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The Bishop’s Co-Ed School, Undri.

Class: 6 Date: 08-11-2022
Subject: Physics
Lesson 5 : Light -Part 1

Note: 1. The exercises given below are for practice. Please do not write
them in the Physics notebook.
2. Read the lesson thoroughly.

Q.1. Answer the following

a. Define light.
b. Which are the three kinds of beam of light?
c. What is a rectilinear propagation of light? Give an example.
d. Which are three applications of rectilinear propagation of light?
e. What is the difference between point source amd extended source of light?
f. Why is light not considered a natural source of light?

Q.2 Name the following :

a. natural sources of light

b. Two luminous bodies
c. Two transparent substances
d. Two opaque substances
e. Two translucent substances

Q.3 Draw the following diagrams:

a. A parallel beam of light

b. A divergent beam of light
c. A convergent beam of light

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