Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Ingles

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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Ministry of popular power for education

Educational Unit of the Andrés Bello School

Fifth year - Section "B"

Subject: English


Teacher: Student:

Marianella Rodriguez Ángel Daniel Arévalo Bolívar

C.I; 30.049.833 Nº List 08

April 2020
Brief explanation of what it consists of:

There are two ways of presenting the same situation, approaching it from
different perspectives. In the case of the active voice we are interested in the
person responsible for the action, while in the passive voice we are interested in
the patient or the result of this action.

The structure of the active voice is: subject + verb "to be" + object.

The structure of the passive voice is: object + verb "to be" + past participle +
by + subject

Describe each of the three verbal changes to perform the passive voice
(present, past and future).

Present; at this time the three forms of the verb “to be” are used in the present
tense, am-is-are. It is used to emphasize action rather than who performs it. The
verb “to be” must be followed by the participle verb like this: subject + am-is-are
+ participle of the verb + rest of the sentence.

Past; at this time the two forms of the verb “to be” are used in the past tense,
was-were. If we want to include the subject that had the phrase in active voice, we
must pass it to the end preceded by "by".

Future; At this time the "will be" is used to emphasize the bony subject it is
constructed in this way; will + be + past participle”, also using “shall” instead of

Active and passive voice

Sentences of each of the verbal changes:


1) The ckicken is cooked by my mother.

2) The homework is made by the pupil.

3) A letter is written by me.


1) The child was found in the forest.

2) The house was destroyed by the fire.

3) “Doña Barbara” was written by Romulo Gallegos.


1) The cake will be eaten by the children.

2) The dog will be kept by my mother.

3) An email will be sent tonight by Susan

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