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Directions: Write an essay/reflection on the economic impact of

globalization in your life, how does it affect you, your family, community and
our country in general. (Anchor your essay/reflection on your most
meaningful experience and how you had managed to overcome these
experiences with your family).

Globalization has had a profound impact on my life, my family, and my community. It has
made the world a smaller place and has brought people and cultures closer together. It
has also had an impact on the economy, both in terms of opportunities and challenges.

One of the most significant ways globalization has impacted me is in terms of education. I
have had the opportunity to study abroad and to experience different cultures. I have also
been able to take advantage of online learning opportunities that would not have been
available to me otherwise. This has broadened my perspective and has given me a better
understanding of the world.

Globalization has also had an impact on my family. My parents are from different
countries, and we have relatives all over the world. This has made us a very diverse
family, and we have benefited from the opportunities that come with that. We have been
able to learn about different cultures and to experience different things.

Globalization has also had an impact on my community. It has made it a more diverse and
cosmopolitan place. There are more opportunities for people to interact with people from
different cultures and to learn about different things. There are also more challenges, as
different cultures can sometimes clash. But overall, I believe that the benefits of
globalization outweigh the challenges.

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