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Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century 12

Name: _________________________________________Section/Strand_____________________

Directions: Choose the best answer. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

_____1. It is a kind of behavior that is intensely followed by a population for a short period of time. The behavior
will rise relatively quickly and fall relatively quickly once the perception of novelty is gone.
A. Popularity B. Fad C. Trends D. In-Demand
_____2. It gets stronger over time and does stick around. It has identifiable and explainable rises that are
driven by audience needs.
A. Popularity B. Fad C. Trends D. In-Demand
____3. The current obsession with health and well-being is one of the positive trends today. Which of the
following practices is NOT a manifestation of coping up with this given trend?
A. hair straightening and skin whitening as beauty regimen.
B. the immensely popular application of meditation practices
C. organic farming as an alternative to synthetic and chemical-laden products
D. exercise and extreme sports for those who can afford the luxuries of enrolling in a gym or engaging in elite
____4. It is a political power exercise in a nation which is fairly contributed and shared by the people.
A. Democracy B. Social Democracy C. Political Democracy D. Democratic Practices

____5. It is a political pattern adhering a continuous and peaceful transition of capitalist and socialist practices
by organizing democratic welfare.
A. Social Democracy B. Social Institutions C. Political Democracy D. Democratic Practices
____6. This is the right of a citizen to exercise the process of voting to any political elections.
A. Freedom of Speech B. Citizen Participation C. Minority Rights D. Suffrage
____7. A political principle providing that a majority usually constituted by fifty percent plus one of an organized
group will have the power to make decisions binding upon the whole.
A. constitutional government B. citizen participation C. democratic practices D. majority rule
____8. The normal individual rights as applied to members of racial, ethnic, class, religious, linguistic or sexual
minorities; and also, the collective rights accorded to minority groups.
A. human rights B. minority rights C. democracy D. majority rights
____9. Unfair or unequal treatment of one gender to other. It’s shows prejudice or preference towards a person
A. Gender B. Gender Bias C. Gender identity D. Difference
____10. It is a political association being established to empower and protect progovernment ideas that aims
to uphold widely the democratization of the country.
A. Political Democracy B. Social Democracy C. Political Institutions D. Democratic Interventions
____11. Defined by the existence of a constitution which may be a legal instrument or merely a set of fixed
norms or principles generally accepted as the fundamental law of a government that effectively controls the
exercise of political power.

A. Government B. Politics C. Constitutional government D. Rules

____12. A government organization that intends to establish, enforce, and implement laws in a state.
A. Political Institutions B. Democratic Practices C. Democratic Institutions D. Social Institution
____13. Which of the following does not define Analytical leaders?
A. Critical thinker B. Intuitive thinker C. Good Communicator D. Motivator
____14. Which of the following are not included in the Product Life Cycle?
A Boom Stage B. Growth Stage C. Maturity Stage D. Decline Stage

____15.It characterizes gradual mechanisms to build up social order that emphasizes on achieving societal
needs and stabilities, like family, education, healthcare, religion, economy, and government.
A. Political Institutions B. Social Institutions C. Social Democracy D. Political Democracy

____16.The practice of embracing and accepting all types of people in the society and treating them with fair
and just.
A. Right to Life B. Freedom of Speech C. Inclusiveness and Equality D. Minority Rights

____17. The following are the ill effects of undemocratic practices except, ________.
A. Equality B. Gender biases C. Poverty D. Inequality

____18.The foundation of every healthy democracy, ensuring that government authority derives from the will of
the people.
A. Majority rules B. Minority rights C. Free elections D. Citizen participation

____19. It is a process which provides private individuals an opportunity to influence public decisions and has
long been a component of the democratic decision-making process.
A. Citizen participation B. Minority rights C. Majority rules D. Free election

____20. The state of being lacking in needs and shows inferiority in many manners.
A. Poverty B. Violence C. Hunger D. Deviant

____21. Which of the following belongs to the dimension of knowledge?

A. knowns and unknowns B. innovation C. computers D. volition

____22. Which of the following is NOT a synonym to the word, TECHNOLOGY?

A. Machine B. computer C. inconvenience D. tools

____23. When was the internet created?

A. 1968 B. 1972 C. 1982 D. 1995

____24. What comprises of what we know and how much (or how little) about a technology and its effects.
A. Innovation B. Knowledge C. Techniques D. Computer

____25. On average how many SMS messages are sent via mobile phone per phone user every day?
A. 0.5 B 4.0 C. 2.5 D. 5.5
____26. How does technology in the classroom support differentiated instruction?

A. Technology can cost schools lots of money.

B. Technology allows students to collaborate.
C. Technology allows teachers to deliver instruction at different levels.
D. Technology allows students to communicate via the Internet.

____27. What is a radical innovation?

A. Creates a totally new product.
B. It is when one remains inert in the status quo.
C. When one intertwines science in technology.
D. It takes an existing system, design or invention and turns it into something brand new.

____28. Identify the type of activity incorporating technology that might appeal to a visual learner.
A. Listening to a podcast B. Reading an e-book C. Working in a group D. Creating a video lesson.

____29. What do today's students need?

A. Good computing skills B.To work with others. C.To be involved in their own learning. D.All are correct.

____30. Which of the following is not a social networking service?

A. Facebook B. Instagram C. Twitter D. Google
____31. Which of the following is defined as quick or reflexive thinking to give an immediate response to the
needs of situation?
A. Critical Thinking B. Intuitive Thinking C. Strategic Analysis D. Strategic Thinking
____32. Which among these is an example of artefact?
A. Bicycle C. light bulb B. figurines D. microwave
____33. A 21st century leader has an intuitive decision making when_______________
A. he has not made a quick decision even those without information available.
B. In order to feel comfortable, he doesn’t want to go through all the data and establish connections even
forget the inclusive of others and relying solely on their own thinking.
C. he needs to develop a sense of intuition by considering data that is not rational and begin to mature
their right-brain skills.
D. None from the given options.
____34. Which of the following shows the negative effect of globalization in economy?
A. Income disparity and inequality
B. Decreases the cost of manufacturing.
C. Provides businesses with a competitive advantage.
D. Allows exchange of ideas, values, and artistic expression.
____35. How can globalization by which the world of diverse communities is incorporated into a single society
be seen in the Philippines?
A. Filipinos enjoying Korean culture by patronizing Samgyupsal.
B. Students communicating through smartphones and other gadgets.
C. Politicians recognizing international efforts in landmark treaties and agreements.
D. All the above.
____36. Which of the following sentences BEST describes the meaning of migration?
A. It refers to the process of leaving or moving from place to place.
B. It refers to the process of removal or transfer to the people's workplace.
C. It refers to the process of leaving or moving from a place or political territory to somewhere temporarily or
D. It refers to the process of removal or relocation due to unforeseen circumstances in the source area.

____37. Which of the following states the cause of climate change?

A. Landslides B. Flood risks C. Food consumption D. Rising of sea levels
____38. What global issue refers to the gradual increase in the earth’s average surface temperature due to
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere?
A. Heat wave B. Global warming C. Climate change D. Greenhouse effect
____39. Which of the following refers to the role of our atmosphere in insulating the planet from heat loss?

A. Heat wave B. Global warming C. Climate change D. Greenhouse effect

____40. All of the following statements shows the characteristic of a global citizen, EXCEPT:
A. Respects and values diversity
B. Irresponsible for their actions
C. Has a sense of their own role as a world citizen.
D. Willing to act to make the world a more sustainable place.
____41. Which of the following shows the negative effect of globalization in economy?
A. Income disparity and inequality
B. Decreases the cost of manufacturing.
C. Provides businesses with a competitive advantage.
D. Allows exchange of ideas, values, and artistic expression.
____42. Which of the following organization believes that quality education is the key that keeps organization
at pace with the changing world while maintaining a stronghold of its regional identity?

A. World Trade Organization B. International Criminal Court

C. World Health Organization D. Association of Southeast Asian Nations

____43. Which of the following shows the effect of climate change?

A. Deforestation B. Public Utility Jeep C. Burning of fossil fuels D. Emergence of infectious diseases
____44. They are a larger pattern of broad trends that reshape and transform lives.
A. Megatrends B. Micro trends C. Local Trends D. Trend spotting 
____45. Their job is related to processed fruits, vegetables, and other crops that contribute to the country’s
GDP. What sector is this?
A. Agribusiness B. BPO C. Education D. Tourism
____46. Which of the following pertains to the interconnectedness and interdependence of countries?

A. Free Trade B. Globalization C. International Trade D. Migration

____47. Better medical care is under the pull factor why people choose to labor migrate.
A. Fact B. Bluff C. Maybe D. It Depends
____48. Intuitive thinking also refers to "quick and ready insight". The quick and ready insight has something
brought by experience.
A. Fact B. Bluff C. Maybe D. It Depends
____49. An intuitive thinking that has something to do with the state of Divine Truth or Revelations.
A. Psychic intuitive thinking B. Mental intuitive thinking C. Psychic intuitive thinking D. Spiritual intuitive
____50. A kind of thinking that directly perceive a fact through experiences, instinct, and impulses.
A. Analysis Thinking B. Intuitive Thinking C. Strategic Thinking D. Metacognitive Thinking


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