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DBMS Assignment-2

(Vandana Garia)

Ques I: Create the relations given below:

EMPLOYEE (EmpNo,EmpName, Street, City)
DEPARTMENT (DeptID, DepartmentName, City) Record-{10,'Finance','Delhi'}
WORKS (EmpNo, DeptID, Salary)
MANAGES (EmpNo, ManagerID)
Create above relations using your own data types and constraints of the each relation.

Create table Employee
( EmpNo number(10) Primary Key,
EmpName varchar2(30),
Street varchar2(40),
City varchar2(20));

Create table Department

(DeptID number(10) Primary Key,
DepartmentName varchar2(20),
City varchar2(20)

Create table Works

(EmpNo number(10) references Employee(EmpNo),
DeptID number(10) references Department(DeptID),
Salary number(10)

Create table Manages

(EmpNo number(10) references Employee(EmpNo),
ManagerID number(10)

Ques II: Insert at least 10 records in the relation EMPLOYEE and 4 records in the relation
DEPARTMENT(Finance, Sales, Accounts and Inventory) . Insert appropriate records in the relations

Insert into Employee values(1001,'Drishti','ABC','Delhi');
Insert into Employee values(1002,'Ram','DEF','Kolkata');
Insert into Employee values(1003,'Yashi','GHI','Delhi');
Insert into Employee values(1004,'Shyam','JKL','Jammu');
Insert into Employee values(1005,'Manisha','MNO','Jaipur');
Insert into Employee values(1006,'Devi','PQR','Dhanbad');
Insert into Employee values(1007,'Rohit','STU','Delhi');
Insert into Employee values(1008,'Sita','VWX','Mumbai');
Insert into Employee values(1009,'Dev','XYZ','Chennai');
Insert into Employee values(1010,'Tia','ACD','Mumbai');
Insert into Department values(201,'Finance','Delhi');
Insert into Department values(202,'Sales','Dhanbad');
Insert into Department values(203,'Accounts','Jaipur');
Insert into Department values(204,'Inventory','Mumbai');

Insert into Works values(1001,201,20000);

Insert into Works values(1002,201,20000);
Insert into Works values(1003,201,30000);
Insert into Works values(1004,202,40000);
Insert into Works values(1005,202,20000);
Insert into Works values(1006,202,30000);
Insert into Works values(1007,203,20000);
Insert into Works values(1008,204,45000);
Insert into Works values(1009,204,43000);
Insert into Works values(1010,203,45000);

Insert into Manages values(1001,301);

Insert into Manages values(1002,301);
Insert into Manages values(1003,301);
Insert into Manages values(1004,302);
Insert into Manages values(1005,302);
Insert into Manages values(1006,302);
Insert into Manages values(1007,303);
Insert into Manages values(1008,304);
Insert into Manages values(1009,304);
Insert into Manages values(1010,303);

Ques III:Print the contents of the each relation.

Select * from Employee;
Select * from Department;

Select * from Works;

Select * from Manages;

Ques IV: Give an expression in SQL with output for each of the following queries:

1.Find the names of all employees who work for Finance Department
Select EmpName,DepartmentName from Employee ,Department,Works where
Works.EmpNo=Employee.EmpNo and Works.DeptID='201' and DepartmentName='Finance';

2.Find the names and cities of residence of all employees who work for the Finance Department.

Select Employee.EmpName,Employee.City,Department.DepartmentName from Employee
,Department,Works where Works.EmpNo=Employee.EmpNo and
Works.DeptID=Department.DeptID and DepartmentName='Finance';

3.Find the names, street, and cities of residence of all employees who work for Finance
Department and earn more than Rs. 10,000/-.

Select Employee.EmpName,Employee.Street,Employee.City from Employee ,Department,Works
where Works.EmpNo=Employee.EmpNo and Works.DeptID='201' and Works.Salary>='10000' and

4.Find the employees who live in the same cities as the Departments for which they work.
Select Employee.EmpName,Employee.City from Employee,Department where

5.Find all employees who live in the same cities and on the same streets as do their managers.

select empname,manages.managerid,,employee.street, as
managercity,manager.street as managerstreet from employee,manages,(select city,street from
employee,manages where manages.managerid=employee.empno group by street,city ) manager
where manages.empno=employee.empno and and

6.Find all employees who do not work for Finance Department.

Select Employee.EmpName,Employee.City,Department.DepartmentName from Employee
,Department,Works where Works.EmpNo=Employee.EmpNo and
Works.DeptID=Department.DeptID and DepartmentName!='Finance';
7.Find all employees who earn more than every employee of Sales Department

Select Employee.EmpName,Works.Salary from Employee,Department,Works where
Works.EmpNo=Employee.EmpNo and Works.DeptID=Department.DeptID and Works.Salary>(Select
Max(Works.Salary) from Works,Department where Works.DeptID=Department.DeptID and

8.Find all Departments located in every city in which Sales Department is located.

Select Department.DeptID,Department.DepartmentName,Department.City from Department,(Select from Department where DepartmentName='Sales') as Sale_City where;

9.Find all employees who earn more than the average salary of all employees of their Department.
Select Employee.EmpName,Department.DepartmentName from
Department,Works,employee,(select Departmentname,avg(salary) Sal from
Works,Department,Employee where Works.deptID=Department.deptID and
Employee.empno=Works.empno group by Departmentname) avgsal where
Works.deptID=Department.deptID and Works.empno=Employee.empno and
Department.departmentname=Avgsal.departmentname and salary>avgsal.sal;

10.Find the Department that has the most employees.

Select Departmentname, Count(*) as Count from Works,Department,Employee where
Works.DeptID=Department.deptID and Works.Empno=Employee.empno group by departmentname
order by count desc fetch first 1 rows only ;

11.Find the Department that has the smallest payroll.

Select department.deptid,department.departmentname,salary from department,works where
works.deptid=department.deptid and salary=(select min(salary) from department,works where
12.Find those Departments whose employees earn a higher salary, on average, than the average
salary at Finance Department.

Query :
Select distinct department.deptid,department.departmentname,avgsalary.sal from
department,works,(select departmentname,avg(salary) as sal from department,works where
department.deptid=works.deptid and departmentname!='Finance' group by departmentname)
avgsalary where works.deptid=department.deptid and
department.departmentname=avgsalary.departmentname and
avgsalary.sal>(select avg(salary) from department,works where department.deptid=works.deptid
and departmentname='Finance');

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