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My favourite tourist destination

I enjoy going on vacations. I've discovered the most lovely

way to learn about our world. But there are some places I prefer to
return to, locations that remind me of really pleasant moments spent
there, places that provide me with a sense of tranquility and well-
being. You might not be astonished if I tell you that such a site exists
in France. Yes, there is a resort called Azur on the coast of Azur, near
Saint Tropez which is called Ramatuelle.
There's a retired villa on the beach, remote from the action of
the neighborhood, surrounded by bars and restaurants. It's a family
company, and the house has a narrative to tell, which is perhaps why
it's so cozy and welcoming. I've traveled here several times since my
dearest friend, Ileana, celebrates her birthday here every summer, and
it's a great excuse to get together with old friends who lived or still
reside in France. That, I believe, is what this is all about when you're
talking about a favorite vacation spot and how it makes you feel. I’ve
visited several remarkable, gorgeous places that have left an indelible
impression on me, but Ramatuelle remains my favorite vacation place
because it is where my friends always congregate.

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