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Kumpulan Soal Materi 

Gerund dan to Infinitive

1. I dislike ________ to the movies by myself.

a. going

b. to go

c. going/to go

2. We started ________ dinner without you.

a. eating

b. to eat

c. eating/to eat

3. I can't imagine ________ my own house.

a. buying

b. to buy

c. buying/to buy

4. I used ________ that television show all the time.

a. watching

b. to watch

c. watching/to watch

5. I always eat breakfast before ________ to school.

a. going

b. to go

c. going/to go

6. When do you practise ________ the piano?

a. playing

b. to play

c. playing/to play
7. My grandmother prefers ________ science fiction books.

a. reading

b. to read

c. reading/to read

8. My teacher said my essay needs ________ by tomorrow.

a. correcting

b. to correct

c. corrected

9. I am used ________ her in a bad mood.

a. to seeing

b. to see

c. seeing

Answer: a. to seeing

10. Our neighbour used _____ a bike.

a. riding

b. to riding

c. to ride

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