “d.
Propositions, ballot measures, or referenda”
5. Is this post about people or organizations (including political parties) who are or have been
involved in making laws, policies or regulations, or judicial decisions?
a. Yes
b. No

This question is intended to identify posts that are about people or organizations
who are (or were) involved in the development of laws, etc., and may play more or
less formal roles in these processes. These roles might include, for example,
efforts to call attention to a specific issue, to initiate a legislative, a direct role in
the development of legislation, a
policy, or a judicial decision, voting to ratify a decision, implementing a decision, etc..
- People or organizations who are (or were) involved in the development of
laws, etc., may not hold formal positions. Posts about people who do
not hold formal
positions, but who nevertheless were involved in the development of
laws, etc, should be identified for this question.
- If you are unfamiliar with a person or organization identified in a post,
please conduct a side search to ensure that we are accurately identifying
people and organizations that are involved (or have been involved) in
development of laws, etc..
- These laws, policies, or decisions may have been passed (or are being
considered) by local, regional, or national legislatures, agencies, or
- Identify posts that include references to, e.g., “the left,” “the right,”
“progressives,” “conservatives,” etc. IF the implicit group of people would
otherwise be identified by this question (i.e., they are people/orgs who do
play a role in the development of legislation, etc.). Do NOT identify posts
that use “the left,” etc., to refer to the
general population of people who hold “leftist” ideological views.
- Identify posts that include references to people who have been involved in the
development of laws, etc., even if they are no longer involved (e.g., posts about
President Trump should be identified with this question).
Example: This post is about the role a specific US Senator (Mark Kelly) was
expected to play in the development of gun control legislation, and about the
decision of the committee re: who should be involved in this process → “a. Yes”

Example: Rudy Guiliani is a public figure (in part) because of his past
involvement in formal decision-making → “a. Yes”
Example: Members of the British Royal family are not public figures because of their
roles in formal decision making processes, including legislation or elections. In
response to this (and the next) question, do NOT identify posts that are only about
the Royal family → “a.
6. Is this post about people or organizations (including political parties) who are or have been
involved in elections, referendums, propositions, or ballot measures?
a. Yes
b. No

This question is intended to identify posts that are people or organizations who may
play a role in elections or referendums, ballot measures, etc.. These roles may be
formal (e.g., candidates, nominating parties, or election officials), or informal (e.g.,
organizations or interest groups who endorse or oppose candidates, mobilize
- These posts may be posts from the people or organizations themselves, or
include analysis of the positions that people or organizations might take, or
their likely success (as in the first example below). These elections, etc.,
may be for local,
regional, or national offices.
- Identify posts that include references to, e.g., “the left,” “the right,”
“progressives,” “conservatives,” etc. IF the implicit group of people would
otherwise be identified (i.e., they are people who would play a role in
elections, etc., including candidates). Do NOT identify posts that use “the
left,” etc., to refer to the general population of people who hold “leftist”
ideological views.
- Identify posts that include references to people who have been involved in
elections, etc., even if they are not currently running for office (e.g., posts
about President Trump should be identified with this question). The post
does NOT need to also be about elections, etc.

Example: This post is about the challenges that the Democratic Party might face
in the 2022 election → “a. Yes”
Example: This post shares information about an event that an organization is
hosting to help people learn about the candidates in a local election. Although this
post is not about the positions candidates might take, or about an organization that
has a formal role in the election, this post is nevertheless about an organization
that is involved in the election → “a. Yes”
Example: Dr. Jill Biden is a public figure (at least in part) because of her public role
supporting President Joe Biden in his bids for public office. So, although Dr.
Biden has not stood for election herself, this post should be identified in response
to this question → “a. Yes”

7. Is this post about how a law or proposed legislation, policy, regulation, or judicial decision or
judgment has affected (or might affect) specific groups and/or society, in general?
a. Yes
b. No

This question is intended to identify posts that are about the effects or potential
effects of a law/proposed legislation, a policy or regulation, or a judicial
- These laws, policies, or decisions may have been passed (or are being
considered) by local, regional, or national legislatures, agencies, or
- The specific groups identified in a post as affected by a particular law,
policy, judicial decision, etc., may be very small, but in general should
include more than one person.
- Groups may include people who share an ethnic, racial, religious, gender,
or sexual identify, or may live in a specific place, belong a specific
profession, or otherwise share a common interest.

Example: This post is about the potential implications of proposed gun control
legislation for violent crime (e.g., society), and gun owners. → a. Yes
Example: This post is about the long-term effects of the 1973 Proposition 13 for
homeowners with different racial identities → “a. Yes”

8. Is this post about how an election, proposition, ballot measure, or referendum has
affected (or might affect) specific groups and/or society, in general?
a. Yes
b. No

This question is intended to identify posts that are about the effects or potential
effects of an election, proposition or ballot measure, or referendum.
- These elections, etc., may be for local, regional, or national offices.
- The specific groups identified in a post as affected by a particular
election, etc., may be very small, but in general should include more than
one person.
- If the post is about the implications of an election for a specific group,
referenced groups may include socio-demographic groups, or may include
partisan or other groups based on political identities.

Example: This post details what was at stake in this primary election → “a. Yes”

9. Is this post about protests, demonstrations, appeals to government officials, or other efforts
to influence or respond to laws, legislation, policies or regulations, or judicial decisions?
a. Yes
b. No

This question is intended to identify posts that are about efforts to influence (or
respond to) laws, proposed legislation, policies or regulations, or judicial
decisions through
informal participation (e.g., protests, demonstrations, public appeals).
- Content identified by this question is different from content about
community organization, which focuses on non-political organization
(i.e., often civic
goal-oriented efforts like beach clean ups, etc.).
- If the post explicitly ties protests, demonstrations or appeals to
actions/inaction of public officials, including the police → “a. Yes”. If
however, the post does not
explicitly reference a law, legislation, policy or regulation (including
actions of public officials), or judicial decision, → “b. No”
- Posts about this topic may include efforts to support, or oppose, a
particular law, etc. -- what matters for this question is the form that these
efforts take.
Specifically, do these efforts include protests, demonstrations, or appeals
that are outside of formal government processes (i.e., hearings)?
- Do NOT include on-line appeals or responses to political actors in your response
to this question. The post should describe some action taken

Example: This post about protesters in Tunis, who are objecting to actions taken
by government officials. → “a. Yes”
Example: This post is about an informal response to a government policy. Here, the action
described is informal because the complaint was not expressed through formal
decision-making channels associated with this policy decision -- although it may have
been described in an earlier post -- but was a response to the return-to-work policy,
nonetheless. → “a. Yes”

Example: This post is about an informal action that was not tied to an effort to influence
policy or legislation → “b. No”
Example: This post makes an on-platform “appeal” to a civic actor, and responds to but
does not describe an off-platform action taken → “b. No”
10. Is this post about public programs or services provided by a government department or
a. Yes
b. No

This question is intended to identify posts that share information about public
programs and services, offered by government agencies or departments operating
at any level (i.e., local, regional, or national). Posts about this topic may focus
on health or social
programs, as in the example below, recreational programs, as well transportation,
housing, education, etc., programs and services.
- Post authors (or post authors of reshared content) should be government
departments and agencies; do NOT include media reports about public programs.
- Do NOT include content from private medical providers, including
hospitals UNLESS the post explicitly states that the programs or services
are open to the public.

Example: This post is about a recreational program hosted by the NYC

Department of Parks and Recreation → “a. Yes”
Example: This post is about a public education program → “a. Yes”
Example: This is a media post about TSA slow down. --> “b. No” (If, instead, this post was
created by the TSA about changes in service delivery, this post should be identified in
responses to this question)
11. Is this post created or sharing information from a government department or agency to provide
information about an event or (possibly developing) situation?
a. Yes
b. No

Considerations: This question is intended to identify posts that are primarily

intended to provide important information about a specific event or (possibly
developing) situation (e.g., fires, power outages, public health concerns or
emergencies), that is provided by a government department or agency.
- The events included in these information-providing posts may be related to
public programs and services (i.e., vaccine clinics), but also include
“need to know”
- Posts about events that are not from a government department or agency
source should NOT be identified by this question.
- Responses to this question should not identify posts about campaign or
partisan election events.
- Do NOT include content from private medical providers, including
hospitals UNLESS the post explicitly states that the events are open to
the public.

Example: This post was created by a government agency to provide an update

about current vaccine eligibility → “a. Yes”
Example: This was created by a government agency post provides information
about how to stay safe in a developing situation → “a. Yes”
Example: Although this post addresses a developing/on-going situation, this post is
created by a private medical facility → “b. No”

Example: This post is about a developing situation (and provides information about
how to address it) but is not created by a government department or agency. → “b. No”
12. Is this post about interactions between people from different countries?
a. Yes
b. No

Consideration: This question is intended to identify posts about experiences related to

informal interactions between people from different countries (i.e., not formal
interactions between governments of different countries).
- Formal interactions include negotiated treaties and trade agreements,
participation in alliances or international organizations, or diplomatic
activities (i.e., official visits, or other actions to formally represent the
interests of one country, to another, etc.).
- Informal interactions typically involve people who do not hold official
government positions, or claim to represent the interests of their countries
to another.
- Posts identified in responses to this question may include discussion
of immigration/migration experiences, cultural exchanges, and/or
expressions of support or solidarity.

Example: This post and linked article is about the experiences of recent
immigrants to Finland from Russia, from the perspective of someone who lives
in Finland. There is no discussion of formal interaction between the
governments of Finland and Russia, or details of the Russian invasion of
Ukraine, that prompted this migration → “a. Yes”.
Example: This post is about an expression of support from people in the US, for
people living in Ukraine (but does refer to a formal expression of support from a US
government office or agency) → “a. Yes”
13. Is this post about interactions between governments of different countries (or,
competing governments for the same country or territory)?
a. Yes
b. No
Considerations: This question is intended to identify posts about state craft, or
the formal interactions between governments from different countries (or
possibly competing
governments within a common territory) and possibly posts about treaties or
agreements, participation in international organizations (e.g., WHO, UN, UNESCO,
G7, EU), military
disputes or conflicts.
- Posts identified by this question may not include formal agreements or
declarations of war, for example, but should include actions taken by
governments and/or government officials.
- Posts about the military or military activities (not military service)
should be identified in responses to this question.

Example: This post is about an agreement reached by representatives of the UK

and US, with regards to imports from Russia → “a. Yes”

Example: In general, posts about the military or military actions, should be identified in
response to this question. However, this post is only tangentially about the military, and is
instead about an unexpected event related to bad weather → “b. No”
14. Does this post explicitly identify a problem that is caused by the action or inaction of others,
and/or society, in general?
a. Yes
b. No

Considerations: This question is intended to identify posts that are about social problems
-- topics about which the post makes an explicit statement that a problem exists, and
that it is attributable to the action/inaction of others. These posts might include
discussions of fairness and equity across gender, racial, and/or ethnic groups,
climate change, income inequality, education, gun rights.
- Posts identified by this question might also include discussions about
why issues like those listed above are not problems, and/or not caused by
- Responses to this question should NOT consider the magnitude of the
problem identified, or whether or not “most people” would consider the
problem identified to be a “real” problem. Instead, responses to this question
should only consider whether or not the post identifies a problem that is
attributed to others/society (i.e., the problem is not attributed to a specific
- Responses to this question should also not consider the size of the group
affected by the problem, as long as it is more than one person.
- Posts identified by this question may include memes, or other posts
that use humor to identify social problems.

Example: This post is about professional norms and implications for gender equity,
specifically the exclusion of women from professional opportunities, within
finance → “a. Yes”
Example: This post identifies several social problems, including climate change,
unequal access to education for girls and women, and the vulnerability of
Afghanistan to the
effects of climate change, and implicates the Taliban government and inaction on
climate change → “a. Yes”
Example: This post identifies an increase in crime as a social problem, caused by
anti-gun politicians and the left (although no specific person or law is identified)
→ “a. Yes”
Example: In calling for peace, justice, non-violence, etc., this post makes a claim about the
lack of these things in society, and connects them to calls for racial equity through Dr.
King’s quote → “a. Yes”

Example: This post is about a problem that is not explicitly attributed to a specific
group, or society in general → “b. No”
15. Is this post about the experiences of people who identify with or belong to a specific group?
a. Yes
b. No

This question is intended to identify posts that are about experiences that people
may have because they identify with a specific ethnic, racial, religious, gender,
geographic, professional, or other socio-demographic identity. These posts may
be about interactions between different groups, or about specific problems
(and/or solutions) these groups might face. These posts may include, for
example, discussions about racial or
gender equity, discrimination, the different health of economic implications of a
particular situation or event, etc..
- Responses to this question should be made without consideration for the
size of the group, or the seriousness of the experience.
- Posts identified in response to this question may include
characterizations, negative or derogatory posts about specific
- Groups identified in response to this question should generally be tied to
socio-demographic or closely associated identities (i.e., first generation
college students; people with specific mental or physical health experiences).
Do NOT include, for example, culturally-defined groups, e.g., “liberals.”

Example: This is a question about how society treats people struggling who are
struggling with addiction → “a. Yes”
Example: This post refers to several specific groups, but these groups are
NOT socio-demographic identity groups. → “b. No

16. Is this post about broadly shared or collective experiences that likely affect most people
living within a specific geographic area?
a. Yes
b. No

This question is intended to identify posts that are about broadly shared or
collective experiences (even if these experiences have more or less serious
implications for some people); these experiences likely affect most people
living within a specific country,
region, e.g., or geographic territory (possibly, global), even if the
implications of the experience differ.
- For example, these posts might include discussions about experiences
related to climate change, extreme weather events, COVID, inflation, or other
general economic conditions.
- Posts may not explicitly detail the implications of these experiences
(i.e., the effects of inflation); posts that are only about these
experiences should nevertheless be identified in response to this
- Posts identified in response to this question may include claims about the
validity of these collective experiences (or their root causes).
- Do not identify posts about, e.g., shared cultural experiences related to TV
shows, pop culture trends, etc., in response to this question -- these types
of shared
experiences likely do not affect everyone within a specific region.

Example: This post is about gas prices-- a general economic condition that likely
affects most people living within a specific geographic area → “a. Yes”
Example: This post is about the effects of climate change → “a. Yes”
Example: This post is about the recent heat wave in Europe, and the UK -- broadly
shared experiences that likely affected most people within these areas → “a. Yes”
17. Is this post about fundraising, volunteering, or other community organizing efforts?
a. Yes
b. No

Considerations: This question is intended to identify non-political community

organization, including volunteering, fundraising, raising awareness for causes,
and other community organizing efforts that are NOT intended as appeals to
government officials, efforts to influence law-making, or elections.
- Often these posts will be created by nonprofit organizations, or will include
shared content from these organizations. They may also include posts
from local
governments or neighborhood groups, to facilitate local organizing (i.e., park
clean-ups), or individuals who are hoping to support these efforts (see the
example below).
- Although the organization may happen at a local level, the focus of the effort
does not need to be local (i.e., local organization collecting supplies for
people affected by a distant crisis.
- Responses to these questions should focus on the actions being proposed or
taken -- that is, posts about community organizing are about efforts to help
others through volunteering, fundraising, connecting people with resources
they might need, etc.. These actions may be proposed or taken by established
organizations or by individuals.

Example: This post is a person’s effort to support people who are experiencing crises →

“a. Yes”
Example: This post reports on community efforts to support the local food bank
and soup kitchen → “a. Yes”
18. Is this post about individual civic actions, service, or citizenship?
a. Yes
b. No

Considerations: This question is intended to identify posts about public service,

including military service, participation in civic programs, including local
recycling programs, or
national programs, e.g. censuses, or honoring people for their contributions
to their communities.
- Posts about citizenship may include references honoring the formal citizenship
process, discussions about what it means to be a good citizen, or posts
that honor people because of their community contributions or public
- Posts about military service (but not the military or military activities) should
be identified in responses to this question.

Example: This post honors new citizens → “a. Yes”

Example: This post honors a person for his military service, and for his continued
service as a nurse → “a. Yes”
Example: This post honors military service and especially Adm. Fagan’s leadership role

→ “a. Yes”

19. (To support validation only) Is this post about one of the following topics? (Select all that
a. Health
b. Wellbeing
c. Environment
d. Economic conditions
e. Civic wellness
f. Education
g. Global conflict and peace
h. Disaster relief and resilience
i. Civil rights & freedoms
j. Community/identity-based equity
k. Something else
Considerations: This question is intended to support the SI classification efforts
by validating the completeness of proposed taxonomy. Please use the following
table to classify post content according to its generalized social issue

Generalized Social Issues Example subtopics within this social issue (non-exhaustive)

1. Health Physical Wellness; Healthcare Access

2. Wellbeing (social, emotional, mental wellness) Self-esteem; Mental health

3. Environment Environmentalism; Climate Change; Animal Welfare

4. Economic conditions Economic Opportunity; Fair labor; Housing Access; Food

security; Technology Access; Transportation Access

5. Civic wellness Civic Inclusion; Democratic Health; Democratic Participation,

including elections; Expression of civil liberties

6. Education Education Access/Opportunity; Education Quality

7. Global Conflict and Peace Conflict resolution; Immigration; Migration/Diaspora

8. Disaster relief and resilience Natural disaster preparedness; Epidemiological disaster


9. Civil Rights & Freedoms Privacy, Freedom of assembly; Journalist Freedom

10. Community/Identity-based Equity Racial justice; Disability rights; LGBTQIA+ rights

20. (To support validation only) Does this post explicitly refer to an opposing party or group, or
to contention or disputes over a law, proposed legislation, policy, or judicial decision, or
other people who may hold a different opinion?
a. Yes
b. No

This question is intended to identify posts that are about competition over policy or
differences of opinion about laws, proposed legislation, policies, etc.. Responses to this
question should identify posts about parties, candidates, or other political actors
taking positions or acknowledging others who hold a different opinion or

Example: This post makes explicit reference to different perspectives on a formal

decision to support a new sports stadium → “a. Yes”

21. (To support validation only) Is this post about a topic that may have consequences for a society
or communities’ ability to realize fundamental needs?
a. Yes
b. No

This question is intended to identify posts that are about social issues --
specifically, about topics that are consequential (i.e., related to fundamental needs),
as opposed to
interest-based. Fundamental needs are defined as the physiological (e.g. air, water,
food, shelter), safety (e.g. personal security, employment, health, representation),
psychological (e.g.friendship, self-worth) outcomes needed to survive and
form social ties.
- Responses to this question should not reflect your assessment of whether
claims about subjective or objective consequences are valid -- only that
these claims exist.
- Several of the examples included above meet the criteria for this question;
please review in the summary table.

22. (To support validation only) Is this post about an experience that may be shared by others,
beyond a particular individual and their immediate interpersonal relationships?
a. Yes
b. No

This question is intended to identify posts that are about shared, or potentially
shared, experiences, and may, for example, include discussions of experiences
that are linked to identities.
- In contrast to question 15, above, the experiences described by content
identified in response to this question may describe a specific example of
a broader type of experience, often linked to identity.

23. (To support validation) This post does the following thing(s): (Check options that apply)
a. Shares the poster’s opinion or perspective
b. Asks other people to share their opinion or perspective
c. Shares information about a social or political topic
d. Shares a media news report about a social or political topic
e. Shares a media opinion/op-ed report about a social or political topic
f. Shares information about specific actions a person can take, related to a social
or political topic
g. Invites people to attend a specific event, that is related to a social or political
h. Expresses support for a specific political actor, group, or perspective
i. Expresses opposition to a specific political actor, group, or perspective
j. Uses humor as a form of commentary
k. Something else:

This question is intended to identify different types of civic posts; More than one
response may be appropriate.

● Select `Shares the poster’s opinion or perspective’ only if the content of the
post shares the post author’s opinion (not, e.g., the opinion of a political actor
or public figure).
● Select `Asks other people to share their opinion or perspective’ only if the
post makes an explicit appeal, asking other people for their opinions or
perspectives on a specific political or social topic (and not, e.g., if a post makes
a general request for recommendations)
● Select ‘Shares information about a social or political topic’ only if the
post includes the who-what-where-why-how concrete details about that
topic; do not identify
posts that only, e.g., mention a specific topic, without providing this context.
● Select `Invites people to take a specific action and/or attend a specific event,
that is related to a social or political topic’ only if the post includes
specific and concrete details about that action or event and an explicit
● Select `Expresses support (or opposition) for a specific political actor,
group, or perspective’ only if that support is explicit.

Example: The post below, for example, “highly recommends a visit” but does not
provide enough information in the post to know where these farms are located, or
how and when a visit might be coordinated. In this case, select → `Shares information
about actions a person can take, related to a social or political topic’ but not `Invites
people to take a
specific action and/or attend a specific event’
Example: in the post below, the YWCA Northeast Indiana identifies Joe Jordan as
a 'Featured Leader’ -- an explicit endorsement of him and the ideas expressed in the
lengthy quote, summarized in the photo as “Men of quality support women’s
equality.” If this post had not included this language, or the in-photo-text
establishing the organization’s support for Joe Jordan, and women’s equality
more generally, the position taken would be considered implicit, and `Expresses
support (or opposition) for a specific political actor,
group, or perspective’ should not selected.
F. [WIP] General considerations for evaluating Groups
These questions are intended to identify Groups that are organized around politics and/or
social issues. (Review of Group posts will identify those Groups that may not be organized
politics and/or social issues, but may frequently discuss these topics). Please
refer to the guidance for the questions above, which provide more complete
treatment of key terms.
- In response to these questions, identify Groups if ANY of the subject elements
include references to rights, laws, etc..
- Groups may be organized in support or in opposition to a specific law or
policy, or organization, or person.

24. In the Group name, description, or cover photo, does this Group explicitly refer to rights,
laws or pending legislation, policies, or judicial decisions?
a. Yes
b. No

25. In the Group name, description, or cover photo, does this Group explicitly refer to
elections, referendums, propositions or ballot initiatives?
a. Yes
b. No

26. In the Group name, description, or cover photo, does this Group explicitly refer to people or
organizations that are or have been involved in making laws, policies or regulations, or
judicial decisions?
a. Yes
b. No

- Groups that reference people or organizations that have been, but are not
currently involved in laws, etc., should be identified in responses to this

27. In the Group name, description, or cover photo, does this Group explicitly refer to people or
organizations that are or have been involved in elections, referendums, propositions or ballot
a. Yes
b. No

- Groups that reference people or organizations that have been, but are not
currently involved in elections, etc., should be identified in responses to
this question.

28. In the Group name, description, or cover photo, does this Group explicitly identify a social
problem that may be caused by the action or inaction of others and/or society?
a. Yes
b. No
These Groups may be organized around concerns abou t fairness a nd equ ity across
gender, racial, and/or ethn ic groups, climate change, income inequality,
education, gun rights.
- Groups id entifi ed by this qu estion mig ht also in clude those focused on wh y
issues like those listed above are no t problems, and/or not ca used by
- Responses to this question should NOT consider the ma gnitude o f the
problem identified, or whether or not “most people” would consider the
problem identified to be a “real” problem. Instead, responses to this
question should only consider whether or not the subject elements identify a
problem that is attributed to others/society.

29. Does the Group name, descrip tion, or cover ph oto, suggest that Group members share a
specific socio-demographic and/or political identity?
a. Yes
b. No

- Political identities may include partisanship, ideological
perspectives, or allegiances/opposition to a specific candidate (or
group of candidates).

30. Does the Group name, description, or cover photo, suggest that Group members are part of a
local neighborhood, community, town, or city?
a. Yes
b. No

- Do NOT include local buy/sell or `Buy Noth ing’ Groups in your
responses to this question.

G. Summary Table & Additional Guidance

This table takes each example presented above and applies the full set of guidelines, adding
notes where additional guidance might be helpful.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16 . 17. 18. 19. 2 0. 21. 22. 23.
Is this post about a law or Is this post about an election, Is this post about people or Is this post about people or Is this post about how a law or Is this post about how an Is this post about protests, Is this post created by or sharing Is this post created or sharing Is this post about interactions Is this post about interactions Does this post identify a problem Is this post about the Is this post about broadly shared Is this post about fundraising, Is this post about individual civic Is this post about one of the Does the post explicitly refer to Is this post about a topic that Is this post about an experience This post does the following
proposed legislation, policy, proposition, ballot measure, or organizations (including political organizations (including political proposed legislation, policy, election, proposition, ballot demonstrations, appeals to information from a government information from a government between people from different between governments of that is caused by the action or experiences of people who or collective experiences that volunteering, or other actions, service, or citizenship? following topics? (Select all that an opposing party, or to may have consequences for a that may be experienced by thing(s):
regulation, or judicial decision? referendum? parties) who are or have been parties) who are or have been regulation, or judicial decision or measure, or referendum has government officials, or other department or agency about department or agency to provide countries? different countries (or, inaction of others, and/or identify with or belong to a likely affect most people living community organizing efforts? apply) contention or disputes over a society or communities’ ability to others, beyond a particular
involved in making laws, policies or involved in elections, referendums, judgment has affected (or might affected (or might affect) specific efforts to influence or respond to public programs or services? information about an event or competing governments for the same society, in general? specific group? within a specific geographic a. Health law, proposed legislation, policy, or meet fundamental needs? individual and their immediate
regulations, or judicial decisions? propositions, or ballot measures? affect) specific groups and/or groups and/or society, in general? laws, proposed legislation, policies (possibly developing) situation? country or territory)? area? b. Wellbeing judicial decision, or other people interpersonal relationships?
society, in general? or regulations, or judicial decisions? c. Environment who may hold a different opinion?
d. Economic conditions
e. Civic wellness
f. Education
g. Global conflict and peace
h. Disaster relief and
i. Civil rights & freedoms
j. Community/
identity-based equity
k. Something else

A law or proposed legislation This post is not about elections, Yes No Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No Environmen t Yes Yes Yes Shares the poster’s opinion or
propositions, ballot measures, or perspec tive
refe renda

This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, Yes Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No No No Health No No No Shares the poster’s opinion or
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or perspec tive
decisions refe renda
This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Something else No No No Shares the poster’s opinion or
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or perspec tive
decisions refe renda

This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, Yes No No No No No No No No No NA No No No Civic wellness Yes No No Shares a media news report
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or about a social or political topic
decisions refe renda

In general, decisions made by

panels or committees that are not
part of a larger legislative or
policy-setting proce ss should not
be identified with this question.
A law or proposed legislation Propositions, ballot measures, or No No Yes Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No No No Economic conditions No Yes Yes Shares a media news report
refe renda about a social or political topic

Proposition 13 is embodied in
Article XIII A of the Constitu tion
of the State of California. Proposition 13 origina ted as a
ballot measure.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16 . 17. 18. 19. 2 0. 21. 22. 23.
Is this post about a law or proposed Is this post about an election, Is this post about people or Is this post about people or Is this post about how a law or Is this post about how an election, Is this post about protests, Is this post created by or sharing Is this post created or sharing Is this post about interactions Is this post about interactions Does this post identify a problem that Is this post about the Is this post about broadly shared or Is this post about fundraising, Is this post about individual civic Is this post about one of the Does the post explicitly refer to an Is this post about a topic that may Is this post about an experience that This post does the following
legislation, policy, regulation, or proposition, ballot measure, or organizations (including political organizations (including political proposed legislation, policy, proposition, ballot measure, or demonstrations, appeals to information from a government information from a government between people from different between governments of different is caused by the action or inaction experiences of people who collective experiences that likely volunteering, or other community actions, service, or citizenship? following topics? (Select all that opposing party, or to contention or have consequences for a society or may be experienced by others, thing(s):
judicial decision? referendum? parties) who are or have been parties) who are or have been regulation, or judicial decision or referendum has affected (or might government officials, or other department or agency about public department or agency to provide countries? countries (or, competing of others, and/or society, in identify with or belong to a affect most people living within a organizing efforts? apply) disputes over a law, proposed communities’ ability to meet beyond a particular individual and
involved in making laws, policies or involved in elections, referendums, judgment has affected (or might affect) specific groups and/or efforts to influence or respond to programs or services? information about an event or governments for the same country general? specific group? specific geographic area? a. Health legislation, policy, or judicial fundamental needs? their immediate interpersonal
regulations, or judicial decisions? propositions, or ballot measures? affect) specific groups and/or society, in general? laws, proposed legislation, policies (possibly developing) situation? or territory)? b. Wellbeing decision, or other people who may relationships?
society, in general? or regulations, or judicial decisions? c. Environment hold a different opinion?
d. Economic conditions
e. Civic wellness
f. Education
g. Global conflict and peace
h. Disaster relief and
i. Civil rights & freedoms
j. Community/
identity-based equity
k. Something else

This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No Something else No No No Shares a media news report
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or about a social or political topic
decisions refe renda

A law or proposed legislation This post is not about elections, Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No Something else Yes No No Shares a media news report
propositions, ballot measures, or about a social or political topic
refe renda

This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No Something else No No Shares a media news report
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or about a social or political topic
decisions refe renda
This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Something else No No No Shares the poster’s opinion or
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or perspec tive
decisions refe renda

This post is not about laws, Election to a national legislature No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No Something else Yes No No Shares a media news report
polic ies, regulations, or judicial or office about a social or political topic

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16 . 17. 18. 19. 2 0. 21. 22. 23.
Is this post about a law or proposed Is this post about an election, Is this post about people or Is this post about people or Is this post about how a law or Is this post about how an election, Is this post about protests, Is this post created by or sharing Is this post created or sharing Is this post about interactions Is this post about interactions Does this post identify a problem that Is this post about the Is this post about broadly shared or Is this post about fundraising, Is this post about individual civic Is this post about one of the Does the post explicitly refer to an Is this post about a topic that may Is this post about an experience that This post does the following
legislation, policy, regulation, or proposition, ballot measure, or organizations (including political organizations (including political proposed legislation, policy, proposition, ballot measure, or demonstrations, appeals to information from a government information from a government between people from different between governments of different is caused by the action or inaction experiences of people who collective experiences that likely volunteering, or other community actions, service, or citizenship? following topics? (Select all that opposing party, or to contention or have consequences for a society or may be experienced by others, thing(s):
judicial decision? referendum? parties) who are or have been parties) who are or have been regulation, or judicial decision or referendum has affected (or might government officials, or other department or agency about public department or agency to provide countries? countries (or, competing of others, and/or society, in identify with or belong to a affect most people living within a organizing efforts? apply) disputes over a law, proposed communities’ ability to meet beyond a particular individual and
involved in making laws, policies or involved in elections, referendums, judgment has affected (or might affect) specific groups and/or efforts to influence or respond to programs or services? information about an event or governments for the same country general? specific group? specific geographic area? a. Health legislation, policy, or judicial fundamental needs? their immediate interpersonal
regulations, or judicial decisions? propositions, or ballot measures? affect) specific groups and/or society, in general? laws, proposed legislation, policies (possibly developing) situation? or territory)? b. Wellbeing decision, or other people who may relationships?
society, in general? or regulations, or judicial decisions? c. Environment hold a different opinion?
d. Economic conditions
e. Civic wellness
f. Education
g. Global conflict and peace
h. Disaster relief and
i. Civil rights & freedoms
j. Community/
identity-based equity
k. Something else
This post is not about laws, Election to a national legislature No Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes No No Civic wellness No No No Invites people to attend a specific
polic ies, regulations, or judicial or office event, that is related to a social or
decisions Election to a state, province, or political topic
regional legislature or office (i.e.,
Go vernor, Premier)
Local election (i.e., Mayor, City
Council, School Board)

This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, No Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No No No Community/ identity-based No No No Shares the poster’s opinion or
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or equity perspec tive
decisions refe renda

A law, proposed leg islation or bill This post is not about elections, Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No Civil rights & freedoms Yes No No Shares the poster’s opinion or
propositions, ballot measures, or perspec tive
refe renda
This post is not about laws, Election to a national legislature No policies, No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No Civic wellness No No No Shares a media news report about a
regulations, or judicial or office social or political topic
decisionsElection to a state, province, or regional legislature or office (i.e.,
Governor, Premier)
Local election (i.e., Mayor, City Council, School Board)

This post is not about laws, Propositions, ballot measures, or No policies, Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No Civic wellness Yes Yes No Shares a media news report about a
regulations, or judicial referenda social or political topic

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.
Is this post about a law or Is this post about an election, Is this post about people or Is this post about people or Is this post about how a law or Is this post about how an Is this post about protests, Is this post created by or sharingIs this post created or sharing Is this post about interactions Is this post about interactions Does this post identify a problem Is this post about theIs this post about broadly shared Is this post about fundraising, Is this post about individual civic Is this post about one of the Does the post explicitly refer to proposed legislation, policy, proposition, ballot measure, or organizations (including political Is this post about a topic that Is this post about an experience This post does the following may have
organizations (including political proposed legislation, policy, election, proposition, ballot demonstrations, appeals to information from a governmentinformation from a government between people from different between governments of that is caused by the action or experiences of people who or collective experiences that volunteering, or other actions, service, or citizenship? following topics? (Select all that an opposing party, or to consequences for a that may be experienced by thing(s):
regulation, or judicial decision? referendum?parties) who are or have been parties) who are or have been regulation, or judicial decision or measure, or referendum has government officials, or other department or agency about involved in making laws, policies involved in department or agency to provide countries? different countries (or, inaction of others, and/or identify with or belong to a likely affect most people living community organizing efforts? apply)contention or disputes over a society or communities’ ability to others, beyond a particular meet fundamental needs? individual
elections,judgment has affected (or might affected (or might affect) efforts to influence or respond to public programs or services? or regulations, or judicial referendums, propositions, or affect) specific groups and/or specific groups and/or society, in laws, proposed information about an event or competing governments for the society, in general?specific group? same country or within a specific geographic area? Healthlaw, proposed legislation, policy, and their immediate
legislation, (possibly developing) situation? territory)? Wellbeingor judicial decision, or other interpersonal relationships?
decisions?ballot measures?society, in general?general?policies or regulations, or judicial Environmentpeople who may hold a different
decisions? Economic conditions opinion?
Civic wellness
Global conflict and peace
Disaster relief and resilience
Civil rights & freedoms
identity-based equity
Something else
A policy or regulation This post is not about elections, Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No No No Yes No No Yes Something else Yes No No Shares a media news report
propositions, ballot measures, or about a social or political topic
refe renda

This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No Something else No No Something else
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or
decisions refe renda

This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No Something else No No Something else
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or
decisions refe renda

This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No Something else No No No Invites people to attend a specific
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or event, that is related to a social or
decisions refe renda political topic
This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No Something else No No No Shares information about a
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or socia l or political topic
decisions refe renda

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16 . 17. 18. 19. 2 0. 21. 22. 23.
Is this post about a law or proposed Is this post about an election, Is this post about people or Is this post about people or Is this post about how a law or Is this post about how an election, Is this post about protests, Is this post created by or sharing Is this post created or sharing Is this post about interactions Is this post about interactions Does this post identify a problem that Is this post about the Is this post about broadly shared or Is this post about fundraising, Is this post about individual civic Is this post about one of the Does the post explicitly refer to an Is this post about a topic that may Is this post about an experience that This post does the following
legislation, policy, regulation, or proposition, ballot measure, or organizations (including political organizations (including political proposed legislation, policy, proposition, ballot measure, or demonstrations, appeals to information from a government information from a government between people from different between governments of different is caused by the action or inaction experiences of people who collective experiences that likely volunteering, or other community actions, service, or citizenship? following topics? (Select all that opposing party, or to contention or have consequences for a society or may be experienced by others, thing(s):
judicial decision? referendum? parties) who are or have been parties) who are or have been regulation, or judicial decision or referendum has affected (or might government officials, or other department or agency about public department or agency to provide countries? countries (or, competing of others, and/or society, in identify with or belong to a affect most people living within a organizing efforts? apply) disputes over a law, proposed communities’ ability to meet beyond a particular individual and
involved in making laws, policies or involved in elections, referendums, judgment has affected (or might affect) specific groups and/or efforts to influence or respond to programs or services? information about an event or governments for the same country general? specific group? specific geographic area? l. Health legislation, policy, or judicial fundamental needs? their immediate interpersonal
regulations, or judicial decisions? propositions, or ballot measures? affect) specific groups and/or society, in general? laws, proposed legislation, policies (possibly developing) situation? or territory)? m. Wellbeing decision, or other people who may relationships?
society, in general? or regulations, or judicial decisions? n. Environment hold a different opinion?
o. Economic conditions
p. Civic wellness
q. Education
r. Global conflict and peace
s. Disaster relief and
t. Civil rights & freedoms
u. Community/
identity-based equity
v. Something else

A policy or regulation This post is not about elections, No No Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No No Something else No No No Shares a media news report
propositions, ballot measures, or about a social or political topic
refe renda
This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, No policies, regulations, or judicial No measures, or
propositions, ballot No No No No Yes No No No No No No No Health No Yes No Shares information about a social or pol

decisions referenda

This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, No policies, regulations, or judicial No measures, or
propositions, ballot No No No No Yes No No No No Yes No No Environment, disaster relief & No resilience Yes Yes Shares information about a social or pol

decisions referenda

This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, No policies, regulations, or judicial No measures, or
propositions, ballot No No No No No No No No No Yes Health, Wellbeing No Yes Yes Shares information about a social or pol

decisions referenda
This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Something else No No Yes Something else
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or
decisions refe renda

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16 . 17. 18. 19. 2 0. 21. 22. 23.
Is this post about a law or proposed Is this post about an election, Is this post about people or Is this post about people or Is this post about how a law or Is this post about how an election, Is this post about protests, Is this post created by or sharing Is this post created or sharing Is this post about interactions Is this post about interactions Does this post identify a problem that Is this post about the Is this post about broadly shared or Is this post about fundraising, Is this post about individual civic Is this post about one of the Does the post explicitly refer to an Is this post about a topic that may Is this post about an experience that This post does the following
legislation, policy, regulation, or proposition, ballot measure, or organizations (including political organizations (including political proposed legislation, policy, proposition, ballot measure, or demonstrations, appeals to information from a government information from a government between people from different between governments of different is caused by the action or inaction experiences of people who collective experiences that likely volunteering, or other community actions, service, or citizenship? following topics? (Select all that opposing party, or to contention or have consequences for a society or may be experienced by others, thing(s):
judicial decision? referendum? parties) who are or have been parties) who are or have been regulation, or judicial decision or referendum has affected (or might government officials, or other department or agency about public department or agency to provide countries? countries (or, competing of others, and/or society, in identify with or belong to a affect most people living within a organizing efforts? apply) disputes over a law, proposed communities’ ability to meet beyond a particular individual and
involved in making laws, policies or involved in elections, referendums, judgment has affected (or might affect) specific groups and/or efforts to influence or respond to programs or services? information about an event or governments for the same country general? specific group? specific geographic area? a. Health legislation, policy, or judicial fundamental needs? their immediate interpersonal
regulations, or judicial decisions? propositions, or ballot measures? affect) specific groups and/or society, in general? laws, proposed legislation, policies (possibly developing) situation? or territory)? b. Wellbeing decision, or other people who may relationships?
society, in general? or regulations, or judicial decisions? c. Environment hold a different opinion?
d. Economic conditions
e. Civic wellness
f. Education
g. Global conflict and peace
h. Disaster relief and
i. Civil rights & freedoms
j. Community/
identity-based equity
k. Something else

This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No Global conflict and pea ce No No No Shares a media news report
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or about a social or political topic
decisions refe renda
This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No Global conflict and pea ce No No No Something else
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or
decisions refe renda

This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No Global conflict and pea ce No No No Shares a media news report
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or about a social or political topic
decisions refe renda

There is a reference to President

Biden announcing this

This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Something else No No No Shares a media news report
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or about a social or political topic
decisions refe renda
This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No Community/ identity-based No Yes Yes Shares the poster’s opinion or
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or equity perspec tive
decisions refe renda

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16 . 17. 18. 19. 2 0. 21. 22. 23.
Is this post about a law or proposed Is this post about an election, Is this post about people or Is this post about people or Is this post about how a law or Is this post about how an election, Is this post about protests, Is this post created by or sharing Is this post created or sharing Is this post about interactions Is this post about interactions Does this post identify a problem that Is this post about the Is this post about broadly shared or Is this post about fundraising, Is this post about individual civic Is this post about one of the Does the post explicitly refer to an Is this post about a topic that may Is this post about an experience that This post does the following
legislation, policy, regulation, or proposition, ballot measure, or organizations (including political organizations (including political proposed legislation, policy, proposition, ballot measure, or demonstrations, appeals to information from a government information from a government between people from different between governments of different is caused by the action or inaction experiences of people who collective experiences that likely volunteering, or other community actions, service, or citizenship? following topics? (Select all that opposing party, or to contention or have consequences for a society or may be experienced by others, thing(s):
judicial decision? referendum? parties) who are or have been parties) who are or have been regulation, or judicial decision or referendum has affected (or might government officials, or other department or agency about public department or agency to provide countries? countries (or, competing of others, and/or society, in identify with or belong to a affect most people living within a organizing efforts? apply) disputes over a law, proposed communities’ ability to meet beyond a particular individual and
involved in making laws, policies or involved in elections, referendums, judgment has affected (or might affect) specific groups and/or efforts to influence or respond to programs or services? information about an event or governments for the same country general? specific group? specific geographic area? l. Health legislation, policy, or judicial fundamental needs? their immediate interpersonal
regulations, or judicial decisions? propositions, or ballot measures? affect) specific groups and/or society, in general? laws, proposed legislation, policies (possibly developing) situation? or territory)? m. Wellbeing decision, or other people who may relationships?
society, in general? or regulations, or judicial decisions? n. Environment hold a different opinion?
o. Economic conditions
p. Civic wellness
q. Education
r. Global conflict and peace
s. Disaster relief and
t. Civil rights & freedoms
u. Community/
identity-based equity
v. Something else
Yes This post is not about elections, No No Yes No Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No Environment, Community/ Yes Yes No Shares the poster’s opinion or
propositions, ballot measures, or identity-based equity perspec tive
refe renda

This post refers to the Taliban This post ties the ban on The post refers to Greta
ban on secondary education for secondary education for women to Thunberg’s school strike, and
women. vulnerability to the effects of other organized efforts to influence
climate change. government commitments to
address climate change.

This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No Something else Yes No No Shares the poster’s opinion or
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or perspec tive
decisions refe renda

Although this post does not

identify a specific person or
organization, it does refer to
“politicians” on the “left.”
This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Community/ identity-based No Yes Yes Something else
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or equity
decisions refe renda

This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No Yes Environmen t No Yes Yes Shares a media news report
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or about a social or political topic
decisions refe renda
This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No Health, wellness No Yes Yes Shares the poster’s opinion or
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or perspec tive
decisions refe renda

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16 . 17. 18. 19. 2 0. 21. 22. 23.
Is this post about a law or proposed Is this post about an election, Is this post about people or Is this post about people or Is this post about how a law or Is this post about how an election, Is this post about protests, Is this post created by or sharing Is this post created or sharing Is this post about interactions Is this post about interactions Does this post identify a problem that Is this post about the Is this post about broadly shared or Is this post about fundraising, Is this post about individual civic Is this post about one of the Does the post explicitly refer to an Is this post about a topic that may Is this post about an experience that This post does the following
legislation, policy, regulation, or proposition, ballot measure, or organizations (including political organizations (including political proposed legislation, policy, proposition, ballot measure, or demonstrations, appeals to information from a government information from a government between people from different between governments of different is caused by the action or inaction experiences of people who collective experiences that likely volunteering, or other community actions, service, or citizenship? following topics? (Select all that opposing party, or to contention or have consequences for a society or may be experienced by others, thing(s):
judicial decision? referendum? parties) who are or have been parties) who are or have been regulation, or judicial decision or referendum has affected (or might government officials, or other department or agency about public department or agency to provide countries? countries (or, competing of others, and/or society, in identify with or belong to a affect most people living within a organizing efforts? apply) disputes over a law, proposed communities’ ability to meet beyond a particular individual and
involved in making laws, policies or involved in elections, referendums, judgment has affected (or might affect) specific groups and/or efforts to influence or respond to programs or services? information about an event or governments for the same country general? specific group? specific geographic area? a. Health legislation, policy, or judicial fundamental needs? their immediate interpersonal
regulations, or judicial decisions? propositions, or ballot measures? affect) specific groups and/or society, in general? laws, proposed legislation, policies (possibly developing) situation? or territory)? b. Wellbeing decision, or other people who may relationships?
society, in general? or regulations, or judicial decisions? c. Environment hold a different opinion?
d. Economic conditions
e. Civic wellness
f. Education
g. Global conflict and peace
h. Disaster relief and
i. Civil rights & freedoms
j. Community/
identity-based equity
k. Something else

This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Something else Yes No No Shares the poster’s opinion or
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or perspec tive
decisions refe renda
This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, No No No No No No No No No Yes No Yes No No Economic conditions No Yes No Uses humor as a form of
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or commentary
decisions refe renda

This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, No No No No No No No No No Yes No Yes No No Environmen t No Yes No Shares information about a
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or socia l or political topic
decisions refe renda
This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, No No No No No No No No No Yes No Yes No No Environmen t No Yes No Shares information about a
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or socia l or political topic
decisions refe renda

This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No Something else No Yes No Shares information about a
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or socia l or political topic
decisions refe renda

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16 . 17. 18. 19. 2 0. 21. 22. 23.
Is this post about a law or proposed Is this post about an election, Is this post about people or Is this post about people or Is this post about how a law or Is this post about how an election, Is this post about protests, Is this post created by or sharing Is this post created or sharing Is this post about interactions Is this post about interactions Does this post identify a problem that Is this post about the Is this post about broadly shared or Is this post about fundraising, Is this post about individual civic Is this post about one of the Does the post explicitly refer to an Is this post about a topic that may Is this post about an experience that This post does the following
legislation, policy, regulation, or proposition, ballot measure, or organizations (including political organizations (including political proposed legislation, policy, proposition, ballot measure, or demonstrations, appeals to information from a government information from a government between people from different between governments of different is caused by the action or inaction experiences of people who collective experiences that likely volunteering, or other community actions, service, or citizenship? following topics? (Select all that opposing party, or to contention or have consequences for a society or may be experienced by others, thing(s):
judicial decision? referendum? parties) who are or have been parties) who are or have been regulation, or judicial decision or referendum has affected (or might government officials, or other department or agency about public department or agency to provide countries? countries (or, competing of others, and/or society, in identify with or belong to a affect most people living within a organizing efforts? apply) disputes over a law, proposed communities’ ability to meet beyond a particular individual and
involved in making laws, policies or involved in elections, referendums, judgment has affected (or might affect) specific groups and/or efforts to influence or respond to programs or services? information about an event or governments for the same country general? specific group? specific geographic area? a. Health legislation, policy, or judicial fundamental needs? their immediate interpersonal
regulations, or judicial decisions? propositions, or ballot measures? affect) specific groups and/or society, in general? laws, proposed legislation, policies (possibly developing) situation? or territory)? b. Wellbeing decision, or other people who may relationships?
society, in general? or regulations, or judicial decisions? c. Environment hold a different opinion?
d. Economic conditions
e. Civic wellness
f. Education
g. Global conflict and peace
h. Disaster relief and
i. Civil rights & freedoms
j. Community/
identity-based equity
k. Something else

This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No Global conflict and pea ce No Yes No Something else
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or
decisions refe renda

This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Civil rights & freedoms No No No Shares information about a
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or socia l or political topic
decisions refe renda
This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Health No No No Shares information about a
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or socia l or political topic
decisions refe renda

This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Something else No No Yes Shares a media news report
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or about a social or political topic
decisions refe renda

A law, proposed leg islation or bill This post is not about elections, Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No Something else Yes No No Shares the poster’s opinion or
propositions, ballot measures, or perspec tive
refe renda
This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, No No No No No No No No No Something else No Yes No Shares information about a
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or socia l or political topic
decisions refe renda

This post is not about laws, This post is not about elections, No No No No No No No No No Community/ identity-based No Yes Yes Something else
polic ies, regulations, or judicial propositions, ballot measures, or equity
decisions refe renda

To be resolved:
Context: There may be efficiency gains through branching (i.e., only asking
specific questions if we know they are relevant based on earlier responses).
Recommendation: no branching. This keeps accuracy assessments
straightforward, and allows later questions to provide a response check on earlier
Alignment on inclusion of social commentary items
Context: The current guidelines include three approaches to identifying social
commentary (claims making, group+broadly shared experiences, SI
definition). Do we need all three?
Recommendation: Keep for now. In the most recent DQA data, the most inclusive
measure (claims making) missed 28% of content that was identified as social
issues content by other measurement strategies (see DQA Troubleshooting ).
(Future analysis should confirm that this content is appropriately coded as social
Inclusion of ‘close’ examples, flagged below
Additional guidance needed:
Discussion of general economic conditions
Discussion of weather events, forest fires
Discussion of the Royals
Post motivation
Family members of political actors

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